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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    What's with the number 3?

    Oh no, I've actually not heard of anyone gaining all their weight back. I'm not saying it isn't possible to either, just haven't ever heard of it. From what I've heard its usually around 10% back. So for me, I'd probably gain back around 15 Lbs or so... but I also think it's controllable too. I've just gone through way too much to let any weight creep back up on me. I happen to think its folks who become too complacent, aren't checking their weight or really just ignoring the gain. That's how I gained up to over 300 Lbs and really I don't see that happening for me.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    What's with the number 3?

    That's so funny you mention fearing the 3rd year. I heard that's the year most sleevers will gain back any weight, statistically.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Love it!!! That dress is very cute and you wear it very well!!!
  4. No, you don't ever give me headaches... so don't think that. I only want you to succeed and feel happy and joyful for how far you have already come!!! Blessings my dear friend! Enjoy your feast! I've noticed that a few times I've broken some stalls by just jumping up my calories for a few days then getting back on plan... has helped a lot.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    How do you reward yourself now?

    I'm constantly rewarding myself! I think this is a really good idea. And yes, this can and SHOULD include simple looks in the mirror and admiring all the hard work. This IS hard work!!! Surgery is very tough, especially the sleeve surgery. It's one of the toughest I'd gone through... not to scare any newbies, but I can also say - I'd do it again in a heartbeat to be living the life I am today. I like the idea of going out and setting up upcoming trips. Let it be a motivator for yourself if you're still trying to lose more weight. Buying yourself nice things that you wouldn't normally do otherwise on a regular basis for getting to a milestone is another good one. I've bought myself so many nice purses and expensive cosmetics or accessories in the last year, you'd think I'm rich or something... nope not that - but pleasantly thick and NOT fat is what I am. And now I have great things to match. Krista, having massages and spa days are a wonderful way to unwind, and if your friends don't "get it" well, it's your money and your time, you should spend it any way you like. It just takes time for our friends to get used to our new routines. If they are used to you going out to eat all the time, and now you're not they're going to think the stars are out of alignment. They'll get used to the new you. I think maybe even it's a little strange to ourselves, so we come here looking for comfort and peace of mind through others going through the same experiences. Know we are ALL doing this. It doesn't make much sense to buy food all the time when we can barely eat half cup's worth... instead I'd rather go and buy me some new goal outfits or whatever accessories to decorate the new me. Or do things to unwind and pamper the new me.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Boob question

    Aww thank you! They're worth the pain if you can get them, I highly recommend them (if you end up needing them of course, because I really did...). The only weird thing is the "swishing". I guess it's supposed to last a few weeks but it's really strange feeling. Like there's bubbles in there or something... LOL!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    6 months!

    You have done AMAZING and you look AMAZING!!!! Congrats Sasi, WHOOOTTT!!!!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Counting Sugar grams instead of Carbs?

    Oh goodness yes... I DID count Sugars (not sugar alcohols mind you) definitely. I liked to keep my total sugars to less than 10g per day. That's not easy to do, but I was able to do it - and it sure worked. Good luck!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Need to refocus so I don't freak out:-)

    I think it's important to remember that being at goal does not equal not watching our weight anymore. If you notice you have gained more than the average few pounds, then you need to get back to what worked for you in your weight loss phase. For me, I'll always do the 60g total carbs and workout sessions and around 1,000 calories total per day and most importantly NO SALT AND NO SUGAR!!!. For me, my losses were as simple as that.Whatever you did to lose all your excess weight and get to goal, that's what you need to get back and do.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Pros vs Cons of emptying band

    I had mine completely emptied about 10 days before surgery. I did not obsess at all about gaining any weight back, because I had already gained it all back anyway. That said, I still ate healthy and even did an extra week of my pre op diet because I was more serious than ever to make my sleeve work. Good luck!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Thanks!!! I'm just getting Lipo's right now. I don't want to spend the money on any lifts until I'm at least a few years out. It will give my skin the chance to snap back as much as it ever will, and will in turn give me the best possible results. I have even postponed my first Lipo appointment. I feel like I want to recover from this surgery more. My first Lipo will now be October 14th being the inner thigh and knees, and my Second will be in November. No rush. I'm actually extremely happy already. Yayyy!!! Oh not to worry, I don't care what anyone thinks... I know its their problem, not mine because I love em!!! And since I'm the one living with them, that's all that matters.
  12. OMGoodness, I'm so sorry sweetie I didn't see that you were going through Ramadan. (Been kinda high on the Vicadin and muscles relaxers!!! But I've stopped since yesterday) I'm positive that is the reason you're experiencing a stall. When is Ramadan over? I'm sure once you are able to get back to your normal routines that you will start losing once again. *hugs*
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Boob question

    Hi Sarah!! Today is my 5th day post op. Here are my photos. Scroll up a bit and see me the day after too. I love em!!! http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/topic/21967-my-plastics-journey-my-first-one-of-several/page__view__findpost__p__200746
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Hello everyone! Thanks so much for all your support. I know many probably think I did too much or whatever but I really don't even care. I say, it's my body!!! I'm just back to the size I was as a 330 Lbs girl... except now they are on a Size Small girl. Heehee (The gray top I'm wearing here is a Size Small) I love em and can't say how happy I am on the outcome. Especially since I didn't do any kind of lift or reconstruction!!! These are all simple implants. Everyone here has been positive and supportive, so THANK YOU!!! I just feel like everyone should only do what makes them happy. Here are a few photos of me at 5th day out. They are softening up a lot and the swelling reduces a little more every day. Looking forward to the rest of my procedures!!! Whooott!! (Photos Removed - if you are interested in seeing them they are in my "friends only" gallery photo album)
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Thank you cutie pie! The surgery time was less than one hour, but total time including prep and discharge was around 5 hours. I feel really good and every day of course gets better. I do need to take some muscle relaxers because my chest will start to spasm and hurt. Totally normal though, and a part of going through the process of healing. It's a very easy surgery in comparison to all the others I've gone through. I was a 34B+ before surgery and now I'm a DD. I'm wearing 38's but because of the swelling! It will go back down again once I'm fully healed. Wow.. a 34DD sounds cute. Can't wait! I'm not "allowed" to go to Victoria's Secret yet though, per my nurse. Gotta wait 6 weeks... LOL
  16. LilMissDiva Irene


    Heyaaa skinny!!! Looking mahvelous as always!!! Congrats on your Sleeve-aversary, you've certainly WORKED IT OUT!!!!!
  17. Btw Loooou you are welcome to express anything you wish here and in any manner, so long as it's not including profanity. This weight loss thing is NOT EASY. You have every right to ask for assistance when something doesn't seem right. Not everyone loses great with super low carbs. In reality, you should be getting higher fat content when doing super low carbs. Not excessively fat of course, but your body is burning fat for fuel... so you need to feed it. No one ever knows the exact science of every single body. We are like all the stars in the sky, we twinkle like each other, but we are all made differently. You may need to eat more carbohydrates. I find that being someone who is more heightened whereas working out is concerned, I don't do very well on tightly kept carbs. I eat around 60g per day total and my body is very content with that. Everyone will lose at different paces. Just try to be patient, and as it does sound like you are experiencing a true stall, you only need to shake things up a bit to get the weight to come off again. Hugs my friend, you'll figure it out!!!
  18. I guess I'm just in a place where I'm completely happy with who I am now and who I have become. If I don't lose a single more pound, I can really really say I'm ok with this. I don't care that I still weigh in the 170's or 180's or where ever I am on any particular day. My body might just like it here, and I can tell you, I'm extremely healthy and happy - and when it comes down to it, for me, that is all I have ever wanted. I will never allow the scale to dictate how I feel about me or how far I've come. I've LOST 150 LBS!!! I'm down almost 85 inches all over my whole body. I no longer suffer from High Blood Pressure or Low Self Esteem. The scale does not wake me up in the morning, and it does not tuck me into bed at night. It doesn't feed me Soup when I'm sick, it doesn't tell me I look beautiful "just because". It doesn't hold my hand when I'm walking or hold me tight when I'm having a bad day. The scale is nothing but an inanimate object... so why am I giving it so much credence on how well I'm doing to change my life??? It is SIMPLY a measuring tool, like the way my clothes fit, or the tape measure or whatever. However that sum does not equal all the parts. Again.. I will NOT ALLOW THE SCALE TO DICTATE HOW I FEEL ABOUT MYSELF!!!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Thanks everyone! It sure is worth all the pain... LOL I will be complete after that. I couldn't care less if I lost anymore weight or whatever to be honest. If I do, I do... If I don't then I don't. I think I look great just the way I am and I am healthier than I've ever been. I'm also HAPPIER than I've ever been too!! I am still going to work on getting the body fat down, but that doesn't mean I'll actually lose weight either. Candace, I'm having my inner thighs and knees done on Sept. 24th... Then I'm having my saddle bags and waist done on Oct. 14th. Whoohoooo can't wait!!!
  20. What a great morning!! I was really hoping to break into the 170's before my surgery on Thursday... well I beat that by 4 days!! WHOOTT!! AND... From my highest weight ever, I'm down a total of 150.2 LBS!!!!!! WOW!!!!!!!! I never did imagine I'd be right here where I am right now. In only 8.2 more Lbs I'll have lost 100 Lbs total from my sleeve date. Great things continue to happen, while working the sleeve!! It's wonders are boundless!!!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    This morning I've lost 150 LBS!!!

    You all are so awesome and so kind. Thanks again and again for always making all of this worth while because sometimes it is really really difficult to want to keep going. It's not fabulous 100% of the time - but those low times always build back up to the highs. NEVER FORGET THAT!! Xoxo
  22. More like this... :blink: or B) heehee!!!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Labor Day - WHAT WILL YOU WEIGH???

    I know! It's ok, I really don't mind it at all. It would still be nice to still see me lose all this by Labor Day, but it not it's still ok. Hugs and thanks for always being so kind!!! We really need to meet up someday!!! Nichelle, I love Halloween too! We are coming up to the time of year where I ALWAYS put on weight. Last year was the first time I can ever remember not putting on any and actually losing. I did notice my losses were not as good as they could've been, but that's fine too. I can truly say I'm very happy with me!!! Good luck in the challenges to come, but really you've already done outstanding!!!
  24. Thanks so much for your support!! You WILL do anything you set your mind too. I never wanted to get skinny, and I'm very healthy and happy with where I am. I won't stop doing what I'm doing so if I lose more great, if not... well great too... :-) All I know is I'm worlds better today than even one year ago. Hang on!!! Hugs :))

  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    10 Months Post-Op

    That my friend is so totally awesome!!! You look amazing, thin, happy, healthy and beautiful!!! You always did look beautiful though, so don't think otherwise. *hugs*

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