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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. Yay!!! My 2 Week Post Opt Appt. went good. Surgeon says the tatas are looking great and he gave me some massages to do. I have graduated from the Dr's. sports bra to any bra I want... minus the underwire push up ones. Yippeee!!!!

  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    What's your favorite under 100 calorie snack?

    I just found these... and wow!!! Kicks the hunger and these are really really good.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene


    Oh wow... well if anything it has sparked my interest! I'm going to give these a try... THANKS!!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hi meggs, I'm truly sorry you feel like you were being chastised. I personally didn't see any chastising, but perception is reality to each person. I'll tell you what I went through, and maybe you can take that as some advice and apply it to your own cause, or perhaps not. It's your journey and you should take whatever road you choose. Just remember, Oz is only found on one... so choose wisely. I was 2 months post op and was only on solid foods for a few weeks. I chose to eat a bowl of Cereal with real milk. I hadn't really even tried cold hard dairies like this yet, but I guess I wanted some so bad I didn't think about any consequences at the time. You know, this is a classic response from someone who is a food addict. Act now, think later... and perhaps suffer! That I did. I got the worst case of lactose intolerance and high blood sugar I think I've gotten to date. I was up sick all night long, worst stomach cramps, on the toilet, retching, sweating, heart pounding, dizzying effect ever. I can tell you this, it scared the **** outta me and I haven't had one single bowl of cereal since. I didn't ask for advice prior to, and yes I'd seen around that folks could get lactose intolerance but I guess I just didn't care or ignored the advice. I paid for it big time. Knowing milk made me sick, I didn't even want to consider what real ice cream would do to me!! Ice Cream would even make me sick sometime Pre-Opt... forget Post-Opt. Over time of not eating these foods, I began to realize that I didn't need these foods anyway. These were the foods that got me to over 300 Lbs, and needing to lose a grown human male's worth of pounds. I had a long journey that lay ahead, and I've already traveled a million miles to get where I was even then. I just found better, healthier alternatives to give in to the cravings I would have. I can have Yoplait Light Yogurt. Many don't like it because it's too sweet, but I love it. It's a better choice. I think the number one enemy to myself was always SUGAR. Sugar was my frenemy. It soothed me, made me happy, triggered all the responses in my brain that an addict gets when feeding that addiction. But, in return what would it really do for me? It made me Super Morbidly Obese, miserable, wearing clothes the size of circus tents, I looked terrible and I was extremely UNHEALTHY... both physically and mentally. Not everyone realizes this the second they have surgery. I sure didn't. It took me a few rounds of crazy sugar dumping to learn to cut the ties from it. Now, I look on every single label of every single thing I put in my mouth to see how much sugar is in it. My results for this diligence is me getting to all my goals, feeling great, healthy, having more energy than I have ever had in my life, being HAPPY and but best of all, being freed of the PRISON of FAT I was living in for decades. All the best to you, and your decisions from here on. ETA: I would also like to point out that our stomach heal quickly. I wouldn't dare eat some of the things I eat now at 2 weeks out. I'm glad I've chose to make better choices out in the beginning, because I can certainly eat much more now than in the beginning.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    How Soon Out Did You Start Exercising?

    I began walking the same day of surgery. Every single day I did my very best to do more and more... even if that meant I only took an additional few steps. I think it's important part of your recovery, but I also think it's even more so important to heal and recover before trying to get too far back into working out. Believe me, I'm a workout freak too... I always have been. Yes, even when I was over 300 Lbs. That said, it took me an entire 4 MONTHS to get fully back on track!! I was really fatigued a lot and for a long time. No amount of working out helped this, I just needed to allow time to pass and to continue recovery the best way I could. Eventually the more time between me and surgery the better I felt. In time I started doing more than I ever could! I'm a runner now and before my last PS I could continuously run for up to an hour no problem. Just do what you can, and try to push yourself only a little bit every day. Doing the exercise bike is great. Just do what you can for now, perhaps watch your favorite TV show while doing it and it won't be so boring that way. Eventually you will be more athletic than ever!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Would you sleeve again?

    Absolutely, positively, without a doubt... YES!!!!!!!!! However, and I beg you to take note that if you'd have asked me within the first few days or around there I would've told you no... LOL!! The first month is very very tough. I don't think many go into this really realizing that. But, it is. I'm a year out now, and so many things have gone well for me. So, there's no guessing on that one. I'd do it again today if I had to.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Pics from top weight to now!

    AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME!! You look happy and healthy!! That's what it's all about...
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    What's your favorite under 100 calorie snack?

    String cheese TSP of PB (Chunky!) 1/2 serving of all kinds of nuts... esp. peanuts or almonds (very filling) Greek Yogurt (I prefer Fage 2%) It's more than 100 Calories but I don't eat it that often. You'd need to measure out 100 Calories. I just eat the whole serving. Beef Jerky Yoplait Light 6oz Low Sodium Deli Slices, rolled up with Mixed Baby Greens inside. OMG this is so delish!! Can't think of much more right now, but these are my staples...
  9. Hi Ruthiie, thanks for the add! :-) I'm always around to help, let me know if you ever need anything or someone to talk to. This is a tough journey... but it's very doable.

  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    What was the last movie you watched?

    It can be any movie, new old - whtever!!! Please though... try not to give away too much of the movie!! No one likes a spoiler.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    It made me stop and stare

    Hugs my dear friend. I know this is a bit of a bitter sweet NSV for you. I know you'll really do great, either way.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Just a few random thoughts...

    Good times! We're glad to have good people here to share their stories with others, so Thank YOU. Every single week will progress to newer and greater discoveries. It's like that funny story everyone tells you that you just don't quite get. You have to have just "been there" to get it. I love my sleeve!!!
  13. WHOOOHOOOOO COOPS!!!!!! I just love ya girlie, and YOU ROCK!!!! You're such an inspirational wonderful person here, and you just keep on fighting and doing your thing. I have so much respect for you and I for one can not wait to hear your screams from across that big pond!!! I just know this, that no matter how fast or how slow we get there, the main goal and focus is to just GET THERE. I've made a million goals along the way, and even though I say I'm at goal I just keep making new ones. Nothing wrong with that either. Perhaps we will hit our goals at the same time... heehee :-D I'll save the awesome GOAL thread for you though. I think I've done enough around here. I just keep doing what I do. BIG BIG HUGS!!!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Oh thanks!! I'll check out Walmart. And your secret is safe here... LMAO!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Hi Daisy! Well, thanks sweetie for your kind comments!! I can tell you this, when I first got out of surgery my entire breasts were completely numb. It was the weirdest thing in the world! I actually remember reaching down to grab them after I woke up and I seen how huge they were. I kinda giggled but they were so dumbed out! The feeling is coming back though. The only spot that doesn't have any feeling back yet is the very top of the breast. My nipps have regained sensation. In fact they are super SUPER hypersensitive. They're even feel painful, like I'm having PMS or something. I see my surgeon on Monday and I'll ask him if that will go away... ugghhh!! HDub, thank you SO much for chiming in. I am also having the headlights shining all day too. It's quite embarrassing so I try to cover up with layers of clothing and shirts that aren't so tight. It does help some, but if you might tell me where I can find the silicone pasties, I'd run out and get some. THANK YOU!!!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Need to lose 10-15 lbs in 7 days....HELP ME

    Is this official knowledge? I mean, did your Surgeon tell you this personally? I'm just curious because this is not something I usually hear about unless its the Pre-Opt diet. If you really do need to lose this weight then my best suggestion would be to do as low of carbs as you can stand it. That really does seem to help folks lose high numbers, especially in the first two weeks. Try looking up Atkins or South Beach. Good luck!!!
  17. I completely understand the financial aspect. It really will be worth it all in the end though. Remember too that you will save money in other areas, such as eating less food, less medical costs... and many other things, so it will likely balance itself out. Especially since, as you mentioned it will get better after tax refunds, etc. That's really only about 6 months from now, and trust me that will go really fast.
  18. Hi Echo, I think there are a great deal many of us who have always put the needs of our loved ones above our own. No, there is really nothing wrong with that... until YOU become affected. By that I mean your health, even mentally. Give your Hubby and children the best gift ever this CHRISTmas... that would be a long, fulfilling life with you. *hugs*
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Six Months Pics 103lbs down

    OOOO WOWOWOWWW!!! :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:
  20. Whatever you do, whenever you do it... always DO YOU!! Never let anyone else mold you into what they want. This time is all about Y. O. U.!!!

  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    How many total inches have you shrunk???

    To Dream: FABULOUS!!!! You're doing really great! LOL!! Your comment took me a little by surprise... I more prefer the inches lost and clothing size approach myself. Wishing you much success on the 6's!! BTW, Dr. Cirangle was my first choice... I just couldn't pay his charges, unfortunately. For you, that's awesome.
  22. Actually, and surprisingly with my busy desk I really didn't come back to too many problems. Of course this doesn't mean you won't! Yes, my co-workers had to pitch in while I was away a little bit but it didn't seem to bother them too much. I did though choose a time where I knew my work ebbed rather than flowed. That might be an option too. And you are right, it's better to take too much time off rather than not enough.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Thanks! I'll check it out... it's so funny because I actually never thought of looking for this info on YouTube...
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Vanity sizes

    Yep this is a cold hard fact!!! Really I should be wearing probably size 14 right now, but alas, I am not. LOL It's fine, I mean, whatever. They also didn't have Size 0, 00, or 000 back in the day either, and I'm thinkin I'll probably never fit those sizes. Matter of fact, the vanity sizing started back in the 70's. Folks like to harp that Marilyn Monroe wore a Size 14... that said, her waist was a 28. In today's so called "real" sizes, that is a size 6. I don't even fit size 6/28... but I'm able to get size 4's on in other clothes. It's a wacky world!!

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