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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    5 Day Pouch Test - have you tried it?

    Oh noooo!!! I will NOT let you do that to yourself!!! Girlie, turn that frown Upside DOWN!! You have accomplished so much, and the only feeling you should have is to feel elation! That said, I totally get what you're saying about the whole graze eating. Hey, no ones perfect - least of all me. But, here's what sets all of us apart from the obese world... we have chosen to DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT! food is addicting. I'm addicted to food. I have to remind myself of this every single morning when I wake up. I literally have to let the first thought in my mind be "I will not eat bad today". That is the promise I make for myself that day. Sometimes I break that promise, but I don't do it on purpose! I just have to forgive myself and make that next meal a good one. I really have never been able to do the 5 day pouch test. The only time I'm ever able to stick to liquids only is when I'm getting cut open and my surgeon threatens my life with it... LOL So what I do is kinda turn it into a game. I've always liked the Slim Fast diet - for years! That was how I lost my first 50 Lbs and kept it off. Well what I'll do is Protein dense (Isopure or unjury chicken Soup) Clear Liquids up until dinner time. Then for dinner I'll have lean protein and some delicious green veggie as my side dish. Then day 2-3 I'll do the Atkins shakes and again, lean protein and green veggies for dinner. Days 4 and 5 I pretty much reintroduce solids back in during the day and maybe substitute one meal with a Protein shake, and dinner being lean (say it with me folks!! LOL) protein and green veggies. I know that's not for everyone but I'm just offering an alternative to the common 5 day pouch test. Here's the ONE thing I believe gets me through it though... I fire up that food logger and make sure I'm adding everything! Those two things combined and I'm always back on track and losing weight again. Good luck to you! You're only a few pounds away from your desired goal... you WILL be there PDQ I know it!! Xoxo
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Life threatning erosion but ready for Sleeve

    Hi mariposa, Well, I did not have and eroded band, but my band simply never liked me. It never gave me proper restirction, even after 2.5 years and 20+ adjustments! It also gave me night GERD and I would wake up choking on my reflux all night long. It was no bueno!! When I started to seriously consider perhaps having the band removed and maybe getting the sleeve or even the RnY, I researched and asked a million questions to lots of people. I was finally convinced that I should just go for it, and I would be happy with my decision. Guess what...??? I AM!!! My sleeve has really saved my life!! I had so many physical issues, some life threatening that today are no longer but a distant memory. High blood pressure, possible future diabetes (it ran in my family and I would get hypo/hyperglycemic sometimes - though I do still if i eat something too high in sugar!) arthritis in my knees where I was SCHEDULED to have 2 seperate knee surgeries - but NEVER NEEDED TO HAVE!!! yayy!! I was so down and perhaps even depressed... but today I'm living the life I'd dreamed about for decades and I'm feeling SKY HIGH!! I know this can be you as well! Hang in there and once you get your surgery, you will be here before you know it. Xoxo
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Was not going to post

    OMGoodness... I"m so sorry to hear that news!! Though, I'm very glad they caught it early... sending you positive thoughts and prayers!! Please keep us updated on how you're doing. *hugs*
  4. LilMissDiva Irene


    EXCELLENT sound advice! Thanks for this...
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Thanks for all of your support!!!

    WHOOTTT!!! Lookin' good! That shade of pink look mahvelous on you!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Thank you ALL so very much. I really can't even begin to express just how much everyone's support here and well wishes mean to me, and to everyone else. We are truly a special bunch!! Hey there juli Yep!! That's what this is all about! Making all of our dreams a reality! Step one, get to a healthy normal size... then if more is needed - GO FOR IT!! Whatever the case may be, at the end of our journies, being completely happy with ourselves is the ultimate goal here. *hugs* I have to say, I've never smiled so much in my life!!! I mean, this coming from someone who often smiled, regardless of what was going on in my world at the time. I'm a generally happy person, but now the confidence and happiness I have for *me* makes me exude this one million times more! I want this for every single one of us! Having WLS is really tough... surgery period is tough - but the results are so worth it!!! All the best to you! You're going to be here too, very very soon! Xoxo
  7. I agree with everyone else, please call your surgeon ASAP. *hugs* and please keep us updated on how everything turns out. Try to think of anything you might have eaten just before and if you can, check your temperature too. These are questions you might be asked when you call.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Face lift picture

    He is the only PS that Dr. Aceves recommends correct? I do believe I will go to him to perform any of my excess skin removals, should I decide to do that when the time comes. Your surgery really came out great, it looks very natural. *hugs*
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Why do you we have to drink so much?

    There seems to be two different scanarios, both polar opposites. Some folks can continue to drink fluids like they could pre-sleeve. Then the other side, which is where I fell into, we could only take the tiniest sips for the longest time. I felt like I was sipping all day long just to get the minimum 64 oz. It was tough! Tough it's very necessary. Both of these results are quite normal. Good luck!
  10. Goood MORNING!! Wow, what a beautiful day ;-) My pain is subsiding a lot and I'm feeling more energetic than I have since my BA. That anesthesia is such a bear to my system. I've also noticed I'm looking slender again in the mirror. The surgery swelling is finally going away too!!! Anywhoo, I start back with logging my food... gotta keep it movin'!!!

  11. Looove your new avatar!! Rock it girlie!! ;-)

  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Thanks darlin'! And just so you know, I have ZERO doubts you will be here too - and way before you think possible. *hugs* Keep me updated!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Breast Loss

    I do believe Maidenform makes an amazing padded bra. Before I got mine done I used theirs and it added me back up to at least a D Cup and lifted them great! Also, Kohl's has some Daisy Fuentes bras that worked miracles too. I'm kinda glad I did use these bras because it's not so darned obvious that I got my boobies re-inflated. Good luck on your next venture!!! I love mine, and I'm sure you'll be super happy!
  14. I feel really good considering. :-) Still in some pain but I can manage! Check out my PS thread in the Reconstructive & Plastic Surgery forums. *hugs* How have you been??? I've missed ya!!!

  15. LilMissDiva Irene


    Congrats Mike!!! I can clearly remember the moment I was able to cross my legs too - and I agree, it's a great feeling!!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Why do you we have to drink so much?

    Remember too that this Fluid rule applies to ALL fluids you're taking in, it's not just meaning Water alone. That said, keeping well hydrated preventatively is much better than getting to the point you are dehydrated. Once you get "thirsty" it's really meaning you are behind the curve. I'm never ever really "thirsty" because I'm pushing around 100-120 oz of water a day, rain or shine. Aside from other mentions on why we should drink more, I'd like to point out that drinking plenty of water or fluids helps with the weight loss too. It helps to avoid water retention, and if you are eating low carb, it will flush out your spent fat stores. All the best to you in your journey!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Am I eating too much??

    Don't stress!! We all have our off days. I'm certainly not immune to that!! I'd just like to point out that it really looks like majority of everything you ate that day is pretty high in sodium. You will most likely notice a bit of a gain on your scale if you decide to weigh in. It will all be Water retention though... My suggestion would be to cut down on the salty foods for a few days and try to flush with as much water as you can stand. Good luck to you!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Thanks for all of your support!!!

    I second that -- and NO its NOT because I'm on the Staff. Best wishes on your continued success!!!!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Potential Side Effects list

    In regards to the getting cold fast theory. I can tell you this, I think my internal thermostat on both sides is screwed up now. I can still get cold extremely fast, and it's really hard for me to heat back up. I'm like this in my office every single day, where they keep the temperature at a mid-70's even. And now that summer has nearly gone, I can also tell you I can get overheated very quickly too. If it's really warm outside, I really can't be out very long as I start to feel like I'm going to have heat stroke. It's the most bizarre thing ever. That said, it really doesn't take much to cool me back off, which is nice. I'd like to add one thing to the list. It is HIGHLY likely that most everyone, depending on how much weight they needed to lose will end up with some kind of skin or fat deposit issues. I don't have a great deal much extra skin, but I do have some - considering I used to weigh 330 Lbs and I've lost 150 Lbs. However I do have some, and perhaps even enough that someday I'd like to have it removed. I'm going to wait a few years before addressing it though. Also, I needed to have my breasts re-inflated (for the ladies) because they seriously flattened out like pancakes and to me were gross!! I've also noticed that I did not lose my weight evenly, so I'm having some body contouring to help balance things out. Good luck with your list! This is a good idea.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Thank you my dear friends!! It's really very hard to believe I've entered the last phase of my journey. However, I will still re-evaluate a few years from now if I want to get the body lifts. I'm even thinking my arms too... but we really want to pay off these past few bills off first. Combined with the sleeve we're owing nearly 20K right now. It's all good, it will work itself out. Like I said too, the longer I wait the more chance my skin has to snap back as much as it ever will. It will be worth it I think. Again, who knows, maybe once I get there I'll just live with the little bit of extra skin I have. I realize I'm extremely lucky that I have such a little amount for as large as I was. We'll see... Not only that, I'm not embarrassed of my skin nor do I try to hide it or anything. The only part of my body I've noticed I actually go out of my way to cover up are my knees and I'm hopeful the body contouring will help with that. My Hubby is happy for me regardless and he loves me just as much today as he did when I was over 300 Lbs. I'm doing all of this for me, so I can feel complete and comfortable in my OWN skin... LOL Raine, you're right! I'm doing all I can using my lower body - and it sure's better than nothing. But I've grown such a love affair with running, it's almost like I'm mourning it's loss... I just have to keep in mind it's not forever!! (Though it sure feels like it)
  21. LilMissDiva Irene


    WHOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOO BIG CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :Banane09: :Banane08: :Banane07: :Banane12: :Banane11: :Banane13: :Banane21: :Banane23: :Banane30:
  22. Yep I do that too! Either that or Breath Savers (SF)... it really helps. It also helps to curb the "I wanna keep eating" feelings too.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Face lift picture

    Hey there! I'm attaching the photo here... Daisy you look lovely!!! Congrats, your procedure came out wonderful!!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Thanks HDub!!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Quick update... I just had my 2 week post op appointment with my surgeon. He said everything is progressing very very good. They look good and not many issues. The only one is that one of my incisions have some inner puckering to it. Other than that they look really good and the scarring is going to be pretty much zero, and since they are only about 1.5 Inches and in the crease of my breasts no one will ever even know they are there. The only people who will see it on a regular basis will be myself and my husband, and he won't be caring about no scars, trust that!!! LMAO!! Anyway it's not like I'm planning to do any centerfold photos, and even then I don't think anyone would be able to see them, they are so fine and small. Regarding the puckered incision, he said that if it still looks like that after 2 months, he can do local anesthetic and "unpucker" it. So no love lost, it's fixable. Besides, really honestly you can't even see it. I literally have to lift my boob up high to see it. I have been graduated to normal bras now!!! Yayyy!!! The only type of bras I can't wear are the underwire push up types. I have to wait for 2 months post op for those, and believe me - these girls are big enough where I'm not really worried about trying to push them up! They are large and trying to make them look bigger is just not necessary at all. I think its especially noticeable as my waist and my arms are very small in comparison. Kinda like the Dolly Parton look... haahaa!! Yeahhhh!!! I never thought I would aspire to have that type of figure... LOL!! But I do like it very much. I mentioned the pain and was told I would experience some pain probably for the first 6-8 weeks. I did not know that! Oh well, a small price to pay for being happy with my female figure. I love them and a little pain for a few weeks was worth it!! I also asked him how long before I'm able to start running again. I have not been able to lose any weight!! I didn't even realize how much my workout routine helped with my weight loss but I do now. He said I can't even think about it for at least 2 months post op... ugghhh... I guess that's the one thing that upsets me the most. I have to be extremely careful with my foods and intake right now. He just said again, no workouts using the upper body. I've been doing my elliptical but only on my legs, and my stationary bike. I have been walking as well but dang it still doesn't seem enough. That's really my only complaint right now. I think I'm going to sign up for a 5K for around January or February so I can get back on track ASAP. I don't want to let too much time go by before I get back to doing my favorite workout. It is what has gotten me thin and healthy and hit all my goals. I really truly miss it!!! I can also tell a big difference in my mood. I can't wait for the next few months to go by... So, that's me for the time being!! I'm 25% of the way through my 2 months recovery period. I guess it's going pretty fast, considering. I have another follow up set for the 26th...
  25. Really I don't wait all that long BEFORE eating. The Water really leaves my stomach very fast. I don't get any hungrier any faster doing this, and it certainly doesn't stop me from eating less or anything. I usually don't wait any more than say 10-15 minutes. However AFTER eating I wait a minimum of 30 minutes. Good luck on your journey!

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