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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Getting back on track

    I also like nuts/seeds. One half serving is really enough. Such as almonds or peanuts, they are my favorites. Cashews are OK, but that's just my opinion. At night I like to enjoy a tablespoon of chunky Peanut Butter. It takes me a long time to eat it, and it really satisfies my night time munchy cravings I get. I don't imagine it would be a good option to take to work though. Even then, I'll add some sugar free Smuckers strawberry jam. Oh its so good!!! LOL Breadless PB&J can't go wrong! I'm not really sure if snacking is too much of a problem for you, but it can be for myself sometimes, so those are just some tricks I do. Here's another one, I'll have a SF breath mint or a piece of extra gum (I was not told not to have gum)... and the mint flavor and chewing takes the craving away. Best wishes on your recommitment! It's really tough, especially if you've taken a long time off. It can still be done though, that I have no doubt. All this is 90% mental. Somehow you've got to get the mental fortitude to really want it.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene


    YEEEHAWWWW!!! CONGRATS!!!! I knew you'd be here super fast!! And now, you get your giant dancing banana!! :bananahuge:
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    @Sleeve - thanks lady!!! Oh, and I see now I'm going to go kinda bra crazy now... LOL @favored - Awww that's so sweet, thank you!!! Xoxo - I'll settle for being your friend in California... no problem! Anytime you need anything you just let me know.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    First milestone!

    Hey there JimmyJames! Love the name BTW... that's my Dad's name. Anyhow, I just wanted to pop in here and say WOW CONGRATULATIONS!!! You certainly deserve it! Weight loss is so difficult, if it weren't everyone would be skinny. Keep on the right track, and don't worry about the fluctuations. It happens with most of us. It certainly did to me, and well... I'm living proof that doesn't stop someone from becoming who they have always dreamed they'd become. Many blessings, and cheers to the rest of your journey!!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    New to the group

    Hello MsMook, welcome to VST!! I'm a revision patient as well. There's a lot to know, so it would be more helpful if you might give us a little background on your situation. Don't be shy - when it comes to the band there is bound to be someone here who has lived what you're going through, in all kinds of complications scenarios. Ask lots of questions... we are always willing to either lend an ear or help out.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Thanks sooo much!!!! Xoxo A lot has to do with the bra too, and really I think if I would've gotten a lift the boobs wouldn't look so natural. I already had the stretched out skin, so I just filled it up enough to the point where I believe they were before I lost all this weight. Anyway, that bra I'm wearing in the pics is an excellent cleavage giver. My other normal bras I bought, I still have a little bit of a valley, but still doesn't look too bad I don't think. I'm not sure your situation of course, but it's just nice to know that simply because we all lost in the boobs that, it automatically means we have to get our boobs chopped up, lifted and goodness knows whatever else. I highly encourage everyone to seek out a surgeon who's main purpose in life is to make a woman's boobs look phenomenal! That's what I did, and he is excellent at what he does. Ask a million questions and be sure he sees that vision in your head. They will always let you know if it's possible or not - and IMO its ALWAYS possible.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    (Photos Removed - if you are interested in seeing them they are in my "friends only" gallery photo album) Ok folks... here are the one month post op photos. I don't think they'll change much more. My starting bra size was a 34 B/C - today I'm a 36 F (DDD). Those size bras are hard to find!! LOL I've also posted a full body shot to have a comparison photo from before and around December I should have an after shot. November 4th I'll get my first lipo and Nov. 18th I'll get my second. Whoooo!!!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Thanks Ladies!!!! I really appreciate your kind comments! Yolanda, I agree - my waist is small, and the reason behind the sculpting in these areas is actually to make my hips / bum look even bigger. I'm really going after that hourglass shape, and more than that I'll be able to fit my pants better. I've always been more of a pear, and my pants always seem to fit fine everywhere but be tight in the thighs.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene


    These are always the BEST NSV's!!!! Congrats to you!! The sleeve is such a wonderful tool!!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    GOAL JEANS!! Size 8...Yeah Baby!!

    YAHOOOO!!!!!!!!! I bet you look HAWTTT!!!!
  11. Heya Suggah!! :-) How are you?

  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    WoRk It BaBy!!!

    Yeah work it!! You ARE a cutie pie! And wow I can really see a difference in a major way already!!! Good job!!! As for me and my workout, right now I can't sprinkle in my running that I oh so love. I have to settle for walking. Due to this I don't feel like I burn enough calories, so I have given myself a challenge to walk/or cycle 300 miles by Halloween. That's still not that much, and so far I've already got in 41 Miles. No, I haven't updated my ticker - I do that only once a day and I plan to do some in the early AM tomorrow. So really this is what I'm doing, give or take something here and there. And its usually more than what I'll say I'll do... but that's just because I'm a workout nut. Sunday: Cycling 10 Miles Monday: OFF DAY (however I still walked 3 Miles) Tuesday: Walking/Elliptical 5 Miles Wednesday: Walking/Elliptical 5 Miles Thursday: Walking/Elliptical 5 Miles Friday: Walking 2.5 Miles and Cycling 7.5 Miles Saturday: Cycling 10 Miles Good luck to you! The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    HELLO WORLD!! Well I had my one month post op check up. My surgeon is very pleased with my outcome so far. He said they have dropped most excellently and they're looking great. My incisions ARE healing great, and the "inverted puckering" incision on my left breast has decreased a great deal, so its flattened over time. Yayy!! So I won't need any kind of incision line touch up. I'm SO GLAD! He gave me a few new massages to do daily, and told me to keep up with my Vitamin E pills. He said we'll talk about me decreasing them next time I come in and if everything is looking smooth. So far so good!! However, the best news of the day is... I have GRADUATED TO ALL BRAS NOW!!! YEAHHH BUDDYYY!!! So what do you think the first thing I did was? Oh yep, I ran to Kohl's and bought me 3 new bras. I'm a solid 36DDD. Here's the funny part, I bought 2 minimizer bras. It was the only bra I could find that came in DDD there. It's ok, they will be my work bras, I'm not trying to look burlesque there. They're actually very comfortable and extremely supportive. These girls are heavy!! LOL!! Though I like the idea of them so if I don't want to minimize them, I got em. They are very hot, I can't lie. I love em. I also bought one sexy bra, but I had to get that a DD. They do puff out of the top a little bit but it's ok... it IS a sexy bra after all!! So... I know I should post some updated photos but I think I'll wait a little longer. I just don't see they look all that much different except my middle swelling is down and they look rather large in comparison to my small waist. But my waist is going to be even smaller after my lipo's due in November - which will be here FAST! It's already October next week. I'll take some pics on Friday... it's my day off. Until then... have a great week!!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    What was I thinking?????

    Long story short, doing these types of diets will get the liver to decrease in size (fatty) and become less slippery as the surgeon needs to hold it out of the way with a tool. PS I'm sure its the idea that now you're not doing the diet of your own volition. I'm like that too! I started a week early and did excellent. When the week came that I was demanded on the diet I found it much more difficult and I felt left out. It's ok - it will really REALLY all be worth it!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Breast Loss

    :lol: :lol: LMAO!!! Now THAT I can vouch for!! Really though, and I'm going to post this in my PS thread but I have gained ALL of my feeling back in my breasts... I'd even say its even more sensitive. So, yes you do lose some at first, but for me it is all back 110% and I'm still healing even.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Oh just typical and my luck

    I'm about 4.5 weeks post op now. The pain is nearly almost gone now and I've regained all the feeling back in my breasts. I was also given the green light to wear all bras now!! Yayyy!!! :-) I did a B-line for some new bras, oh yeah!! So, to answer your question, it seems to be around 4-6 weeks recovery for just a general breast augmentation. I think breast lifts and reconstructives recovery time is longer (not sure what you're planning). Just getting my filled back in has turned out well for me, and my Dr. was quite impressed with my progress today!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    When to buy new clothes

    Shopping is my weakness, and I'd say maybe even my transfer addiction! I love it!! I have so many clothes now I've filled up the whole bedroom closet AND even the guest rooms closet too... LMAO!! Awww my poor hubbies clothes are all in the drawers now... I'm so lucky he loves me!! LOL!! Anyway, I didn't really like waiting, so what I did was I went to my local Goodwill. They have 50% off everything in-store on all Holidays so I took full advantage. I bought clothing from sizes of 14 on down to size 6. I probably bought 40 pair pants for less than 100 bucks - and best of all some were still brand new with tags attached!! Everything fits (or fitted) now and since then I've done some heavy shopping at my favorites Macy's and Nordstrom Rack. I had hundreds of dollars worth of gift certificates for them. What I'm trying to say is (and not really well, thank you) you can still do shopping now and save lots by doing so, shopping smart. You can really find excellent deals if you look around. Like someone else mentioned above, it's nice to "fit" your clothes. It really makes you realize that you ARE losing... HAVE FUN!!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Another Guy getting Sleeved....

    WELCOME!!! It's sure truth that we need more guys around here. Either that or they need to break outta their shells and post a whole lot more! Also, I for one have gotten ill advised comments from others regarding my weight here and there. Not a lot or all the time, but when I did they really hurt me. People really don't think before they speak. Soon enough though, those comments and glares will stop... and be replaced by "WOW YOU'VE LOST SOOO MUCH WEIGHT OMG OMG OMG!!!!! HOW DID YOU DO IT... WOW YOU LOOK FABULOUS I JUST CAN'T BELIEVE IT WOOOOWWWWWW!!!!!!!" LOL!!! These are equally as uncomfortable, at least for me. I really can't wait until the day comes when my being fat was a distant memory and ALL the comments stop. Well wishes on your journey!!! I'm sure you're gonna rockem, sockem regardless!
  19. WOW!!!! :faint: You're doing OUTSTANDING!!! Men... are just darned lucky when it comes to weight loss. Keep up the great losses! You're going to be at goal in no time at all.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Oh just typical and my luck

    (((((COOPS))))) I do and REALLY DO know what you are feeling/going through right now. I have been OOC (out of commission) for over a month now. It SUCKS!!!! I really hate not being able to do my favored workout, and I'm still at LEAST a month out from being able to get back into it. However, I am doing what I CAN do. That is, walking, cycling and using my elliptical without movement of my upper torso. Find workouts that you can do with the opposite of me, using your upper torso. Perhaps you can do some boxing while sitting on a chair, or circling your arms, or flailing them about like a madwoman... I don't know!! But I do understand your feeling like you just HAVE to do something... trust me. You know they even have these exercise machines where you pedal your arms instead of your legs while sitting down. Anything you can do will be helpful to you. I myself have only lost a few pounds since my last surgery because I can't kick it up a notch. I'm thinking I'll be able to finally start losing again during this month's cycle since I can workout harder and longer, just still not using my upper body. It can still be done! Don't lose hope, and certainly try not to get too upset. You'll be just fine, believe it! You won't gain your weight back because you are too inclined not to, just like me. But I'm still trying to work off those 3-4 Lbs I tacked back on, (and mine were on purpose...) LOL!! :-)
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    What was I thinking?????

    Well my dear... it's too late! What's done is done and you can't stop now, you have to keep your liver healthy to aid in an uneventful surgery. That said, I think in the future you will see that what you did was actually excellent thinking. That's 5 Lbs gone forever and 5 Lbs closer to your ultimate goal. My hats off to you, seriously!!! I like hearing motivation above and beyond the call. Yayyy!!!!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Dr. Oz and the 700 pound woman

    Anyone able to find a clip of it? Can you post it here? Thanks!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    I took before pics...

    I always HIGHLY encourage everyone to take before pictures. You will be *very* glad you did once your journey is well under way. The scale isn't always going to say what you want unless you're the luckiest cat on Earth. Even the inches don't always tell the whole story, for they come off very small at best. But when you do comparison photos, you actually see yourself from the onset and coming through your journey you will get lots of smiles. Not only that, having the before shots will ALWAYS remind you of where you never want to be again. All the best!!! This is a must do on the list!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    My progress so far...3 months out

    jnee, girlie look at you!!!! You're looking FABULOUS YOU!!! Big HUGS and CHEERS as you zoom to goals!!! :bolt: Yayyyyy!!!!!!! :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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