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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    GNC or Vitamin Shoppe Suggestions

    It's almost here!!! I know I've been watching ya and waiting... whoohooo!! For me, on the clear liquid phase I drank Isopure. I bought them in the bottles and watered them down, the flavor can be over powering post surgery. My favorite flavors are the grape and orange. Not a big fan of the punch or pineapple. I also had some in the powder form and it was pretty gross, so I don't personally recommend that. For me the best tasting RTD Protein drinks are the Atkins varieties. They are thick and satisfying for me and geesh I even drink them when I have a sweet tooth. It really hits the spot. WalMart sells the 4 packs for about 5 bucks in my area. If you look around for a good deal you might find them for less. If you'd like something thinner, I also like the EAS Carb Advantage drinks too. I get the cases from Sams Club, they have chocolate and vanilla. I'm sure you're going to get tons of suggestions. Good luck! It's sometimes hard to find something you'll like. Do your very best to get your protein in during your healing phase. It will help alleviate the fatigue you might get.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Totally unrelated to VSG - but I have to share!

    How exciting - CONGRATS!!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Ohh ok! Actually I've been wanting to do that for a long time. That will be fun. I'm thinking around next summer.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    THANKS EVERYONE!!! :wub: New update... and big UUGGGHHHH!!! I just bought some new bras this weekend - size 36F (DDD). They fitted the other day, however this morning I wake up and am happy to wear a new one for the first time... and I had to hook it on the last hook already! Wow... I guess I'm back down into the 34's. I admit I did notice I looked smaller in the mirror to me too yesterday, but geesh - needing a smaller size overnight? That's a bit much right there. Oh well, these are gonna have to last awhile. It's still supports really well, and for now that's the most important thing. So, good news out of all of this, my swelling is completely gone now!
  5. Tomorrow I rest... no workouts. Imagine that! :-D

  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Welcome new Members!!!

    Meg, I'm a workout fa-REAK!! I've got a personal challenge going on right now. I'm doing 10 Miles per day (combined, walking, jogging, spinner, elliptical) and 6 days per week. Maybe you can do a self challenge?
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Welcome new Members!!!

    Welcome Ladies!!! Hang in there! The last 30 Lbs can be tough but really are doable. I believe in all of us. I'm positive you all will be there much sooner rather than later.
  8. Heya chica! :) Can only be me! ;o) Let me know when you get your date all situated.

  9. Its the start of a whole new month!! I'm doing super excellent with my workout challenge and since its a new beginning I'm changing my challenge yet again. I'm bumping myself up to a challenge 10 Miles per day 6 days per week. So, by the end of this month - I should have 260 Miles completed. WHOOOO!!

  10. You look great cludgie!! WOWWWW!!! Skinny!!
  11. Hi Krissy, I guess I'm not sure how to answer your poll. Both are risky IMO, being that RnY is far more complicated than the VS. Then again, an operation being performed by someone who is not that experienced in it is rather risky as well. I wouldn't give you my opinion on either. I always go for experience in anything regarding my health and my life. That said, all good surgeons start somewhere. If I were you I'd ask lots of questions and ask him if you could talk to any of his VS patients and see how they are faring. If he has performed a great deal of RnY, then likely he's a good surgeon. Do a background check on him and find out. This surgery does take a little bit of technique. All sleeves are not created equal. Wishing you much success as you sort this out. Remember too, you're the one who has to live with the surgery, so you should ultimately go for what you really want, whatever that may be.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    100 lbs lost and thank you.

    That is really an amazing accomplishment!! I'm so happy for you!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    From: My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    THANKS LADIES!!! @Cass - It's one of the best things I've done for myself! This last few years it's been all about me... and since then I've just been so happy!!! Wishing you much success! @Ruby - Oh yes my hubby loves em!! Heehee!! I did say to myself that if I stayed at least a C I'd just live with em. Sadly, mine did not... I was starting to get into the B's and well, I was just not used to it. I didn't feel good and I felt lopsided. I was so small on top and still felt huge on bottom. I do feel more proportionate now, and looking forward to making myself even more proportionate!! GOOD LUCK TO BOTH OF YOU!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Thank you sooo much!!! Well when if/when you do, you'll be so glad you did!!!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    LOL thanks! These tatas set us back some, but dangit I feel like they were more than worth it. I'd never given the corset any thought but now Im intrigued how that would look! I didn't get the whole cheesecake comment though... :omg_smile:
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Scar care

    I've actually done nothing for mine. I now have 10 incisions strewn about my belly - I guess it just doesn't bother me all that much. For my BA, my surgeon is having me take Vitamin E pills every day to help with the incision healing and to prevent some kind of issues. That coupled with some Neosporin ointment after showering. My incisions on that are really healing quite well. Better than any incisions I've ever had! I wish I'd known about it before... Good luck to ya!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Ding Dong the Band is GONE!

    Hey hey!!! Congrats!!! How's it goin? I know I had a little bit of a rough time, I hope that isn't the case for you. *hugs*
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    It is what it is

    No worries, I absolutely agree with you 100%. I think everyone really needs to do their homework, this is real LIFE and DEATH here. Ultimately the decision and culpability belongs to the one who made the decision on whom is going to perform their surgery.
  19. Hello TeddyBear!!! Welcome to VST! Yes, you will find tons of information and even more support here. This is like my second home - even though I've been trying to scale back a little bit... All of those concerns you've mentioned are possible, as there are no guarantees - but the incidents of them are very slim. I myself experienced nausea for the first week, and yes I even tossed my Cookies (no not really cookies, but still...) one time in the hospital. It's ok though, because I would do that all over again if I could still live my life as I do today! Wishing you all the very best on your journey and especially in the next few weeks.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    New here

    WELCOME gamo!!!! It quite sounds to me that you are doing really good. Keep hanging in there. I was 283 Lbs at my Pre Op diet, and I can say the weight seemed to just melt away. You will be very pleased with your results come this time next year.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeve & the Holidays

    Hey October Sleevers! Welcome to the new YOU's!!! Your days are soon approaching and your new lives are beginning. You're going to have it going on this time next year!!! I was sleeved on 9/15/10. So my Sleeversary was just before last year's Holidays started. I'm going to be bluntly honest. The Holidays did affect me to an extent. I did allow myself little indulgences here and there and made excuses to do what I wanted. Do I regret it? Not really. I'll tell you why... I did not have surgery to become a total food "Nazi". It was the Holidays and I wanted to enjoy it with my family, doing what my family did. Funny thing, I still felt left out in a lot of ways. I was done with my Thanksgiving meal after about 6 bites. My family LOVES TO EAT! They continued eating for hours and I was still full from my few bites of Turkey with gravy, bite of mashed potatoes, bite of this and that. I barely had any room for several bites of my favorite pumpkin Pie... LOL! I also enjoyed my Christmas and New Year's meals as well. I won't lie to you, it probably did slow up my weight loss a little bit. However, here I am still having gotten to my first goal at around 7 months out. I reached my Post Goal goal at around 10 months out. So, as you can see - I still worked it and got all the weight off that I wanted. I stay mostly on track, but I'm not 100% perfect at it. Maybe I was more like 90%. That still got me to where I wanted to be in less than a year. Good luck y'all!!! Stay true, and stay YOU!!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    It is what it is

    Not my Surgeon, nor his staff was anything like that. I would just like to point out, anyone can get shoddy medical attention anywhere. I've certainly gotten that here in the US many many times.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Frustrated-please help me understand

    Your case is a little different. You are in the very classic "3rd Week Stall". For you, the only thing that's going to get it moving again is patience. The 3rd week stall can last anywhere from 2-5 weeks. Mine lasted about 10 days. *hugs*
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Frustrated-please help me understand

    Well maybe I can make a few suggestions, I hope it helps... firstly you answered your first remedy. Try getting some physical activity in, at least 30 minutes per day. This can burn an additional 500 calories to your total. In one week that's an extra pound of loss you wouldn't get otherwise. And second, for me it's not really HOW MUCH I'm eating, its more WHAT I'm eating. I'm carb sensitive to an extent. If I eat more than I should it will slow down my weight loss. Try to keep a log of what your eating every day. Mix it up and try new things. Try to figure out what is keeping you from losing your desired amounts. I'd just like to also point out that remaining positive will keep the stressor hormones down. Be proud of your accomplishments, and try not to seek out the failure mentality that has plagued us for so long. Those days are far behind you. All the best.
  25. Hi there, yes there are some of us sleevers who this happens to. My thresh hold of sugar grams per serving is no more than 15g. That's about a fun size bar of snickers, or one medium sized choc chip cookie. You get the idea, it's a very small serving of "goodies". Some would say this is a bad thing, however I've grown to quite love this about my sleeve. I completely respect it's boundaries. For I know the awful consequences if I were to cross that line, and BTDT I want no part of it what so ever. I was so addicted to sugar before my sleeve, by getting the "soft food syndrome" from my lap band. All that's out the door for me, and forever. I don't miss it. This additional tool, as I put it alongside my workout routines, I believe will keep me from ever gaining any weight back. That's results I can grow to love. Along with the "runs" I also get heart palpitations, cold sweats and when its really bad I get vertigo. It's not good to be like that, and is a serious medical problem. So, sugar is not a part of my life anymore.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
