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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm back

    Hello Chiquita, wow I'm very sorry to hear you're going through so much! However, I'm extremely glad to hear you're not letting this get you to a point where you're not willing to do something about YOU. Right now, that's where your focus should be (and your baby of course!). Please keep us updated on your journey! We are always here with an open ear. You're going to do fantastic, and you will get your life back!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    I live in So Ca

    Hi there, I'm so sorry to hear your insurance is requiring such outrageous pre op hoops! I totally get your frustration. I had to self pay myself since my insurance didn't want to give me a revision. You mentioned Mexicali, so I assume you're talking about Dr. Aceves. He is a wonderful surgeon, very skilled and the hospital and staff he works alongside are simply the best. Last I heard he was charging 8,900 for sleeve only. This was awhile ago though, so hopefully a more recent Aceves sleever can chime in. My travel fees came out to about $600 and we live in Sacramento, so much further than you. We drove the whole way too, since I don't like to fly. LOL Good luck to you!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    1 YEAR post op

    YAYYYYY SARAH!!!!!!!!! Isn't it crazy how fast one year comes up? You've done FANTASTIC and no one, and I mean NO ONE can take that away from you! You look beautiful and yes... HEALTHY!!! I wanted to point out that statement above. I tell folks this same thing all the time. You CANNOT compare yourself to others... you simply can't. Everyone's journey is their own. Just do what you are supposed to and the weight will come off in the way it wants. We have no control over that. Some folks are just darn lucky and it comes off quick... great! And I really mean that, but it's not true for everyone - but this is true: EVERYONE OF US ARE WINNERS!! That is a fact. I'm glad you're not doing that, since you said you were. You are unique and special - and you have done a GREAT JOB! *HUGS*
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    I think I'm a Slow Loser!

    That's right, if you are working out your body needs more fuel to keep it running at tip top. I think as long as you're not doing too many carbs and keeping your totals around 1000 to 1200 a day you're going to drop really well. Also, eating more frequently will help to keep your metabolism moving along too. The biggest hurdle in weight loss I believe is tricking the body from thinking its starving. Good luck!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    I have my psych appt Friday

    Hi Samantha! Long time no see! Well, I totally think that's a great thing to do to try to figure out why you might be sabotaging your weight loss efforts. Big hugs to you and I'm wishing you all the best. I hope you get to the root of the problem! It's so true, you didn't go through the pain of surgery to only get part of the way there.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Husbands losing weight

    Well, if there's one reason in this world to wish I was a man, that would be the ONLY reason! It's true they lose weight quite easily and fast. My husband did a month of low carbs with me a few months ago and in less than a week his whole midsection was completely gone. *sigh* I guess what I'm saying here is, you are not alone!!
  7. Always do YOU! It is OKAY to be proud of all your accomplishments - if anyone doesn't like it... don't let them intimidate you into thinking you shouldn't. Be happy, Be proud and BE YOURSELF!!

  8. Hi Ninergirl! Thanks for the add... and for the record I'm a HUGE Niners fan too!! Whooott!! And Giants too. :-) Keep me updated on how you're doing!

  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Wishes 1 Month Surgiversary!

    Has it been a month already? Congrats!! You're doing exceptionally well and rockin that sleeve thing out! Keep up the good work, you're gonna hit all your goals and fast. And hey, cheers on the milage goal! Now that I'm not actively trying to lose more, I'm setting myself goals that are just keeping me moving. Peace!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    This day ROCKS because....

    That is great, CONGRATS!!! Next step is the SLEEVE!!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Overdue encouragement post

    OH yeah!!! How true it is!!! I do love my sleeve, for that is also true.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    How do you choose a "goal weight"?

    [quote name=Lisa ' timestamp='1317502127' post='214154] My surgeon asked me what my goal weight was and I told her I refuse to have one!!! I told her that I just wanted to be healthy and to feel comfortable in my body. I have spent too many years of my life allowing the number on the scale to define how I felt about myself. Now it's more about doing the things I want to do...and being around for my kids and my partner!!! But if I had to use numbers then I would definitely use body fat %, not BMI and not weight. ^ ^ ^ This post is exactly right for me. As a matter of fact, I want to get down to 29% Body Fat (I'm about 34% right now). I DO NOT want to lose one more inch on top! I lost so much weight up there I had to have plastic surgery just to feel more proportionate. I am not actively trying to lose anymore weight what so ever. Here's the thing... I'm 5'7 and weigh 179 Lbs. I believe my BMI scale puts me at around 28.5. Are you kidding me? So I still need to lose another 30 Lbs? Just to be in the high end of the BMI scale even??? Um, no - not now not ever. I did not sign up to look like a bag of bones!! I love my curves and have zero desire to lose them (more than I already have) I am able to get size 4's on for goodness sake!!! I'm having liposuction to remove the rest of the fat I have on my body in the areas of my choice. Once I do that, I'll be able to fit those Size 4's perfectly (they are always tight in the thighs). I'm good from here. So... picking a "weight" goal is great - but IMO go up instead of picking a goal that is far below. Keep in mind too that majority of us will end up with some kind of residual fat (we lose weight, but never lose fat cells - they simply shrink). We will also end up with excess skin. All this weighs quite a bit. Good luck!!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Tortoise and the Hare

    This is an excellent post. Thank you for reminding all of us that it is OKAY to lose a little bit slower... though in my personal opinion you really aren't losing that much slow at all. Stay the course and you will get to goal. There is no way you won't!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Breast Loss

    Wear a sports bra (not the minimizer type or super support- just normal support) with the cutlet inside, then size yourself to find out what bra size you are after. :-) Maidenform also makes great lifting bras, I'm not kidding. I had the wrinkly boobs too before I got mine fixed. They will pump them up at least 2 sizes and you can't even tell.
  15. Wow work is super busy! Not a lot of time left over for VST. :-)

  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Fat Pads

    It doesn't hurt to do spot toning! I do it too, but I think a lot of it has to do with luck. I do a lot of arm exercises and my arms came out really good. I also do spot workouts on my thighs but no luck there... So, keep doing what you're doing, it just may help some or enough that you will be good to go without the extra surgery. *hugs*
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hi, New here

    Great news!! Its totally normal to get excited and nervous... I know I was. It has certainly all been worth it though!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hi, New here

    Hi Christina and :welcome: !! Good luck on your pre op diet! Those are so tough, but remember, and weight you lose now are Lbs you won't have to battle after surgery. That is fabulous regarding your father, I bet you are so proud of his success! Congrats to you BOTH for doing what needed to be done to battle the obesity. I wish all of us that CAN do it, WOULD do it! Please do always chime in, ask questions and keep us updated on how you're progressing. Let us know when you get a date set in stone!!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Swallowing Air?

    Hello Felicia! To be honest this is really the first time I've ever heard of anyone getting an air bubble trapped in her sleeve. I've been around a long time too - and in the lap band community as well. I'm definitely NOT saying it can't happen, all I'm saying is it doesn't appear to be very common. I use a straw every single day, in fact was given use of them during my hospital stay after my sleeve surgery. I never once had an issue of any kind with them. That said, this seems to be a big debate for all types of WLS. Always follow your surgeons advice when doing anything, of course. The very best way to eat, and especially close after surgery is to take minute bites or sips. You won't know how your new sleeve will react the first time you try anything. In fact, you can sometimes try something one day and your sleeve won't like it the next. Every single meal is a new challenge. Also on the flip side, if your sleeve doesn't agree with something the first time, give it another week and try it again. Chances are good you will be fine the next time around. It is an excellent idea to start learning how to eat like a sleever and practice. Never hurts... One last thing, as with any major surgery you might want to expect some pain to some degree. You will likely feel tired and it will be a bit difficult to sip your fluids, and it will also be tough to transition to solid foods. Just take your time and make the most of it. The first three months will be the time where you will lose the most weight, so the struggling is a great trade off! All the best to you!!!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene


    Hello tee, welcome to VST!! I am a past revision from over a year ago now. I am so blessed to have this second chance!!! You will be as well, I'm very sure of that. To answer your questions, yes - it is very possible you may need to have two surgeries. It is for your best interest and safest to do so if needed. I didn't need to do two seperate surgeries, and I'm very glad for that. However, if i did, I certainly would do it. I don't believe they can see scar tissue during a barium swallow, though I'm not exactly sure. I would imagine that there could be some tell tale signs of it but to actually see it I believe they would need to do a scope, or to simply find it upon surgery. Good luck to you!!! Keep us updated on how you're doing.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Fat Pads

    I totally agree with this! That is why I've chosen to start the lipo route. I know I don't want to lose much more anywhere else as I feel excessively thin in some areas, so on the ones I'd like to lose more, I'm having them removed. I really don't feel the need to lose more weight for myself. Good luck to all! I wish there was a perfect way to lose weight! It's especially difficult the more we have to lose.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    GNC or Vitamin Shoppe Suggestions

    You are too sweet!!!
  23. FYI, I also have some of those protein shots too left over. I'll send you a box if you cover shipping. I know I won't use them and better than them just collecting dust. Let me know! Send me a PM if you're interested.

  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    GNC or Vitamin Shoppe Suggestions

    Awww that is so sweet of your daughters! The support will be priceless, this is a tough journey. You will truly appreciate everyone who is there for you. Just my personal opinion but Vitamin Shoppe has WAY more varieties than GNC (though I'm not sure if they have the Atkins shakes, I get mine from Wally World). Talk to the clerks in the store and don't be shy to explain your situation. I did and the clerk didn't bat a lash. She helped me right away and gave lots of good suggestions. I go there for all of my nutritional needs, except I do get some vitamins/minerals from GNC when they're having a sale and I'm needing something. Funny thing though, all the GNC's I've ever gone to never had the Calcium CITRATE. I get huge tubs of them from Vitamin Shoppe... but they are quite large and couldn't take them until about 3 months out. I had to take the lozenges from Bariatric Advantage, and yuck... those get old quick and I still have a ton of them left!!! Vitamin Shoppe seems to have the Buy one Get one half off deals on their brand name vitamins/etc. quite often, and that's when I really stock up.
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hit my 9 Month Goal!!!

    Wow!!! You're doing sooo fantastic!!! You will definitely be in ONEderland very very soon! *hugs*

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
