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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. Nausea is very normal. I had it too... it will pass in time. Just do the best you can! You'll see your way through it.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    I ate a cheeseburger and I like it!!!! 3 weeks out

    I'm over a year out and I can eat a quarter pounder w/cheese. I take off the top bun (bigger bun) and cut the rest in half and use the bottom bun. No lettuce, no tomato or any kind of toppings and maybe a few fries. It takes me awhile to get it down (probably 45 Mins to an hour), but really we aren't supposed to eat like that - its considered cheating the sleeve. I'm in maintenance so it's not a big deal. I like them too, so I have one if I feel like it. I've probably only had a few... but still. I've eaten other burgers like this too. Another thing, there's no way I could eat that at 3 weeks out. I was having a hard time with mushies still. But if someone is still healing from surgery or in weight loss mode - this isn't a good choice at all. I wasn't always perfect though, just main thing to remember is that as long as you get back on track right away anyone can overcome it, nor will much of your efforts be sabotaged.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Official Ongoing Gastric Sleeve Maintenance Thread

    Thanks!!! Though I did lose around 50 pre op, getting to my goal was all from the sleeve and a little hard work. Anyone can lose any amount of weight they want with the sleeve. Heck, there's many folks here who've lost far more with it than I did!! Telling others about it is a great idea. I do all the time and I've gotten a few to go this route instead of the bypass. The sole reason of "I have so much weight to lose" should not be a reason to pick one over the other. There are some good reasons mind you to pick the bypass over the sleeve, but those reasons aren't that many IMO.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Official Ongoing Gastric Sleeve Maintenance Thread

    Of course... I just want you to know I deal with a lot of the same demons, and you are not alone. Hugs and thank you for being so open and honest. I know you'll figure it out, and the rest of us who deal with the same will also figure it out. For me, its a daily struggle but I'm able to do the right thing most of the time. My brain often tricks me as well. Like, I won't want to eat a good healthy bowl of oatmeal because I'm automatically seeing a big red sign in my head saying "Full of Carbs!!!" yet, I'll indulge in some chips without even thinking about it. Strange huh? I have to literally go out of my way to avoid junk food. *sigh* However, I've been a really good girl for the last week and I'm finally dropping my PS swelling and hopefully more weight now.
  5. NSV's!! Even tho Im not trying to lose, these still make me :)) - Im wearing a belt I havent in a long time and wow, I had to tighten it at least 2" smaller! Also been getting lots of the "are you losing more weight?" q's lately and its been awhile before that. Yayy!!

  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Foods that make you FULL

    Many veggies fill me right up quick and the good thing is they are chock full of vitamins and fiber! Broccoli, cauliflower and aspargus are REALLY filling. Cheese is also a good one. I can eat an ounce of it and feel content for a good long time. It's a really good snack. Good luck!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Official Ongoing Gastric Sleeve Maintenance Thread

    Nanna, I do notice a big difference when I forget to take my supplements. It is a big deal for us sleevers. How are your B-12's? Its hard for our stomachs to process the B-12s from our food naturally. Maybe you should see your PCP and get a full blood panel to see if you're lacking anything. I still feel great during my workouts. It also depends when I'm doing them too. First thing in the morning and I'm full of energy (right after my coffee and B-12's) but later at night after I've been at work all day and my workouts are at only 50%. Good luck! It still sounds like you're doing really well for being at goal for over a year! It's best to get it in check now rather than later though, if you were happier 10 Lbs lighter.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Protein Stuff

    Ok then send it all... I will PM you.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeve size changing??

    Yep, my sleeve can be fickle too. She's very moody. I can literally not even eat until noon. I force myself too though, I know how important breakfast is, even if its just a Protein shake. That seriously will get me all the way until lunch. No hunger pangs, no hollow feeling and not even the desire to eat food. I was never like this before my sleeve! I feel tighter in the early morning, and that might be the reason why I'm not as ready to eat. I can eat a good size lunch but dinners are pretty small though. Noon is the time when my sleeve likes to eat the most. The guys won't be affected by this either, but I notice I'm not able to eat as much during my Pds. But... my cravings are sky high, so it's kinda a good thing I guess.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Protein Stuff

    I'll take the unjury if you still have it.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleep Apnea Cured

    That is GREAT!!! And this is also what all this is really about. Freedom from obesity and all the bad health it brings. Thank you for sharing this joy!
  12. Mmmm thank goodness for sugar free candies!! Major sweet tooth and it's helping curb the binge. ;o)

  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    BAAAAAAAAAD Week!! :-(

    Haha!!! I know this is right! @Sunny702, Hey, there's a reason for everything - and everyONE. One thing is true, the right one will replace the seat left by your boyfriend. Maybe he's a chubby chaser...??? LOL I'm glad to hear youre not letting that stray you anymore and getting back on track. You'll show him!!! I just want to add that I don't think most folks really pay attention to HOW much sugar they are consuming. Two tiny squares is 20g sugar??? Wow... and how many people REALLY only eat one serving? I know back in the day, I'd eat far more than one serving. Good luck to you!! Oh and very EXCELLENT on continuing your education!
  14. Hi there, I just wanted to tell you I completely empathize with you. I was there too, once upon a time. I was pushing size 30W and 4X tops. I couldn't shop anywhere except for the boutiques that specialized in very large clothing. I couldn't even shop at WalMart or Target!! They didn't even make clothes that large for me. I want you to know, that by taking this step to better yourself and getting the sleeve, and with some hard work you WILL GET HERE! Today I'm wearing sizes 6-8 and some 10's and small or medium tops. I even have some XSmalls!! I can put on some 4's but are too tight in the thighs. DON'T beat yourself up!!! You are beautiful, no matter what. You are also strong and willing to do something about it, and THAT is the most important lesson of all of this. Soon you will be on the losers bench right alongside all of us and you will be excited to share your new outfits and let us all know every time you fit into smaller sizes. Heck, soon you may even be wearing your daughter's clothes!!! Be blessed, and be proud! *hugs*
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Achieved my Ultimate NSV

    WHOOOHOOOO!!!! CONGRATS!!!! That's a HUGE milestone!!! Best wishes on your Marathon!!! :success1:
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    I made my goal!

    WOW GREAT JOB!!!!! You look great!! Congrats on making your goal! No matter how long it takes, all that really matters is that you make it. *hugs*
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    down over 50lbs. in less than 9 weeks...

    Hi Cutie Pie! I'm so glad to hear that through it all you are remaining strong and strong willed. You're definitely going to continue to rock your sleeve and get to goal... no doubt about it! You look fantastic!! Whootttt!!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    When did you buy new bras?? - Ladies

    I've always been sure to wear the right size bras. Its really important, and has helped me over the years to avoid droopy breasts. I think this has helped a lot with my not needing any type of reconstructive surgery and just having the breast augmentation was enough. To properly fit your bra, you first measure around your ribcage, right underneath the crease of your breasts. Last time I measured it was 35". Then you measure your bust all the way around to the largest point. This was 41" for me. So that is a 6" difference, so then you count up 6 cup sizes. That would mean I would fit anywhere from 34 or a 36 F (DDD). I ALWAYS try on my bras before buying them. It takes me awhile to shop for the right bra, but knowing they are comfortable and supportive before leaving the store means I don't mind spending a little bit more on the bra. I'm also always looking for deals and getting additional off at the register with coupons or whatever. *Important to note also, your strap should be comfortably clipped on the middle hook. Also, the majority of support comes from the sides of the band and cups, not so much relying on the shoulder straps. The cups should be flush against your chest as well. I will buy new bras once the cup gets too large or the straps. This happened several times over my weight loss months. I would only buy 2 at a time too though. Its easy to find the B1G1 1/2 Off deals. As a matter off fact, I bought recently around 6 new bras and now they're already needing to be clipped on the smallest hook!! They are 36's though, so from now on I need to go down to the 34's. I won't buy any new ones though until it's much too large around the band area. I hope this helps!!! BTW: the only reason I know how to fit bras is I used to work at JCPenney's in the intimate apparel department many moons ago, and even Lane Bryant's. But I already knew how to fit a bra then.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Eating Out - Embarrasing???

    The only really weird situation I was in was the day after I got out of the hospital. We went to restaurant and I had to order beef broth. The waiter was so nice about it. I shared with him I just had stomach surgery and that's all I could have for the next week. He was very pleasant and he even brought me some fresh broth once the one I had got cold. Maybe its not the other person and really its us? I know I'm used to being judged all the time, but I'm trying to let that persona go. I can't always go around thinking anyone means any harm, rather than just geniune concern. The servers are used to the same routine day in and day out. Of course they are going to notice a subtle difference in someone's eating pattern. It just makes sense.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    1st Sucess

    That is FANTASTIC!!! Yayyyy and the sleeve rocks!!!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Official Ongoing Gastric Sleeve Maintenance Thread

    Thank you all for this wonderful advice and input! I looove peanut butter! I haven't been able to transition to the natural though. I just love my good ole tbsp of Skippy super chunk. I sometimes think that snack makes me lose weight at night... LOL I gained a good 10 lbs with my breast augmentation. Most is the weight of the implants and the swelling / IV fluids - but I know I did gain a little fat back too. I wasn't able to do any kind of workouts for almost a whole month. That coupled with boredom being home with nothing to do, so I was snacking way too much. On some not so desireable things too! I'd say I gained back maybe 3-4 Lbs of fat!! :-( I've always used my workouts as the buffer to prevent weight regain. Thank goodness I'm able to workout again, and for the last week I've cut out all sugar and salt and I've already got all that I gained back off... yay! I think from now on I'll leave all real candy alone and real ice cream. I tried ice cream one time (was scared for the longest because I became lactose intolerant). But I think it really scared me a lot to know how fast that weight came back on. Like you NtvTxn, I still weigh myself first thing in the morning. It is a really good indicator on what I need to do for the day. Now I'd like to work off the added gain from my implants I think. That would really mean more weight loss. I'm not going to be all gung ho about it, but would like to even it back out. I'm hopeful to that I'll have it off by November 2nd, which will be my first liposuction on my thighs. I didn't lose weight evenly unfortunately, and I really REALLY don't want to lose anymore on top. My arms, stomach and chest area are rail thin... but my bottom half still needs to lose! I'm SO glad for my breast augmentation, it has helped to make me look a little more even. My husband says to just do what I do like normal and see how I feel after my liposuctions and when the swelling is down... then judge. I think he's right. So here I am now, somewhere between wanting to maintain and wanting to lose about 4 or so Lbs. I'll just see what happens. I know I'll lose more though since I'm cutting out all sugar and salt. Not carbs though! To all us maintainers... be blessed!!!!
  22. It's Monday! No workouts scheduled for me today. :-(

  23. I'm up!!! Getting ready to tackle that stationary bike and treadmill. Think I'll do the whole 10 Miles now. I want to concentrate on toning tonight. ;o) Have a GREAT DAY everyone!!

  24. Awww you look amazing!!! You have a VERY pretty face... though you always had one. *hugs*
  25. Yumm!!! This whole sleeve thing is the BEST THING IN THE WORLD!! My Mom even made a comment to me, laced with such jealousy... I said I have to eat all kinds of stuff just to stop losing weight... she said, "And you eat whatever the heck you want!!!" LOL!! I know she meant it with the best in mind. It's just really nice. My surgeon has turned me into that kind of person. That said, I know my workouts help with the no weight gains (not since my BA anyway), but I'm very happy with the new me. No complaints!

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