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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Bad Knees???

    You WILL!!! The sleeve saved me in so many ways, and it will do the same for you. You're already in the right mindset with wanting to workout and following the "sleever" diet - you surely will be here too. *hugs*
  2. Follow it up with... "and then what"? and when they ask... "what do you mean"? Say... "so I lose all my excess weight. How do I keep it off"? The simple fact is anyone who is not heavy enough to need WLS will never know what it's like to be one of "us". I'm always going to be a Super Obese person on the inside, because I "get it". They never will. Or you can simply just not respond at all and tell them they just don't understand.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Bad Knees???

    Yes! I have bad arthritis in both knees. So bad I was within weeks of a scheduled first knee surgery when I hurriedly decided to have my sleeve surgery instead. I cancelled my knee surgery and wanted to wait to see what happens with my weight loss. Why? Because it was that I was carrying around so much weight I ended up where I was with my knees!!! I REALLY didn't want to have to deal with only having one usable leg and being as heavy as I was. I was nearly back up to 300 Lbs!!! That probably would have been the most miserable time of my life. Well, here I am today (literally this morning at 4AM getting ready for my workout). My knees are in really good shape and have not yet needed to reschedule my knee surgeries. The arthritis will never go away, but - I have saved hundreds of pounds of pressure on them, and likely years worth of time before really needing them. THANK YOU SLEEVE!!!! I can run a 5K without issue, I can walk, climb stairs, get on my knees and search under the bed, and all sorts of things I now take for granted!
  4. I really don't think you have much to be worried about. 50 revisions is good and since he is well rounded in the sleeve itself, I'd say he is relatively of good experience. My only advice would be to ask him point blank if he's had any major problems with any band to sleeve surgeries. He sounds like he's honest about everything, so I don't think he'd want to with hold any information from you. Good luck!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    WooHoo - Down 110 lbs as of today

    WOW!!!!!!! You're in the CENTURY CLUB!!!! Welcome!!! You're doing fabulous, keep up the good work!
  6. I forgot to tell you, my elbow measured just under 3". So I'm about borderline large frame. I'm glad I know now. Thanks for that info. : )

  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    HELP! I fell asleep at my DESK...

    Definitely agree, it could be the iron as well.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Carb Debate (Friendly)

    Your plan is working! I say don't mess with it. *hugs* I did have to bump mine up slightly because if I went lower my body also stalled. For me the 50g - 60g total or less works perfect.
  9. My body weight is about half pound LESS than the day of my BA!!! Yayyy!!! ALL the swelling and surgery weight is GONE!!! Whoohooo!!! Gee and only took six weeks. ;o) My goal was to be back here before my lipo's... I DID IT!!!

  10. Usually pain in line with an incision is internal adhesions. I get this from a really old surgery and I'm even a decade out. It's not constant though, once in a while. Have you kept tabs on what you ate before these episodes occured? I'm only asking because I get similar symptoms after I eat too much sugar. Even when it's around 20g... for it has to be all at once too. I hope you both find out what the issue is... that's no way to be.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    OMG It moved!!!!

    GREAT NSV!!! There's a first time for everything! Enjoying the ride is all that matters...
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    One year through the trials of hell

    Encore!!! Quite possibly one of the BEST posts I've ever read.
  13. Do or do NOT. There is no try. ~Master Yoda

  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    HELP! I fell asleep at my DESK...

    Some of us (myself included) get this little fun side effect from surgery. I see you are about 3 months out. My advice would be to have your surgeon or primary doctor pull your blood panels. Do a thorough check on all of your Vitamin levels, especially Vit D3 and B12. Even though you are taking your Vitamins daily, our sleeves have a hard time processing some in particular. You may need to be analyzed and given other options of vitamin consumption. Good luck!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeve VS Band

    Yes this is true. I'd originally lost 50 Lbs with my band and I was able to see the port bump. Not to mention the constant pain I was in, in the port area. Me and the band just didn't mesh. The band is now gone, and in place I have a sleeve. I've lost all the weight I've wanted to lose and my life is so much better for it!!! I love love love my sleeve, and wish I'd gotten it first! That said, hindsight is 20/20.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Carb Debate (Friendly)

    During my weight loss phase I did count carbs for the most part. I was one (still am) that exercised quite a bit so I allowed myself double what most everyone else seems to consume. I tried not to go over 60g total carbs per day. I wasn't always perfect and maybe it helped maybe it didn't. I lost on the stair step method where I'd lose weight for a few weeks, then stall for a few weeks. It's perfectly normal to do this, so I never really stressed on it. Everyone's different and every one individual just needs to find the zone where they lose the most / fastest. IMO, there are no right or wrong answers. As long as it's working to its full effect, who cares what anyone else thinks about YOUR diet? Sometimes you have to play around with the numbers, and just when something is working - it will suddenly stop. Then you have to change it up some. Low carbing it is not unhealthy. Some people have medical reasons to eat this way, such as my very own Mother. She is diabetic and she really has to watch all her carbs and sugars. Since working together on this she's been able to lose about 35 lbs. She was never able to do this before... so what's the right answer? Good luck to all, and just remember - everyone's journey is their own. If you follow the basic WLS diet, which is consume your Protein first, then veggies and perhaps a few bites of carbs, you should be ok.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Did you lose your curves??

    Towrd the end of my liquids, I think within a day or so I decided to buy me some egg drop chinese soup. I pureed it as much as I could and it seemed to work out okay. Try that first, because really its still a liquid - just not too thick. I have to tell you, that was the best tasting soup ever!!!
  18. Yay Ellie CONGRATS ON YOUR NEW TUMMY!!! Rest, sip and walk - and heal well!!!
  19. Thanks so much! I'm very interested to see what they say. :) *hugs*

  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Did you lose your curves??

    Well, I'm not AA but I'm mixed Mexican/Filipina - so maybe I can help out some folks that might read this. IMO I really did great with my curves. I was able to do some toning workouts that scultped my body along during weight loss mode. I don't know about anyone else, but this was a really big deal to me. I NEVER wanted to get too thin. I'm not saying its bad, I just don't think for my frame I look good like that. I look my best on the little bit bigger side (not fat, just 'thicker' ya know?). The only problems I ended up with is I lost a WHOLE LOT of weight up top but while I still needed to lose some on bottom. My boobs totally shriveled up! I was a 42D before surgery and ended up a 34B/C. Trust me, the boobs were flattened pancakes, so even the B/C looked wrinkly and bad. I got a straight up breast augmentation to "re-fill" them. I did it for me, because I felt really self conscious about my boobs. I loved my boobs before they shriveled up! Well, thank goodness for PS because I once again feel much more proportionate and sexy!! I do still feel like my thighs are too big, but to avoid much more weight loss on top right now, I'm just going to have my thighs lipo'd. Once that's over and done with (next month) I'm going to 100% completely finish product! And still with all the lovely curves of a sexy woman! My skin held up really great too. I know ethnicity plays some role in this, so I think most here will end up ok. Be blessed and enjoy the journey! It's really all worth it in the end, no matter what the outcome is. Because #1 your health will improve drastically and #2, well if there are any imperfections, there's nothing a little proper clothing or PS won't fix.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Getting nervous now.

    How did your surgery go? Uneventful I hope! Please check in when you get the chance.
  22. Hi Jen, I seen your YouTube today! I'm glad to hear you're doing so well. :) Keep up the good work!

  23. Hi there! :) I remember you posted in one thread a link about insurance given BMI charts. I can't seem to find it again. I couldn't see it at work bc it was blocking the page. Would you mind sharing that with me? Thanks!!

  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    3 Months Out (with the promised pics!!)

    Bitties, CONGRATS on your 3rd month!! You've done soooo good so far! I'm with ya on the feeling sad when people say "I've ONLY lost this much or I've ONLY lost that much". We should all Celebrate every single pound!! No one pound lost is more deserving than any other. Cheers on the rest of your weight loss journey! I'm sure you'll be there in no time.
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    9 months post op with 220lbs gone

    Paul WOW GREAT JOB!!!! I find myself a little envious of the rate of speed men lose. Goodness... you did amazingly!!!! May your last 16 be even faster!!!

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