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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. Less than a week away from getting all my Liposuctions started! Yayyy!!! Oh dear, skinny legs to go along with the rest of my skinny body - I'll truly be done after that. I'm SOOO HAPPY!!!

  2. 220 miles down and 40 miles to go to complete my challenge for this month! I'm bumping it up to 265 miles for next month and there is one day less to do it in. Not only that I will be out of commission for at least a weeks time... whoaaa!!!

  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    Awww Jes... BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
  4. I went to Mexico for my surgery as well and I requested a full 3 weeks off. I also work a desk job, but I felt like I was glad to have taken off that much time. I didn't have to deal with the tiredness as much and all the liquids while worrying about work. My job is super stressful and demanding. It doesn't stop for me! So I had to stop for me. I even wish I'd taken 4 weeks off at that. Could I have gone back sooner? Yes, probably about a weeks sooner but I would've been absolutely miserable I know it. As it was I was stealing little power naps during my lunch hour in the First Aid room for the first few weeks back... LOL I hope you'll get off as much time as you can get. Take care of yourself!
  5. I did experience something similar but really was the first two weeks post op. I believe it came from laying down so much. To be on the up & up perhaps you should seek advice from your Surgeon. I hope everything is OK! Keep us updated, please!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    What's it called?

    Yep, I've been around Weight Loss and WLS boards for many years, and Twoterville is what I've always heard it being referred to as.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene


    Congrats on reaching your goal cludgie!!! I know you look fabulous, but what I think doesn't matter even a little. YOU make the call on when enough is enough. Just keep doing what you feel is right for YOU, and perhaps in time your mind will change. And that's OK too! Wishing you well in your POST goal world!!!
  8. LOL!! Exactly! If anything the things she does can provide some excellent entertainment. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm a sucker for comedy. If she asks why you're laughing just tell her you're laughing WITH her... not AT her.
  9. It sure goes fast doesn't it??? You will be on the Losers Bench in a matter of hours!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Still Scared

    ITA with this!! june13, It's more simple than we think. Just go with it. Like me, I work on my fitness and fat %. If I lose more Lbs or if I don't c'est la vie. I could stop here if I wanted and many people including my husband do consider me "skinny" and constantly being asked when I plan to stop. I just tell them I'm not in control, my body is. I'm within a few % points of being considered moderately lean for a woman which is in reality much skinnier than most in this country. I love how I feel! You will get used it in time.
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Cant get motivated

    The first step is always the tiniest one... good job with just getting started! Exercising and working out is just as important IMO to a new healthy lifestyle as the fat loss part. I wouldn't be anywhere as fit as I am right now without it! Leslie Sansone has some great DVDs you might want to look into, sort of like walking in place with various other moves. Advanced would be anything Jillian Michaels. She will knock your socks off!! LOL Yoga is great too!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene


    Yay!! Glad you're feeling good! Welcome!
  13. OMGoodness... you know I couldn't do anything but laugh at your family member's foolishness!! Seriously, ignore her. You will endure lots more jealousy the more weight you lose. Women can be very catty (well... some men too... haha!!) and most won't like the idea of you faring better than them. You just keep doing you and rocking your weight loss. Know this... that is THEIR problem, not yours. Congrats on your post op weight loss!!! You're doing fantastic!!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Deli Meat

    I eat deli slices all the time. They are quite filling, and I can usually eat one serving with something else which is usually egg beaters or something like that. They go great with Breakfast. Keep in mind too I'm almost 14 months post op so my stomach is at capacity now. Right after surgery I'd never be able to get even half a serving down with nothing else.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hey you guys...

    !!! WOW !!! :thumbs_up: :thumbs_up:
  16. For true happiness there is NO compromise! It is all or nothing.

  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Wrinkles Galore

    These seem to have about 3-4 out of 5 Stars customer rating... I'm going to try these out for starters. Here's the Link...
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Wrinkles Galore

    I brought this up not too long ago... I've also noticed my face is much thinner than I really hoped and I can see all my wrinkles now when I squint or whatever! Blech!!! Someone mentioned Collagen cream for the face. I still intend to buy some and see how it helps. I really am not wanting to get Botox or anything like that, but it is a thought for anyone who might want to try that out too.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Bariatric Surgery Do's And Don'ts

    New Entry: DO look for solutions to your problems. Otherwise they will just become excuses.
  20. Heya ahamka! Well, I've already had my surgery for awhile now but I can tell you, your anxiety on waiting is well worth it. It truly was one of the best things I've ever done for myself. I did have some buyers remorse at first but that went away quickly once I seen how amazing this tool is. You've only got about a month until surgery, so read up and get prepared! That month goes super fast.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    My new journey

    Hello sole7, welcome to the forums for all your VSG needs! LOL Great job on keeping away from the soft drinks and getting your Water in! You will find that drinking plenty of water after surgery will be extremely helpful in your weight loss efforts. Wishing you well for Thursday!!! Let us know how you're doing when you're up to it. Just remember this mantra... WALK, SIP, REST AND REPEAT!!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm on my way!

    Hello Sunshine!! It is true there are so many hoops to jump through... though I did do self pay for my sleeve, I did go through my lap band process with Insurance. That's something I'll never forget... LOL I wish you much success in your days ahead, though I know you don't need it! The sleeve is a wonderful tool and though it's not the "easy" way out, it's still a lot of help that I desperately needed. This time next year will be like a whole new life for you and your darling babies and Hubby!!!
  23. Hello Everyone! So... I have found this to be a really REALLY motivating way to keep me moving! That is posting a challenge to my forhead on how many miles to complete in one months time. My current challenge was a try out for me, and in October I challenged myself to 10 Miles per day and 6 days per week. Now I can log these miles in all kinds of different ways... I can walk them, I can jog them, run them - use the elliptical to click them away and even do them on my stationary cycle machine. Any way I can get them, I mark them down! I have to tell you, since I've started this lots of people are commenting on my physical self again. They keep telling me I look much much thinner though in reality my body weight is only down about 5 Lbs in the last 6 weeks, which is perfectly fine. I'm not trying to lose weight on the scale, I'm only trying to get more fit and get my body FAT % down to 29. I'm currently at 33.5% - so not much more to go! For anyone who does not know this, I had a breast augmentation on August 25th and it added 6 extra Lbs of body weight to me. I was 179.8 Lbs on that day. Today I weigh in 181 Lbs, so I've pretty much worked all that new weight off... and soon I'll lose more from my 2 Liposuction sessions... anyway, just wanted to clarify what I meant regarding my scale weight... I encourage anyone and everyone to join in! If not that's fine... I'll still do mine's... And I am in perfect harmony with completing my MILE challenge for October, even though I have not updated my ticker in the last 4 days. So, for next Month of November - I will be travelling from Los Angeles, CA to Las Vegas, NV... which is 265 Miles... OHHH YEAHHH!!! If I can't make this trip in real life, might as well get SUPER FIT doing the miles in other ways!!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Operation New Leaf - 3.5 Months Out

    Hi Bryn! Well it sounds like your moving right along... very very normal in everything mentioned here. Cheers on your 4th month post op and here's to many many more Lbs lost!

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