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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. Your journey has been nothing short of incredible. :smile1: Get it girl!!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Thank you all! Today for some reason the pain is worse than yesterday. So weird... and I'm back to work today. I'm sure that has something to do with it! LOL :smile1: Allergic to Mondays as my gf who came by to see how I was doing said. So, it's going to be a tough day for me. Today is day 6. I dressed very comfy for the occasion. I'm wearing tight yoga pants (for compression since I only have to wear the compression garment while sleeping now) underneath a long skirt to hide it and my warm and fuzzy boots. I have a long sleeve sweater on top too. It's almost like wearing PJ's because the top I'm wearing is about 2 sizes too big. Ahhhh :smile1: Have a great day everyone! I know I've been out of it for the last week and trying to catch up and help answer some questions here and there. I'd just say this whole month for me I'm going to be out of it.
  3. Still in pain and now at work... I will get through this! But, life goes on and I go with it. ;-)

  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    How long were u on pain meds??

    Ahh thanks! I always appreciate when someone comments. I like to remember that how my body shaped up was the result of me and my hard work. Sure, the sleeve helped me accomplish something I never could before... but really the key word there was "ME". You will too, just stay strong!!! This part right now for you truly is the hardest part... save for the last 20 Lbs.. LOL
  5. It is always better to be safe than sorry. Please seek medical attention right away. Are you on High Blood Pressure medication? It could be time for your Dr. to take you off them. When did this episode occur or what were you doing? Did you stand up too quickly? These are likely scenarios they will ask you to go over. I do hope it's nothing and is something easily remedied... but none of us are Dr's here and it is in your best interest to seek medically professional help in this situation. Hugs and Prayers!!!
  6. I've noticed that this changes for me all the time. At first I could get full off even one sip of Water. I was extremely swollen right out of surgery. I would have to take tiny sips every 30 minutes just to make sure I was getting enough fluids. Then around 3 weeks out I'd be full off a few bites. I'd feel it in my esophagus, so I'd have to take a long time just to eat at tiny bowl of soup. Of course I'd never even really finish it actually. Today at 14 months out I judge my fullness in a completely different way. I do not get that stuffed feeling in my esophagus unless I've clearly eaten TOO MUCH. There is a difference now than full and too much. My first sign its time to stop are either a hiccup and/or burp. I know once I reach this point, and if I go further I'm going to regret doing that. Good luck! You will find your zone, just be patient and listen closely to your body.
  7. 10 years ago at the start of what is now my career my first mentor told me "Everything is Fixable". Those three words have really stuck with me and I use this mantra in all aspects of my life. Since that day I have been working toward fixing my lifes problems.

  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    How long were u on pain meds??

    My dear if you need them keep taking them. You were probably given an Rx for 20-30 days. The Dr wouldn't give them to you if they didn't think it were necessary. Just keep resting and healing and definitely get yourself up and walking around as much as possible, even if you have to force it. I found that doing that sped up my recovery even though just getting up was hard enough. In a few months you will be back to 100%... just keep looking toward that.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    M2G yes that is from the surgeon Funny that I prefer to have it on. The pain is less for holding everything in. Sleeve, yes potty language! LOL :-P
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Here's my first photos post op. Just to go over this again, I had my inner thighs and knees lipo-suctioned. It was really my knees were my main concern. They to me looked grotesque, but being only 3 days out I can already see a considerable difference! I'm very pleased and the pain and bruising are already worth it. LOL I am taking full photos befores/afters and I will post them when I see better results.
  11. I'm so sad!!! 2 days in a row without my workouts... :-( Transfer addiction at its finest, but at least its cheap and healthy... and sexy!!! LOL

  12. I just wanted to let you know... YOU DEAR are a real and true success AND inspiration around here. So you aren't losing super fast... so what? Whats most admirable about you is that you keep it moving. You have a place and that is just showing others that sometimes we are running a marathon... not a sprint. :)

  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hello Normal!!!!

    AYAYYYYYYY LINDA!!!!! HUGE CONGRATS LADY!!!! You did FAN FREAKIN TASTIC!!! I admired your control over these last months into your goal and you always kept your head. You are a TRUE inspiration here. BIG BIG HUGS AND DANCING BANANAS!!!! :party4: :bananajump: :bananalama: :Banane01: :bananapowerslide: :Banane21: :woot:
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Breast Reduction and Lift Before Sleeve

    Most WLS women will lose some breast fullness and size with major and rapid weight loss. I did and there are many many others here who have too! Chances are very good you may, though of course everyone's different. It is my opinion only but I suggest waiting until you have reached goal until getting your breast reduction or reconstruction. It would be best to know the outcome after than before so you won't be left with undesirable results. I hope everything works out for you!!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    1 month out and nothing is going right

    I am terribly sorry to hear you are having complications. I will keep you in my prayers and I'm hoping you will be back to full recovery ASAP!!! (((HUGS)))
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Am I losing weight too slowly?

    I think its important to remember its not a good idea to compare yourself to others. Why make yourself feel inferior when in reality you are ahead of the curve? Take pride in your journey! Don't turn it into a ride of self deprecation. Haven't we all done enough of that over the years? Congratulate yourself sometimes.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    5 days out need help

    Yes... the feeling of having something stuck in your throat is very normal early out. Your very swollen in your stomach and esophagus, so really the only thing that's going to take care of that is some time. Just keep taking tiny sips and try to relax as much as possible. Hang in there! It really really does get better.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    10 lbs from goal!

    So awesome!!! You look fantastic, and by your smile I can see you FEEL fantastic too Xoxo
  19. It was true for me! But thank goodness everything is fixable.
  20. Getnmybelly it sounds pretty normal everything you are experiencing. I hate pain!!! But I guess its all a part of the process. Keep hanging in there and day by day life will get just a little bit better. Keep looking to the future, and keep on sipping, walking and of course getting some rest is important too. If you feel you need to sleep do that. That is when our bodies heal the best. BIG HUGS!!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    M2G and Coops - Ohh I hope I won't remember this!! LOL September through November es no bueno as far as pain goes. Thanks for all your kind words!! I know this will all be worth it in the end. For me, not so much worried about rockin bikinis but more just wanting to fit in my clothes better. Coops my dear, I have nothing for you to be envious of. All I've accomplished I know any one of us can do. I just want to show that ANYONE can do this! And THAT my friend is THE TRUTH! Pics soon but I hate posting pics of my legs so much I want to wait until I have better ones to compare too. *hugs*
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Thanks M2G It is pretty painful. In fact I wasn't really expecting it to be as painful as it was. Day 2 (yesterday) was the worst, the soreness really took my breath away. It feels like the worst workout of your life coupled with the worst sunburn of your life... LOL I think it was because he had to really work hard to get all that fat out. He said it was really compacted, which is normal for someone who's lost as much as I did. He was really impressed with my journey and he assured me he'll leave me looking as normal as he can get me. That said now that I'm on day 3 the pain has subsided considerably. It still really only feels sore when I need to get up, but once I do I stretch a little bit and and get the kinks out. I feel ok once I do that. They've had me in a compression garment and I'm having to wear it 24 hours a day (except while showering) for the first 3 days, then starting day 4 and through day 10 I only need to wear it for 12 hours. They suggested at night and while sleeping. It's pretty uncomfortable, but for the best results I'm following instructions to the T. When I removed it yesterday I was VERY impressed! I can already see a difference and by George I can actually see my knees!!! I didn't even know I had them!!! :-P It was just a miracle... the very next day I got results that were already better than I could've imagined. I'm simply excited to see what the final results will be. My surgeon is amazing! I'm NOT looking forward to the 18th though. In fact I'm kinda dreading it. The pain was pretty bad and I'm not wanting to feel that again so soon... but it is what it is. I have to do it, and once that's done, I'll be done. Possibly forever. Maybe in 5 years when I've forgotten how painful plastic surgery is I'll think about some skin removal, if there is still a significant amount. As a matter of fact, with my liposuction and compression garments its interesting to note that my excess skin seems to be going away of sorts. Nice huh? He did say it will take care of some of that too, though I didn't want to believe him... LOL That's it for now... today I just continue to rest.
  23. Ahh thank goodness I feel so much better today!!! Dr. never lied, day 2 is the worst. I still feel sore, but just knowing it's getting better makes me feel better. :))

  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    LOL Thanks!! The weight loss won't happen overnight, but that would be nice! I have to wait for all the fluids they pumped me up with to be absorbed and removed from my body - but still, knowing it's going to be gone is half the fun!!!

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