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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Gotta Love This.....

    Haha!! This is great! :smile1:
  2. All of these are awesome! I love reading stuff like this. We have all come so far and I know how hard it is to be massively overweight and all the negative feelings that come along with it. We are all doing our thing, and we DESERVE TO FEEL OUR BEST!!! Thank you to the original poster, this is an excellent idea. I have had such a slew of compliments and most of them are all the same. Unlike Southern Sleever, I really don't get a lot of male attention. I mean, that's perfectly fine as I'm a very happily married woman. But, my husband is so amazing and he will not be shy about checking out my goods. I love that. I have to say those are always my most favorite out of any and all. The second most I can think of was just the other day. I posted on facebook that I wanted to go on a diet. In jest of course, I'm just a joker half the time. The responses are ones I've never received... ever before. I was basically told I need to eat a burger, and some fries... and a shake. Haha!! I thought they were funny - maybe a little rude but oh well. That's how my family is. Keep em coming!!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    worried that i am not getting all i need.....

    Don't worry, all of you are right on target. The first few months are very tough and will require a great deal of patience from you to your new tiny tummy. The main focus right now should be getting all your fluids (water) in. Second should be getting your Protein. If you can't get all your protein in for the first months, don't worry so much. I didn't and I lived. Just do what you can, and let time pass. (((hugs))) because I know what you are going through!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene


    www.vitalady.com Tons of samples. Good luck! Also, GNC will let you buy and return unused portions.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    An "old-timer" checks in

    You've done great!! Thanks for checking in!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Pic update, ok im excited.....

    WOW!!! Poster guy for the men around here!!! CONGRATS!!! Question: Do you always keep power tools in your bathroom? Also, your shirt is on backwards. :biggrinjester:
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    4 days out-discomfort

    Hi flower, yes no worries. This is completely normal until your incisions heal. I am a stomach sleeper and wasn't able to fully sleep on mine for a few weeks. Keep your head up!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Did you lose your curves??

    No worries! If you are naturally curvy you will keep them. Wishing you the best on your surgery!!!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Dealing with bansters when you change.

    Hi Dave, welcome! Your story sounds veeery familiar. *wink* I just wanted to wish you well for your revision surgery coming up next Saturday. Please check in and let us know how you're doing when you feel up to it. Take care!
  10. [quote name=Lisa ' timestamp='1321242220' post='228874] The one thing I took that made me feel comfy was my fleece blanket. I wish I had taken my own Kleenex and toilet paper...the "John Wayne" stuff the hospital had was harsh!! LOL!!! Haha!! That's funny! And sooo true.
  11. Thank you!!! :) Youre awesome!!

  12. Gooood day!!! I actually jumped out of bed like nothing. I stretched then thought .. oh yeah I just got jumped less than 2 weeks ago! LOL :-) Looking forward to Friday and all these nightmares will be OVER!!

  13. It's been a long time since I've posted anything here. I just had to share this with you all... I went to Target today to buy a new pair of workout pants. I left the store with a size EXTRA SMALL. I wore a freakin Size 28 W pants when I first started my weight loss journey. Just so you know... it IS POSSIBLE!!! Keep your eyes on the prize, because even at 15 Months out I'm still making the magic happen. Much Love, Xoxo
  14. Awww you are all so wonderful!!! THANK YOUUU!! Xoxo You all really make me want to always try harder - even beyond my goals.
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Size goal... UK14...yey

    ThAT IS SOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! I never ever EVER doubted you. Not for one second.
  16. Wow what a difference a day makes. :) My legs suddenly look dare I say SKINNY! Wowza! I hardly had any pain getting out of bed today too. WHOOTTT!! Bring it on FRIDAY! Feeling good y'all :)

  17. Don't do that to yourself. You're doing great, Celebrate that.
  18. I had my surgery on Sept. 15, 2010. So far I have lost: Well over 100 Lbs and well over 150 Lbs total. About 80" over my entire body (probably more). About 26 Clothing Sizes. My insanity. My feelings of failure. Being unhealthy. Not being able to keep up with everyone else. Feelings of self loathing. :smile1:
  19. Thanks so much everyone! :-) I just wanted to show that THERE IS NO EXPIRATION DATE for the sleeve. As long you WORK IT, it will work for you. I always see that question on how long do we all have to lose the weight after surgery. Well, we have as long as forever. KEEP WORKING IT Y'ALL!!! XOXO
  20. :smile1: Its hard to believe I'm already fitting these! I still have another session to do and a lot of swelling to go down. I'm super happy!!! Thanks lovely ladies!! I will be HAPPY to post pics. Just not right now, I don't wanna scare anyone. LOL!!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeve VS Band

    Let us know how it goes!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Thanks y'all!!!! It's already worth all the pain... I just bought size XS workout pants at Target. Whoohooo!!!
  23. Just bought Size XS workout pants at Target. Wow... never in a million BILLION years would I have thought. Yes, I did try them on before leaving the store!!

  24. Doing better still today. :) Every single day seems to make lots of improvements - even if my legs do look like they went thru a cuisinart!!! LOL :-P Thanks to all the awesome folks for the well wishes and prayers. You all ROCK!

  25. Doing better still today. :) Every single day seems to make lots of improvements - even if my legs do look like they went thru a cuisinart!!! LOL :-P Thanks to all the awesome folks for the well wishes and prayers. You all ROCK!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
