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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. Are you even kidding me right now? Every girl dreams of being a beauty like you. smh... BTW: I sooo can't wait to get my butt back on the treadmill!!! Ugghh!!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Dear Sleeve letter....

    This was a fantastic read. I LOVED IT!! You are SO gonna rock your sleeve. I'm looking forward to watching your progress!!
  3. Awww GORGEOUS!!! And this is my opinion only... but I don't see no way no how no 35 more pounds. Love ya!!!
  4. Ha!! touche... I think I more meant the average person who really knows nothing about WLS... but I stand corrected. (((huggs)))
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Need advice please!

    Well, I really can't speak for you but I want you to know I wish you well. I hope you get well very soon. Your recovery was much more intense than the usual. It would be hard to say when you'll feel better. Just keep doing the best you can with your fluids and electrolytes. Keep in close contact with your Doctors and let them know of any issues you might be having. HUGS!!! Please check in and let us know how you're doing.
  6. Unfortunately this is the down side to sharing your surgery with others. I'm not against telling or not telling, that is an individual decision everyone should make on their own. However, knowing that, be prepared for all the "my friends, sisters, brothers, daughters.." type responses. They will most likely not be good conclusions to good intentions. Folks are more inclined to share dirty little stories than happy bright ones. Why are humans like this? I don't know, but it's just how it is. In my personal opinion there's really nothing you can do or say to this. I usually just say "I'm so sorry to hear that" and pretty much move on. Not knowing the full truth, what CAN I say? I know my ending was a good happy one. Is anyone out there sharing MY story? I doubt it. All the best!!!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Is your weightloss = "SHOP-A-HOLIC?"

    Abso freaken lutely. I'm a total shopaholic now. Transfer addictions: New Clothes and Working Out. I used to avoid shopping like the plague. Don't get me wrong, I've always dressed cute, no matter what my size. But, it just wasn't as fun because not everything worked with my figure. It's much easier now to find clothes that look good on me. I've always loved to workout but wasn't as fun being so large. At my very largest I was a TIGHT Size 28W and a 3-4X in tops. Today I'm a solid 6 (some 4's), and Small tops (some XS). I even bought a new pair of workout pants at Target the other day in XS. OMG... shopping is SOOO MUCH FUN NOW! I do love going to the Goodwill. It really saved my life during my weight loss phase. I really don't know how I would've made it without it. The Goodwill up the road from me has 50% off entire store on Holidays. Can you imagine? I bought some barely or never used garments for a couple bucks a piece. Coats... ten bucks. Good ones! I always share with others complimenting my outfits where I got it / how much I paid... they're always amazed. I've even bought some clothes with the store tags still attached. C'mon... whatta deal!!! They were even designer clothes. In fact I'm wearing a kickass outfit today. I doubt I even paid more than 20 bucks for the whole thing. Have fun shopping!!!!
  8. I see today is your surgery day. Wishing you very well today and quick recovery. :) Be blessed!

  9. I see your new avatar... WOW YOU LOOK GREAT!!! Get it girlie! :)

  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    So... apparently its a 2 week recovery period for contouring the legs aggressively. That said, 2 more weeks and I'll be complete. Three full months for final results. YAYYY!!! :-)
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Lets talk body fat %

    So... I'm working on getting to a 29% body fat which according to some charts places me as a woman and at my age in the "moderately lean" category. Lets face it... most Americans don't come close to this on the charts!! ... which is pretty sad. Don't mistake anything here, I am not talking about the BMI charts. I'm talking about the amount of fat that makes up the whole of your body. Lean body mass being muscle, bone, Water, etc... and fat being... well... fat. This is a far more accurate assessment of your health and really is how I'm basing my goals. I've had many goals along the way and I think this last one is the best. I have no idea where I'll end up on the BMI chart, nor do I really care. So, right now my body fat % is 33.5 and according to Protein per day. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Someone at OH mentioned the formerly obese factor of fat multiplying but never dying. This is very true and needs to be remembered when coming to a completion in our journies. There is no way of getting rid of it unless its excised or sucked out. It is what it is! Anyway the reason I'm bringing this up is because I'm very hopeful I'll reach my 29% BF once I complete my circle and have mine "sucked out". Next Wednesday is the first and the second is on the 18th. Of course I have to wait for healing and swelling to go down first, but heck... I'm so ready to finally be really done! Then again, I love having goals... LOL!!!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'm where I want to be;-)

    This is great news!!! CONGRATS!!! Thanks for sharing your story with us - you look amazing and best of all HAPPY. :smile1:
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Stall Breaker

    Absolutely, I have endured a lot of stalls all through my weight loss times. I did go very low carbs for a few days (not weeks) to break the cravings. I would then keep my carbs semi low for a good long time. This would always end my stalls and I'd be back to loserville. Good luck!
  14. Well, I've heard a lot of theories, but this by far is the most detailed. As far as knowing why myself, I don't. All I know is I'm cold all the freakin time, even in Summer. However, if I do get over heated it's really bad... like heat exhaustion bad.
  15. Hi there! Welcome to VST. I'm sure you are already getting familiar with our awesome website. You will find above and beyond all the support you will ever need right here! Everyone's always ready to answer any questions or just listen. Click here for a compiled list of things to bring with you to your hospital stay. Of course you pick and choose what you think you'll need - these are just made from many suggestions. All the best! Let us know how your surgery went.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Can we eat honey?

    Well I've had honey post op and it never gave me any problems. The only thing I can think of is the sugar, but really if you only plan to use a tiny bit that's really no issue. The great thing about the sleeve is, I have pretty much no issues with anything I eat. Some things (like sugars) I do have to moderate because they can make my physically sick. However, I can still eat it. HTH
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Loose skin rebound

    Heya, well you and I had surgery semi close and we entered "maintenance" around the same time too. Whatever that means! LOL I just wanted to say that my excess skin though it was never really bad, is shrinking away too. So, it's not just you thinking it. Many studies show that it takes a few years for the excess skin to fully snap back as much as it ever will. This is the exact reason why I won't consider any skin removal surgeries until then. I'm hoping I'll never even need it. GOOD LUCK!!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    The only things i hate so far....

    Hi Brock! I know I went through a crazy amount of emotions all throughout my journey. I still do to this day! I think it's going to be years before I fully grasp how different I am in a matter of a years time. I just wanted to let you know you're not alone. Hang in there! I'm glad to hear you're doing better though, and ever day will too. I also ended up with not fitting my pants correctly. I had to get that fixed, and now I'm just waiting for final healing and I will be much happier for it. Good luck!
  19. WOW YOU LOOK GREAT!!!! Congrats you've done outstanding! May I ask why you think nearly 70 Lbs lost in 6 months is slow? That is far above the curve of average 1-2 Lbs per week. :smile1: BIG HUGS!
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    In the club!!

    Congrats on your new tiny tummy! Welcome to the losers bench. Believe me, with all us skinny's here - there's always lots of room. Keep up the good work!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Century Club!!!

    Yayyyy Lynda!!!! CONGRATS!!! You SUPER Rock lady!!!
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    NSVs This Week

    These are all great!!! Keep em coming!!! :smile1:
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    NSV for Me

    CONGRATS!!!! What a feeling it is, right? Keep doing your thing! :smile1:

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