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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    I do love it! I never knew how awesome that was... LG!!
  2. For me my plans over the Holidays will be no different than any other day - except I'll get to see my big loving family. My meals will be Protein first, veggies second and one bite of everything else. I do plan to indulge and have some pies or whatever, but I'm not in weight loss mode so no biggie. I literally can't eat more than 3 quarter cups volume food. Even if I do gain some over the next 6 weeks, then I'll have to do the right thing and join the masses and lose it in January. Oh to be normal. I do love it!!!
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    First NSV Post!!! -40 lbs (pics included)

    Yep Southern is right... Onederland is THE BEST FEELING EVER! You are sooo close... you will be there in a day or so. You look great, keep up the excellent work! I'm right there with ya, I had clothes in my closet I saved from the 80'S!! LOL
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Just Beginning My Gastric Sleeve Journey

    Hi goldenraisin, welcome to posting side of VST!! Keep us updated and you plug along!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    After Gastric Sleeve Surgery Bucket List

    Keep this list somewhere you will likely see it, like perhaps posted on your refrigerator or on the back of your bedroom door. Make additions as you think of them. Then when you hit one, make a notation. On the days where you're feeling a bit down (we all get them) look at it. :smile1: It will instantly give you a lift. Because, eventually every single one of these are going to happen.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Thanks Ladies!! Wow... every single day provides results and lets me know that it WAS worth the miserable week I went through. I'm finally (as of last night) able to wear my jeans again. I don't need my compression garment 24 hours a day anymore. It was such a liberating moment!!! Imagine that... you know I'm not the skirt wearing type. But all I've been able to wear lately are skirts because I just won't do sweats at work. Today is my Friday and I'm wearing blue jeans!!! Whooohoooo!!! My legs still have some swelling to go down (quite a bit in fact) and I can already feel the difference in the way I put on my pants. I don't have to fight when they get around my thighs. I'M SOOOOO STOKED!!! For some reason I didn't think it would work... but by golly it has!!! There's no way I'm not going down a few sizes after this. Here's the best part: MY LEGS DON'T RUB WHEN I'M WALKING!!! Wow... I didn't even think about this when I got my procedure. I don't remember EVER a moment, even in my skinny days before gaining all that weight where my legs didn't rub in some manner. Dare I say I've got a bit of a sexy gap there now. Worth it... worth it... WORTH IT!!! Fat me is rollin in her grave right now.
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    I am the only one??

    Really, and as I'm looking at your ticker it seems you are doing just fine without all the SF, FF, etc. If whatever you are doing is working, then keep doing you.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Today I Am Exactly 14 Months Post Gastric Sleeve Op

    Southern and Coops... thanks so much my darling ladies. You both inspire ME to keep it movin! I mean, I guess to keep the weight off now. I don't know. It's going to be a nice day when I can say I'm done with all the crazy procedures and healing and my body settles in where it's happy. I guess I'm really trying to say - YOU ALL ROCK!!!
  9. Yes!!! I just tried on my first pair of jeans since my first lip procedure. WOW!! They fit amazing in the thigh already, and I still have so much swelling to go down... oh yeah and my outter thigh to get done too! OMG... I'm so gonna go down 2 more sizes. I know it. WHOOOOOO!!!!!!!! :-D

  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Lap Band Removal To Gastric Sleeve Procedure?

    Hi there... this forum will help out with any questions you might have regarding band to sleeve revisions. Good luck!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene


    Awww Deenah!!! BIG BIG HUGS!!! It's so rough on us the first few days. I know there are some who came out bright and shiny from surgery, and really, that's great! But some of us weren't so lucky. I was in the unlucky camp. I was absolutely miserable, feeling like crap, in pain and yeah I think I might have been a little angry too. Our reasons may not have been the same, but regardless, I get your emotions right now. All you can do right now is give yourself a break. Don't stress, gets lots of sleep and rest. Sip on your fluids as much as you possibly can and let time heal you. Try to get up and walk some too, that really helps a lot with the pain and hopefully will help with the moods. It was when I got up and around I immediately began to feel better and the upset feeling slowly but surely faded away. I'm sure being it's TOM doesn't help either. Remember, that only lasts a few day. Plus the mixture of aneshesia and medications might be a reason too. HANG IN THERE!!! Let me know if you need to talk. I'm always an open book.
  12. Who is your higher power?

  13. Hi Becca, well there's tons of foods you can eat to stay on plan. Thanksgiving and Christmas are surrounded by wonderful Protein filled foods. Just pick and choose wisely! Like, turkey (white meat if you want to be super good) and a tiny bit of gravy would be ok. You know, things like that. Being that you're in weight loss mode, do the protein first rule and a few bites of your other favorite items. You will be fine. I got through last Holiday Season and believe me... if I can do it - anyone can do it!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    4.5 Months out

    jnee... stop the madness girlie. You're doing fantastic weight loss wise, and your photos are ADORABLE. Now show us that smile and WORK IT!!!
  15. You've gotten the best sound advice you can get already. I just wanted to second all those, and say - you've done out freaken standing. Now finish what you started!!!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Dear Sleeve letter....

    That is great It's moving along smooth!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Today I Am Exactly 14 Months Post Gastric Sleeve Op

    Thanks everyone for making a gal feel so special!! I've been a little down lately though I haven't shown it. The pain and no workouts has gotten to me a bit. My workouts have been such a great motivator for me, and kept me sane and feeling sooo high! I do miss it really bad. But, you have all gotten me having that feeling again!!! :Banane57: Much love and blessings to each and every one!!! I had totally forgot we were sleeved so close together, but yes we are both "September Sleevers". You hit your goal way before I did! Big hugs my dear friend. Whooottt!!! Wondering where the other September Sleevers are??? You keep me inspired daily, and make me anxious to get back on that treadmill!!!! Ugghhh I'm sooo missing it right now. I know I'm going to be sore once I get back on. It only takes a few weeks for the muscles to get used to not doing much, but good thing is once you've been conditioned one time, it's not as hard to get back to what you know. THANK YOU for always being such a blessing for me!!! :wub: LOL!!! You totally cracked me up! I can't explain the reason I weigh so much. The few people in real life I choose to tell how much I weigh, they just look bewildered, like its so unbelievable. They say I don't look over 130 Lbs. Ha!! I wish!! I know the fat removal from my legs will make a big difference, but I still think I'll be in the 160's somewhere. Which is perfectly fine! My ultimate goal has already been met... and now just to continue on with my healthy and fit lifestyle. Life's good!!!!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Today I Am Exactly 14 Months Post Gastric Sleeve Op

    Thank you!!! :biggrin5:
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Today I Am Exactly 14 Months Post Gastric Sleeve Op

    Girl you KNOWS I love ya... BUT HEECCKKKK NOOOOO!!!!!!!!! :smokin:
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    LOL I know that's what I keep telling myself... its worth the pain, the results are already showing - even with all the swelling!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Okay folks... it's time for a photo update. I finally got around to uploading / resizing / cropping the photos. These are NOT for the faint of heart! LOL :smile1: Yes, its as painful as it looks. I do feel a whole lot better but I'm still recovering. The bruising is fading and swelling is going down a tiny bit every day... but it's still there. Also, here is the finish product for my Breast Augmentation. I am 3 months post op now. I am currently a 34 DDD (F) - however, it's time to go to a 32 band now. I think I'll wait, because I'm having lipo in my waist so that might cause some swelling for awhile. <<<Comparison / Before
  22. I'm gonna dress up like Marilyn Monroe and do a photo shoot.

  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeping After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

    ^^^ LUCKY!!! That said, I was one of the ones who had to sleep on my back for a few weeks. I'm a tummy sleeper too so it wasn't that great... *sad face* Get some comfy pillows to prop you up, unless you have the money for a new recliner. If you do, get one! They're just nice to have around for any reason. LOL
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Problems getting protein in my diet...

    Taste buds change a lot straight after surgery. They do go back to normal in time, so the best thing for all these issues is time and patience. That said, I LOVED the RTD Atkins shakes post op. I still do. I drink them even today I like them so much. I'll have one for Breakfast when I just don't feel like have anything else. eggs were a staple of mine that early out. topped with some cheese, that adds a little Protein. I would also Water down a lot of the drinks, because at that stage even a tiny bit of protein helps. It's really hard, and for me impossible to hit my protein goals at that time. The main focus was getting all the fluids in. Protein second... Good luck! Yes, I know I already said this earlier... lol ;o)
  25. Who's got the "X" Factor? YOU DO!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
