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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. Warrior, GREAT JOB!!!! I bet you just feel on top of the world right??? CONGRATS!! My the differences one year makes with our sleevie friend. Whoohooo!!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    One Month Out Today!

    Wowzaaa!!! Totally amazing!!! Keep up doing such an excellent job! You will be at goal in no time at all.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Anybody Reach Goal Without Doing Low Carb?

    Basically you just have to do what works for you and your body, while maintaining good health. If doing low carb makes your body ill, then definitely don't do that! You can more focus on your calories instead. Because seriously when all is said and done, it is all calories in / calories out. I mean, even someone doing low carb can't eat 3,500 calories per day and only burn off 2,500 and lose weight. Not gonna happen. I didn't do super low carbs or no carbs. I did eat more balanced meals but did watch my carbs some. It mostly was because I did Protein first and green veggies second (mainly for iron's sake) and I would still have some carbs. It came out to about 60g per day, but I would make that my limit. The reason was because I found that was what my body found acceptable and maintained health and good weight losses. I'll tell you this though, I did limit my SUGAR a great deal, and sodium. Sugar was my real enemy, not good healthy carbohydrates. And sodium would always blow me up like a fish and give me false readings on the scale. We are all doing this first and foremost for our health. Don't feel discouraged because you aren't doing what majority is doing. As long as you are losing, then you're doing it right!! :smile1: HTH
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    I'm checking in: Today is day 3 Post Lipo. I'm doing really really great! I'm quite surprised. I was expecting it to be much worse considering what I went through last time. I'm sure the bruising is coming, I have no doubt about that, but honestly - the pain is nowhere near what it was for my inner thighs and knees. It goes to show really that the area treated makes a BIG difference. It kinda just feels like I worked out really hard around my waist area pretty much. Here's a great story here, as I was getting prepped and the surgeon came in to "mark" his territory.. LOL ... he told me he wanted to do a straight up and down leading from the upper outter thigh (saddle bags) and go all the way up to my waist. Now, he wasn't supposed to, but he threw in the hips for FREEE!!! Whoohooo!! I love free... heehheeee!! He said it would yield the best results because if not I could have too much of a "boxy" look. Well, since I was going more for "foxy" I gave him the green light. Ok, so with my compression garment you can really see the amazing curves he left me. Wow, this guy really knows what he's doing, and I'm SOOO GLAD I made the right choice in waiting for him to be available to do this for me. He is A+++!!! So, it's all downhill from here for me. All my plastics procedures have been completed and in three months I should be left with my final results. Here is what I *hope* to end up with once I'm completely healed and I get into my new dreamy goal pants. Whoohooo!!! I'M SOOOOOO EXCITED!!!!
  5. I'm really very surprised but I'm feeling ok. Last session was such a nightmare, I was really dreading doing this. However, I think I got this one sewd up!! Day 2 is nearly over and all I'm feeling is some soreness. Nothing I can't deal with. :) Thanks everyone for all your well wishes. Xx

  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Where do you find motivation?

    130 Lbs in 6 months... WOWWW!!!! Ok, so you want to know where motivation comes from? My dear it sounds like you have plenty of it. You seem to be doing just fine right now. That said, yes I realize you mean workouts. For me, it provides that stimulant in my brain that leaves me feeling like I'm on top of the world. I literally, positively, absolutely, without a doubt LOVE LOVE LOVE to workout. I love the way it makes me feel both mentally, spiritually and physically. You mention feeling sore for a few days after a workout... well the only thing that helps that is a bit of the hair of the dog if you know what I mean. No, I don't mean a stiff drink... LOL!! I mean getting back at it the very next day and doing it all over again. You can't give your body the chance to get used to inactivity. It's almost like atrophy... the less you use the muscles, the less chance for them to be able to handle any type of movement. Do you think a personal trainer would give you a break? Nuh-uh... no way. IMO, start small. Start with some type of general and basic function type physical activity such as walking. Perhaps 30 minutes or so. Leslie Sansone makes a great DVD called "walking off the pounds". Its like walking in place (as its getting a bit cold to do this outside now) and she will get your heart pumping. This type of activity is one you can do daily, not like muscle toning. Muscle toning should be done every other day if you are targeting the same areas. You have to make it fun, but really... the first few days won't be. You have to build up to it, learn to appreciate the results you get back from hard work and dedication. Your body will start responding positively instead of screaming at you and crying out in pain... PROMISE!!! You got this... no worries.
  7. LMAO!!! Girlie, take it and run... I think that's awesome.
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Not Enough Time....

    Heya Deb :smile1: Listen, we have to do what we have to do to live our lives. In this economy sometimes that means we have to take on extra shifts to help out our means a little bit more. I think the whole essence of having the sleeve there for us is for times exactly like this. It will keep us stay in line when life's challenges take over. I know in the past when things turned out a bit hectic for me, that would be when I would gain the most weight. Well, thanks to my sleeve that doesn't happen anymore. Don't worry. Do your overtime and once that is up, you can get back to your program - again, thanks to your little sleevie. Hugs!! and HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you as well.
  9. Congrats on your first month being sleeved... it's really all down hill from here. Soon you will even forget you had surgery and life will just be a dandy. Whoohooo!!!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    99 Pounds

    Congrats!!! 99 Lbs is worth its own applause, that incredible!! Cheers to you as you work on the last few pounds to your goal! :cheers2:
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    4 Months After Gastric Sleeve Surgery

    WOWZA!! You look incredible!! You'll get to Onederland before you know it. And Happy Thanksgiving to you too!
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Finally! Finally Finally!

    Congrats how exciting!! An excellent Christmas gift and a wonderful way to ring in the New Year!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Nsv - Slender And Young! Me?

    Everything she told you was the truth.
  14. I'm sitting here with my cup of coffee and healing is going really good. Pain is not as bad as the first one, I think due to taking my pain medication this time (don't ask) and the areas completed aren't as sensitive. Just wanted to give a quick check in that I'm a-ok. Day 2 is statistically the worst so if that's the case I'll be up and at em in no time at all.

  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    I have embraced a new GOAL!!

    Haha!! You all are so amazing! Such a breath of fresh air for me this morning. I'm sitting here with my cup of coffee and healing is going really good. Pain is not as bad as the first one, I think due to taking my pain medication this time (don't ask) and the areas completed aren't as sensitive. Just wanted to give a quick check in that I'm a-ok. Day 2 is statistically the worst so if that's the case I'll be up and at em in no time at all. :bolt:
  16. Doing good. They took another 3.5 liters. Thats about 7 lbs. He said the grand total from last time was 5.9 liters. So it looks like we're talking about 22 lbs of fat removal combined once Im completely healed. Ok TTYL peeps.. Nighty nite.

  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    In one hour I'll be getting prepped for my last and final procedure. They are contouring my outter thighs and my waist. In two weeks from today I'll be working on getting back to normal. In one week I start back, albeit slowly with my workouts. I'm soooo glad its finally coming to a close. I'm more sure than ever now that I'll finally be able to wear the most tiniest pants I've bought in my entire life. Levi's Size 4 / 27 - which in today's vanity sizing is actually more like a Zero. You seen that right... ZERO!!! I kept them around as kinda like a pipe dream. I'd look at them and say... "Do I really wanna get that small??" Well I woke up this morning and seen them sitting there - and decided the answer is yes. I will probably still need to lose an additional 10 Lbs on my own. I will take my time getting there. I won't do anything more than what I'm used to doing. That is working out and toning up. Watching my sugars and sodium. That's it. That's what's gotten me through the last 4 months and losing about 1 Lb per week average. I'll get there. Hugs everyone, and thanks for following my journey. I hope I've at least given some folks hope that no matter how far you have to go... you realize that all of this really is possible.
  18. Hi Keke :) Thank you for all the sweet picture messages. You made me :)

  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Been Around a While

    Hi Trixie, I'm so sorry to hear about your dear Mom. Hugs and prayers to you as you embrace your future now beginning in just a week and a half. Thank you for sharing your story with us. It shows that no matter what, we must always get back on our feet and fight to survive!
  20. You got it Fit! Wishing you well on your surgery tomorrow. Your new journey begins!!! Remember: Patience, Fluids, Rest and try to get up and walk whenever you can. Yayyy!!! :biggrin5:
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Skinny girl issues...WTH!!!!!

    Hi Lydia. :smile1: All I can say is... I totally agree. The comments are something else. Funny thing, I rarely was ever called "fat" or things like that. This is completely all new. I've lately been asked if I'm "okay" as if I might have cancer or something. Really? Constantly being asked, "when are you going to stop losing weight???" with that wild and crazy look on their face. Or the "you're gonna turn anorexic". OMG I'm getting that word a lot now (anorexic). I recently was told by someone really close to me the other day (shall remain nameless) that I've got that crazy persons illness where I see myself as fat when I'm not, instead I'm really the opposite (skinny). Ok, I don't know if these are supposed to be compliments or what. I just try to laugh them off and move on. I don't know what else to do. I'm not going to try to gain the weight back. It's come to the point where I'm being watched like a hawk at meals, and I can see the looks from others around as they see I pick at my food. I simply cannot eat like others. No, I don't regret my decision what so ever - it just becomes much more prevalent to others around you the smaller you are or get. I'm just hopeful that will die down in time as they see I'm still healthy and vibrant. The losses will stop eventually. I'm just not going to sabotage myself and gain my weight back... LOL Anyway - thanks for the opportunity for us skinny chicks to rant. ETA: Guys too... ie, Rootman
  22. Early tomorrow morning I place the last piece of my puzzle. So thankful to GOD first, and to Dr. Aceves for giving me that second chance. I did what I said I would. I got to my goals... and even then some.

  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Have A Leak In My Gastric Sleeve!

    Wow what??? How did I miss all this??? I'm praying for you that you get well ASAP!! Hugs my dear... please let us know how you're doing.
  24. Hi LeLe Congrats on your new journey!!! Firstly, the main concern being your only a few days out should really be sipping your liquids. So you're doing broths and liquids, then you are doing excellent. Second, the sharp pains could be the acid from your stomach. To be sure though, perhaps you can place a call in to your surgeon. It's probably nothing, but its better to know that for sure than to not. Hang in there! Every day gets better... and better. Continue with your liquids, get up and walk often and get plenty of sleep and rest.
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Anybody have Dr. Aceves and/or went alone?

    I had Dr. Aceves, and he trusted me enough to do my revision from band to sleeve - just like yourself. Dr. Aceves saved my life!!! Every time I look in the mirror, run like the wind, weigh myself, or put on my tiny clothes - I thank God and then I thank him too. He is a very skilled surgeon and his staff is nothing short of stellar. Though I did not go alone, others have and came through just fine. Ernesto will help you with anything you might need with getting to the hospital and getting you back to your terminal. Wishing you well! Keep us updated on how its going for you.

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