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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    I have embraced a new GOAL!!

    Hello!! I got my new jeans today. Zappos is great. Aaaannnyyywwaayyyy... I took a few photos to share because I wanted to show the differences (not much) in "vanity sizing". You can see the Levi's and the NYDJ's are exactly the same size... yet the Levi's are 4's and the NYDJ's are 0's. In fact, I'm saying right now, I'll fit those 0's first. They are much more stretchy and have more leg room. LMAO!!!! Ready, Set, GO!!! Like I said, I don't care how long this takes. I'm just going to keep doing what I know how to do and spot checking during my workouts. Could take 6 months, could take a year, I don't know.
  2. Tomorrow morning begins the day with a good cup of coffee and an even better workout. Ohhhh Yeahhhhh!!!! Albeit small 30 minutes, but that feeling of normalcy will be all worth it. :)

  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Success In A Wall Shadow!

    Thanks everyone... :biggrinjester: This was just a fun moment for me. Being this far out the NSV's are less and less so when I get one I just have to jump on it... LOL! Julie, that's funny you mention the booty thing. I was looking at mine today and noticed the surgeon took some out when he did my lipo. I suddenly felt a little worried like I hope he didn't take out too much!! That would be a tragedy!!
  4. So... I seen my shadow and was like... WTF (scuse the french but its true!) IS THAT??? So, I took a picture. Sharing my journey has its interesting fun moments too!! WHOOOHOOOOO!!!! Please note everyone... I used to be over 330 Lbs and wear a size 28W!!! I just can't believe it STILL sometimes...
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Have Gained...@#$%&**!

    Its possible you might have taken in more sodium than you think and for me, that always leads to the scale being naughty. Idk... I wouldn't really worry too much to be honest. I've just come to realize that's a natural part of the process. I go up and down all the time. If it goes up, I just flush with more water and it's usually gone in a day or two. HTH
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Skinny girl issues...WTH!!!!!

    I have learned in this journey that, if I have to work so hard to make a friendship work - then it's really not a real friendship at all. I just let them go. I have WAY too much on my plate right now than to add in some coddling of frustrated people! Since then, I've been sooo much happier. See? :biggrin: :biggrin5: :biggrin: :biggrin5: :biggrin: :biggrin5:
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    New Chick On The Block!

    Hi fell4, welcome to VST!! If you need anything, just let me or anyone here know. This place is the best!!! Much success on your journey!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Welcome Me To The Century Club...

    WELCOME!!!! WELL DONE!!! :uwelcome: :youcandothis:
  9. Ohhh sweet Meggie!!! WELL DONE!!!! :Banane08: :Banane09: :Banane10: :Banane13: :Banane23: :Banane21: :Banane34:
  10. Whooohoooo!!! You look lovely! Those glasses are hot too!
  11. I'm positive it does have a lot to do with it. I hope you can get this figured out! (((hugs)))
  12. MsLady!! Whoohooo!! It's here! Please check in when you feel up to it. And that's right, do ya damm thang. You will be sooo glad you did. (((hugs))) Well wishes for a speedy recovery, walk, sip, rest REPEAT!!
  13. Good morning WL friends! Whatever you do, remember all the reasons to be thankful. This week and every week. :) ROCK THOSE LOSSES!!

  14. LilMissDiva Irene


    CT, you've done great already!! Congrats I knew you'd be one to do well with this. I also had this problem to in the beginning. I'm very comfortable now with myself and I really highly doubt I'll ever gain my weight back. I've learned too much, come too far and love the new me far more now than any amount of food could take the place of. Just keep doing what you're doing, you'll be just fine. Still speak with someone though, that will also put some spin on things that might uncover things you didn't think of. The more insight we all have of our addictions, the best chance for coming out for the better. That said... you need to update your ticker!
  15. Absolutely, if you can find another surgeon who is just as experienced and reputable don't worry about making the change. This is YOUR journey, no one else's. It does sound like you have boundaries on when is the best time for you to have surgery. Having to wait an entire extra year and paying a lot more out of pocket is a major reason to seek alternatives. You will want to do this with as little stress as possible, because just having this surgery is stressful enough. You said so, you only spoke to this Dr. one time. You are not bound to him at all. Hugs! You will figure it out.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Down 100 Pounds! Yay!

    Sweet!!! Hey ladies... you can do it!!! I can't wait to see those celebration posts. :Banane27:
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Super Nsv (sort Of)

    Yayyy Sleeve of Steel! That's a great compliment! And congrats on hitting Onederland!!! WHOOOTTTT!!!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Getting Gastric Sleeve Surgery Tomorrow!

    Welcome all new members and future sleevers!! Best think I've ever done for myself. Hang out and read up. There is sooo much info here.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Count Down To Goal 4....

    Good luck on your last 4 Lbs!! I don't think I'll ever know what it's like to not have a goal before me... if anyone can share, that would be great.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    New To Vst.....starting My Journey

    HI Bryan WELCOME!! I'm glad you decided to join in! Everyone here is very sweet and always ready to help out. Lucky you, being a guy you'll likely lose your 100 Lbs in no time at all. Keep us updated on how you're doing!
  21. coops... my dear friend. It's there, you just need to know where to look. Here's my opinion, now it could be or could not be the case. Regardless here is what I think: I think you are placing WAY too much emphasis on what could or should be and not enough on the here and now. What I mean is, live for today. Don't fight against tomorrow or the future. I cannot tell you how much RELIEF I felt when I finally gave up on all the time related challenges and weight loss goals. I know that is ultimately what you are going after... but maybe changing the type of goals you are setting for yourself will make the world of difference. Maybe instead of weight goals, make inch goals or clothing goals. Instead of challenges for Christmas, maybe make workout goals. Instead of focusing so much on the goals so far ahead, instead focus on the one right in front of you. I absolutely could not in good sanity think so far ahead. I'm pretty sure most here already know what I think about BMI's. But guess what? I'm but a hop skip and a jump away from breaking below 25. So I will be considered normal. I never thought so far ahead that I really let that set into my mind and let that bring me down. I can't. I had WAYYYYY too far to go. I used to be nearly a 53 BMI. It still doesn't mean that much to me, I'm just saying, I always picked one battle at a time. Something about me is that I'm an extremely impatient person. I want it all and I want it now. I would drive myself NUTSO!!! if I thought about all the millions of goals I set for myself. One mountain at a time is all I can handle. THAT is how I always kept my motivation throughout my long long journey. Hugs. Remember: One mountain at a time. ETA: I cannot respond on the menopause issues, but I'll listen to any advice you get! LOL
  22. Heya SS!! If you really are interested in lip, let me know! I'll try to answer any questions you have. It really isn't as bad as it looks. My pain was due to my silliness by not asking for Pain Rx when what they gave me didn't work. Thus far I am very excited for my results and they still have so much swelling to go down!!

  23. Thanks for that sweet comment! You're the best! :)

  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Plastics Journey - My first one (of several)

    Thanks Ladies!!!! I'm sooo glad I'm done with all this It will be fun taking photos and posting the final product in a few months. It's been a long and nerve wrecking ride. For me and here out I'm just going to recover, do my workouts, eat properly and do a tiny bit of spot toning until I fit in my itty bitty fours. LOL!! I did buy some Size 0 jeans from Zappos which based on the measurements are exactly the same as those 4's hanging on my closet door. It will be fun putting those on! Vanity sizing or not. However long that takes, I just don't care. I'm here!!! :cheers2:
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Down 100 Pounds! Yay!

    Yayyyyy MEG!!! Outstanding!!!! Congrats!!! You are truly one of the inspiring stories around here.

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