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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. I am constantly amazed at how awesome the bypass has been for me. I'm happy, healthy and getting my life back.

  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Dont be a b***h

    If anyone posts anything outside the guidelines of the terms of service (please read it carefully) please report it to Alex, myself or any of the other moderation staff. It will be handled accordingly.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Share your tattoo pics

    For my furbabies
  4. If it were in the Olympics, it would be shoe in for a Gold Medal. If it were a Sports Car it would be a 1967 Chevrolet Corvette L88 Coupe. If it were a Planet it would be Jupiter. If it were a Talk Show Host it would Be Oprah. If it were in the Guiness Book of World Records it would be on the Cover. Okay you get what I'm saying here right? Before you think twice please understand that I've had a Lapband... I've had a VSG... and now that I've revised to the RNY Gastric Bypass I finally feel like I've made the best decision for myself. The only complication I had was a little more pain than others experience, but that's all. Other than that I am free from GERD, I am free from coughing all day and all night, and I am free from food. I guess I should have mentioned the last thing first. However, the GERD was the main reason for my revision. It's doing for me everything that's promised! I'm losing weight and inches at a rate I can't even keep up. I feel tons full of energy and no I do not look sickly. I can only eat a very tiny bit or suffer a miserable time. I am still doing Protein shakes to keep my protein up and Soups, but for some reason I am not getting sick of them. I can literally forget to eat, all day long. I never ever EVER feel hunger. Not even mental hunger. My pouch hates anything not deemed healthy, seriously. I don't know how it knows but it does. It doesn't like anything too high in fat. It doesn't like sugar so I stay close to my 5g per serving maximum. But if it is high in protein and veggies, it is in Heaven. I do still have to do my part by getting my activity in and making sure I'm getting my supplements. As of last week though I have completely been taken off my High Blood Pressure Medications which I haven't ever been able to do since I turned 31 and was put on them. No, not even when I had the sleeve and I was a huge success with the sleeve... So, if you're on the fence - get down and change your life forever.
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Financing Options?

    She can also try Care Credit.
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Share your tattoo pics

    Here's my newest addition on my upper back, middle. It's called love infinity.
  7. Good morning! Here's your July 2014 Post Op Bypass Support Group!! Why do I care so much? Because on July 9th I will become of the Bypass Ranks. Yeee!! Yes, I'm excited about it. Shoulda probly did this from day 1 but hindsight in blurry blurry. Welcome all
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Gastric Bypass is Rockstar League!

    @@ShirleyJ84 - Hi new best friend! I turned 40 last December.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Gastric Bypass is Rockstar League!

    @@hopetochangemylife your post worked.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Gastric Bypass is Rockstar League!

    @@bebeandkoko - Wonderful! All the best to you
  11. Yes it would be a lot of fun! I would of course go through BP.com - I will know before the Earlybird specials expire.
  12. Howdy everyone! I am six weeks post op revision to RNY and today is my first day back at work. Everything is going fantastical.

    1. HalloweenBaby24


      What did you have the revision from?

      Band or sleeve and why?

  13. I ask myself this over and over again. I don't know who knows about my very long and extensive background with complications after complications beginning in February of 2008 with my first WLS the Lap Band and then I had a revision to Sleeve in Sept. of 2010. I'm not here to knock any surgery. Some surgeries work well with some people, and sometimes it doesn't. I'm one of those it didn't. I was told by my first bariatric surgeon that I was a good candidate for the Bypass, but I still went with the Lap Band. It seemed less invasive, and it seems like it would be my best choice. Turned out for me it wasn't. So here I am 6 years later laying up recovering from my Rny Gastric Bypass surgery. I am doing exponentially well. I do have an infection in my drainage incision, however but the antibiotics are helping with that. I am stronger than any enemy faced against me! I will always survive! The Gastric Bypass in only 2 weeks has worked wonders for me that YEARS of struggling with the Band and Sleeve could not. The Sleeve gave me things like weight goals, looking good in clothes and other superficial things BUT the one dream of mine was to beat my health problems. Mainly my HBP. My Uncle died at the age of 44 due to complications of it, and I was officially diagnosed with it at age 31. I was given a vision and extreme measure to help me but I was too scared to take it. The Bypass would be my saving grace. I'm only glad that I have it now. My GERD is 100% gone as of surgery day. My blood pressure has dropped so low in only 2 weeks that my regular Dr. wants me completely off but put me on 25% until we see each other again in a month. I don't feel beat up or tired which is amazing for only being 2 weeks out. I feel good, upbeat and HEALTHY... which means I am FINALLY a TRUE SUCCESS STORY. God bless everyone, and never be afraid to take any extreme measure to save your life. ETA: I'd like to say I just surpassed my 100th day sugar free as well.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    You're so vain...

    Yes, so I hear it all the time, "I'm having this surgery because I want to lose weight and gain my health back"... but what I really want to know is, where is that person inside you that is doing it so you can be more attractive? I won't lie, I hated being fat. I did not feel pretty and I do feel a million times better being smaller. I even float across the floor better if that makes sense. I fit my clothes better, I can find a lot cuter clothes and I like shopping and doing make-up. They don't call me "diva" for nothing. I like taking pictures and I like having pretty hair and nails and lots of bright outfits. I love it when my husband tells me I'm beautiful. I personally don't think there's anything wrong with that, because on the inside I am kind, considerate and loving. I will never berate anyone and will always put my hand out to help anyone up, without question. When it comes down to it, it will always be how you treat yourself as well as others, and sometimes looking our best helps us feel better about treating others and ourselves better. As long as you have a good heart and always remain respectful then who cares if you like to look good. Anyone else out there willing to admit they have a bit of a narcissistic side?
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    JULY 2014 Post Op Rny / Bypass Support Group

    @@itsmekarenlee oh no I hope everything is okay!!!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    You're so vain...

    @@Roostertail2 oh yes the shirts with the giant flowers... lol! I totally feel you on that one.
  17. I am graduating to soft foods today. I had some breakfast burritos I made in the fridge. It has eggs/sausage/beans/spanish rice and cheese inside. I ate 3 bites and I am now full... oh joy!!!

  18. 3 Weeks post op. I see my surgeon tomorrow regarding the pain I'm having. Hoping all is okay with me - otherwise everything else is going great!!!

    1. green*eyed*girl


      What kind of pain are you having my dear?

    2. LilMissDiva Irene

      LilMissDiva Irene

      A lot of surgical incision pain. I did see him and he said I'm actually progressing really great. My pain is normal, I just need more healing time. =) I can live with that!


  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeve to Bypass revisioners?

    I had my revision on the 9th. I'm doing fine only the pain is pretty bad. Other than that my reflux is GONE!!! I'm so thankful for that.
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    Share your tattoo pics

    @@Trudycarle did the permanent eyeliner hurt? I have thought about it.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    JULY 2014 Post Op Rny / Bypass Support Group

    @@Kathy Nichols hello and welcome
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    JULY 2014 Post Op Rny / Bypass Support Group

    @@green*eyed*girl yes we are surgery sisters now!
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sleeve to Bypass, Anyone?

    My surgery has left me with a lot of pain which I see my surgeon about on Thursday. I do believe I'm fine and the pain might be due to scar tissue. I've had 2 other surgeries so it makes sense. I will know more then though. I feel good ultimately and the bypass has taken care of my reflux so I am def thankful for that!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Why didn't I get the Rny Bypass first?

    Thank you!

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