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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Cons Of Gastric Sleeve Life! :-(

    I know right??? I just bought a new fan right before my sleeve for my little cubie. I think I've used it 1 time since. That said, I nice warm heater is in order here! @favored - It's close!!
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Cons Of Gastric Sleeve Life! :-(

    Oh wow less than a week likasulema! Cheers to your upcoming! All the best for a super smooth surgery and quick quick healing. Don't forget to sip, sip, sip and walk and rest too.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    I'm excited to watch your transormation!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Skinny girl issues...WTH!!!!!

    Sheesh you'd think this person would know better... smh...
  5. I've never lied about that! Time heals all wounds and it's true for the sleeve surgery. The difference in the end the bonus is lesser than, not greater. Whooottt!!! Glad to hear things are looking UP!
  6. My Size 6 Wedding Bands that Hubby got me only 6 months ago are already much too big!! Almost to the point where I can't wear them or lose them. :o(

  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Wore A Belt For The First Time.

    Yeahhh!!! Congrats!! I know belts saved me as I was going through all the sizes. Have fun finding some really cute ones!
  8. Agreed with everyone else, definitely check in with your dermatologist. That said, I noticed my skin started looking strangely post op. I'm sure there were lots of reasons for it, but I think the main factor is sort of like the hair falling out. Our cells will only reproduce normally when we are eating enough to sustain it. When we are not consuming as many calories to sustain and function, our bodies go to our fat stores, but will only use the calories it needs to keep us alive (major organ functions). It won't use them for skin, nails, hair - etc. I drink LOTS of Water which Ive noticed helps a lot. I went through a spell recently where I wasn't getting enough and I seen it in my face. I've recently gone back to getting more than plenty and my face is looking much better again. Softer skin... along with a Collagen cream from L'Oreal - I've seen a significant difference. One last thing, with my BA I was put on 1,000 mcg of Vitamin E orally. I take them every night before I go to bed (plenty of sleep helps too!) and I've seen a HUGE difference in my skin. Hubby even said my skin is softer than ever - and he's always said I had such soft skin. I hope you can figure it out! :smile1: Let us know what your dermatologist says, I'm very interested to know.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Gastric Sleeve Surgery Newbie!

    Hello and Welcome to VST!!! I always love seeing fresh new faces here. This is the place to be!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Question About Treadmill Walking

    Get it!! I hope you'll share your first 5K event with us - run or walk, doesn't matter. What matters most is JUST DOING IT. :cheers2:
  11. My WORKOUT goal for the month of December: 216 total Miles by 12/31/11. Just getting back so taking it easy. ;o)

  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    I'll show you mine... (LBD's)

    You can count on it. :wink1:
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Cons Of Gastric Sleeve Life! :-(

    Regarding the water consumption issue, Kemo is right. Time heals this. I can drink a gallon of water a day without issue now - and even gulp my water. That said... I'm still cold. Haaa!!
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Question About Treadmill Walking

    I know you're not starting this just yet, but I wanted to share the link to the C25K program I used. Good luck!! It's sooo possible. http://www.fromcouchto5k.com/articles/training/the-couch-to-5k-training-plan/
  15. ^^^ Yep, what she said. It's all low carbs that exits the fat out of our liver, making our surgery more safe. I seriously doubt you harmed your progress at all. That said, do your best to stay on track from here though. Keep in mind too that if you are in the norm, you won't even have any type of appetite post sleeve. So try to look forward to that.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    My Bad Habits Are....

    Sometimes I start eating sugar too much, then I have to sugar-fast for a few days to stop it... like right now. I guess seeing I've already hit two goals I shouldn't be too disappointed, but now that I'm working on my 3rd and final, I kinda have to kick my own butt on this one! THANK GOODNESS I can't eat too much or it makes me physically sick!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Tummy Tuck...have You Had One?

    Haaaa!!! S you crack me up!! I hope you can get your TT soon.
  18. For me I had the knee pain and High Blood Pressure. Re: Knee Pain, MUCH better since losing all this weight. In fact, just before my VSG I was scheduled in weeks to have the first of 2 knee surgeries due from being so heavy and causing my knees to have really bad arthritis. I cancelled them in order to try to lose as much weight as I could before then. I believe I would've been incapacitated if I weighed 280 Lbs and unable to walk. I would've been pretty darned miserable. Each little decade of weight has helped a great deal! I can run now. That's right RUN!!! I never imagined, EVER that I'd become a runner. Best feeling ever. I have not rescheduled my knee surgeries and hope to not need to in the very long future. High Blood Pressure was VERY bad before my VSG. I was needing 4 pills per day on the max dose daily just to keep in it in the 140/90 range. That's still a bit high. Now I'm down to one minimum dosage per day and my BP usually reads around 110/70. Stress will elevate it, but only in those cases. It's hereditary so I'm sure I'll be on my medications forever, but going from 4 max doses per day down to 1 minimum dose per day... VICTORY!! I'm so thankful for my sleevie! Good luck on your research. There's lots to know. HTH
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Gastric Sleeve Surgery Newbie!

    I just wanted to say, pre sleeve I had a slew of co-morbidities and HBP is one of them. It was pretty bad and I was on 4 medications per day, max dose. Thanks be to God and my sleevie it is now very much under control. I've never been able to get off the last pill, but it is the lightest dose and I just take it first thing in the morning. I'm quite doubtful I'll ever be able to rid of it, but from 4 down to 1... I'd say that's a major victory!!! You have so much to look forward too. *hugs*
  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    I'm always glad to know the Do's and Don'ts help, I've often had to remind myself of many of them. In fact I thought of them along my journey! They were little things I had to tell myself to get me through the rough Patches. The hardest one is NOT comparing your journey to others. Cheers as you plug along! All are welcomed here! Even the other "experienced" sleevers - I'd love for more to chime in. Like I said, I don't know everything. LOL Yayyyy for Dec. 27th - BEST ON YOUR UPCOMING SURGERY!!
  21. I'm doing my no carbs which really means all protein (poultry and fish), green veggies and dairies for 5 days. I was supposed to start yesterday but I'm a procrastinator. I wanted that one last bite of red velvet cake... haa!! Anyway, I'm NOT going to get on the scale until day 6 which is Dec. 4th. Gotta get that last goal!! I'm hoping by April. :)

  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    Under 200!

    Congrats on ONEderland!!! You're doing it!!
  23. Yes I did go through a period which everything I ate sat in my tummy and just made me feel miserable, nauseated even. I had to force myself to eat because I knew I had to, to survive! I had zero appetite, what so ever. I think this lasted about 2.5 to 3 months. However now I'm perfectly fine and can eat without issue. I do get full really fast still, but at least it doesn't feel like a brick in my chest. These were also the months I posted the largest weight drops too though, so I guess for a little bad came a lot of good.
  24. Here it is noontime and I'm thinking... wow I should get something to eat!!! All I've had this morning was 2 egg beaters servings with a little salsa. Still not feeling terrible hunger... I SOOO LOVE MY SLEEVIE!!!

  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Gastric Sleeve Surgery Newbie!

    Hi there MsBoo, welcome to VST! So many have been where you are right now, and today they are successful in everything they set out to do. Many blessings to you and I'm looking forward to watching you meet all your goals!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
