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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. You got my prayers girlfriend!! This journey is a long one, its going to have up and its going to have downs. There may be moments where you questioned why you did it, and then there will be moments where you feel like you're dreaming... the best dream you've ever had. Even better than the ones where you win the lottery! There are going to be many many moments along the way that you will remember and some you wish you could forget. But through it all, at the end of that road is that magical Land of Oz. Except in this story, there is no man behind the curtain - there is only going to be you and the mirror and what you will see will blow you away. Much love to ya, and I certainly will enjoy watching your journey. You are already an inspiring person - so thank you for sharing your journey here with us.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    Workout Tunes

    Me too! My iPod is my workout buddy for sure. I can just plug her into my ears and an hour will go by without even thinking about it. My favorite genre is definitely anything 80's.
  3. Thank you all so much, sincerely. My journey wouldn't or couldn't have been as wonderful without this awesome communty. I really mean that from the bottom of my heart. :grouphug:
  4. CONGRATS!!! You ARE rockin that sleeve!!! PS: Time to invest in some smaller pants, man!
  5. Well I suppose today is the big day. I just wanted to stop by and wish you well, and for a smooth and quick recovery. Remember to get up and walk as much as you can, it hurts to get up but once you get started with it, you will see it makes you feel so much better. Sip your drinks all day long and get plenty of sleep and rest too. Our bodies heal so much doing that. Blessings!!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Cons Of Gastric Sleeve Life! :-(

    Not so much for us sleevers. Especially if your taking a PPI for stomach acids. Calcium needs an acidic environment for ultimate absorption. Try to find calcium citrate - especially ones that are coupled with Magnesium. Also, be sure to space taking your Calcium by a few hours when or if you are taking any kind of Iron supplement. HTH
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    How Did You Choose Your Weight Loss Goal?

    Heyyy now!!! When you "get here" we'll have a cheers!!! :Banane57: LUCYCAT - In reality when we spend years and decades being obese we will end up with quite a bit of extra skin and shrunken fat cells. These fat cells multiply but they never disappear, the only way to get rid of them is surgically. This stuff weighs a LOT! As long as you end up healthy, happy and more active - then you have succeeded!
  8. I just realized... I have NOT taken any pain medication in 3 days now. YESSS!!!! 5k REtraining begins in 2 weeks. Can't stop... WON'T STOP!!!

  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Whew Whoo!

    CONGRATS!!! Your path to the new you is set before you now. And, it's ONLY A FEW WEEKS AWAY!! :welldoneclap:
  10. Hey there miss lady, do it!!! You're rocking your sleeve... WHHOOOOO!!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Does Restriction Feel Like Being "full"?

    Hi Siren For me, once I got to solids, that was when I got full very fast and it lasted what seemed forever. I never felt hungry... ever. I rarely get hungry even today. The feeling of full with the sleeve for myself is nothing like "normal" in the beginning. However I must say that the further out I get, the more normal the full feeling gets. HTH
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    How Did You Choose Your Weight Loss Goal?

    True Lissa, I used that chart used by SK and was measured a large frame too. Being 5'7 it says I should weigh 143-163. I'm wondering though, If it says WITH 1" inch heels, does that mean I would look at the 5'8 line? I'm a little confused. I know I just feel fine where I'm at right now. I personally don't care if I don't lose anymore - it just seems to me that if I got to 165, which I probably will once I'm 100% healed from my lipo's that would put me at the top range of normal per that scale in the 5"8 line. Anyway - like I said, I'm just glad I'm not 160 Lbs overweight anymore!!
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Its Official.......... Im A Loser!

    Yay WELCOME Ann!!! It's nice to have you sittin right next to me. :biggrin:
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    How Did You Choose Your Weight Loss Goal?

    I never set an actual weight goal. I had mini weight goals along the way, and my last one was Onederland. My ultimate goals were all Size based. My first Ultimate goal I placed on myself was to fit in a Size 8. Well... I fit in a size 8 before I even hit Onederland. Weird huh? I had to set a new size goal because I knew I absolutely had to see that number on the scale. So, I made myself a new Size goal a 4. The picture in my signature line is me wearing those 4's. I got into them and decided to start the plastic surgery process, which has taken me off track for awhile. I've not gained anything, in fact quite the opposite. If I didn't have 6 Lbs of silicone in my chest I'd be in the 160's right now. LOL Everyone should figure out where they would find that moment of satisfaction, whatever you choose - I can tell you, you will make it.
  15. Amen!!! Okay you've really kicked some serious butt here. CONGRATULATIONS!!! I'm seriously sooo happy for you!! It's been so amazing and a pleasure watching your transformation. And now you are but a few pounds away from your ultimate goals. THE SLEEVE and Dr. Aceves is such a blessing!! Now, take your skinny butt on girl and WORK IT!!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Bariatric Surgery Do's And Don'ts

    Hmmm thats a thought.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Cons Of Gastric Sleeve Life! :-(

    Sometimes I'll split the meal or sometimes I'll get my own if I'm wanting something other than what Hubby or whoever I'm with is having. Even with sharing we still end up taking food back home. I get soup or salad too depending on what I feel like. However I usually space it out and eat very slow. I usually only end up have a few sips or bites of that. The further out you get, the easier it is to go out to eat. For me it has turned more into a social gathering and more chatting rather than the eating. I also don't think we really went out restauranting for at least my first 4 months.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Cons Of Gastric Sleeve Life! :-(

    Just a suggestion... Goodwill saved my life during the rapid weight loss phase. They have SO many sizes and styles available - you can't go wrong. I would even buy all sizes going down and try them all on from time to time. When a new size would fit, it was a GOOD day!!! They even have clothes still with the brand new tags on them.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Cons Of Gastric Sleeve Life! :-(

    Agreed!!! It's sometimes a little bit stressful that my sleevie is SO tiny that I can't fit in everything I want. Especially Thanksgiving time when there's so much to sample! I don't mind the one bite per dish rule... but when there's so many dishes you have to wait a few hours to try more - it just gets to me a little bit. All of these are so true!! I've become a bit of a shopaholic lately. Uhh Ohh!! Heya Penpen, thank you for the picture compliment! Haha! I did like it because as they say, Smile, it makes people wonder what you're up to. LOL Re: Caring what other people think... I believe something happens along the way with weight loss. It comes to a point when you say... I really REALLY don't give a flyin' u know what if someone thinks I'm weird, different, doesn't like me for whatever reason, etc. I've found that is the other persons problem. I won't make it mine.
  20. Starting day 3 of my CarbMonster Eradication. I'm seriously surprised that the cravings and headaches are on ZERO status! I'm feeling sooo good... got my workout on this morining and thankful that I'm able to do these again!!! I'VE MISSED ROCKIN THOSE LEGS DOWN TO THE GROUND!!!

  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Cons Of Gastric Sleeve Life! :-(

    Agreed Rootman, the coldness started immediately for me too. Being I was so used to feeling overheated all the time to freezing - I wasn't used to it. I say I'm still not... Question: is there any help with that kidney stone issue? I mean, will it ever go away? That has me curious.
  22. Wow!!!! It's just an amazing moment when you look in the mirror and think... yep I got tha skiddly-do!!! Hahaa!! I finally seen it just now... sexy thin body and curvy in all the right places.

  23. Wow!!!! It's just an amazing moment when you look in the mirror and think... yep I got tha skiddly-do!!! Hahaa!! I finally seen it just now... sexy thin body and curvy in all the right places.

  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Anybody have Dr. Aceves and/or went alone?

    Um... I'm stealing this quote and putting it in my signature line. :wink1:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
