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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. Hello everyone, I bring to you tidings of joy for the Holiday Season! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!! :smile1: I'm writing you today because I have recently had a revealing moment... or two. A few days ago I was walking around our house and I walked into an area where the kitchen light shines against our dining room wall. As I walked by I noticed a shadow appear on the wall, and one I could not for the life of me recognize. I was SO surprised that I had to walk by again, because in all reality I couldn't believe that was me I was looking at. This figure on the wall was tall, slender and super curvy. I was impressed to say the least. I felt satisfied by what I saw. Let me define for you the word satisfied because this is one I've NEVER used in my entire life when it came to how I viewed myself physically. Not once. Synonyms: content - contented - pleased - happy - glad Yes, this was me at that very moment. I'm going to admit something here and now. I've not one time in my life felt this way regarding ME. My reflection would always throw me back an image I couldn't accept. There was always something more I could do, to improve upon. There was even a time in my life where I was even underweight for my frame and I STILL could not accept ME. I always wanted to lose more, a pound here or an inch there. It was a little insane truthfully. Here I am right now, feeling high from adrenaline and satisfaction - that I am really and truly done with this journey. I put on my first pair of jeans since my final liposuction and they were easy to put on. They slid right up over my thighs without effort. I didn't have to fight them, and I didn't have to wear pants today that were too small in the thigh and too big in the waist. My thighs... oh so lovely thighs... are normal. Normal synonyms: regular - standard - ordinary - common - usual Another word I've never used to define myself. I am me, and I am content, pleased, happy, glad, regular, standard, ordinary, common and I am usual. I am also a finished product. Now only need to keep up with remaining healthy and staying right here where I am. So, EFF YOU SIZE ZERO!! You do not define me, just as much as my scale does not. My health, both physical and mental - and my happiness does.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    From: The End Of My Weight Loss Journey. New Goal: To Stay Here And Stay Fit.

    Thanks for keeping me moving y'all!!! I certainly would NOT be here without all of your support.
  3. How I got here: Faith, Blood, Sweat, Tears, Perseverance, Hard work, Dedication, Support from others, and Acceptance of myself.

  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    How Did You Choose Your Weight Loss Goal?

    Maddy you are very close to Onederland!! Congrats!
  5. Also, if you are interested in the plication, here is a link to the plication talk board. http://www.sleeveplicationtalk.com/
  6. Shelly, I'm very informed in both, because I've had both. Oma is correct and for ME and my experience Maddy is not. I was never able to eat normally with my band. I was forced to eat slider foods because that was all I could eat. I never found my sweet spot, either I was too loose or too tight. This knowing because my Dr. would fill / unfill me (over 20+ times in the course of my band days) the minimum and I'd still be this way. Also after having my revision, I learned it was not my fault because I totally rocked my sleeve and hit goal in almost 7 months. I am beyond goal now. HTH - and remember, this was my personal experience only. Everyone is different.
  7. Thanks for the add :) :) :)

  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    M2G's Ramblings

    I'll be here For me, I think just sticking around posting and watching others keeps me motivated if anything just to always doing the right thing. Be honest, I'm really still losing weight. I've been in "maintenance" mode for awhile now - but with the plastics I started to get weirded out. The swelling was messing with my mirror image puffing me up and making my scale give me ugly info! My chest weighs 6 Lbs... as if!!! I already weigh a lot to begin with. It's kinda heady trippy - but the swelling is going away bunches and my body weight is even lower than ever now. I'd be in the 160's if I didn't desire such big boobs. Haaa!!! Only you will know when it is truly time to say "I'm done". I'm finally there! That doesn't mean my body will agree - but I'm going to fight it a little bit to. I only have fat left in my behind. I don't think Hubby would like me to lose that! Ok, well I KNOW he wouldn't because he told me... I really wouldn't either.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Diva's journey to GOAL

    Welcome to my personal thread. I will detail my journey here on my final countdown. I have 27 Lbs to my ultimate goal!! As I already mentioned in the other thread: So... here I go!! It's probably going to take me 4 more months to get to this goal, however I'd really REALLY love to reach it by my Sleeversary which will be on September 15th. Just at the tail end of Summer. *Sigh* Wish me luck!! To start off fresh I'm going to write myself up a new workout routine and ensure I'm eating as healthy as possible. I have 27 Lbs to lose in just a little over 3 months. Ugghh!!! That's 9 Lbs per month average!! Gonna be tough but I think I can do it.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Nsv - Size 8, Ya Heard!

    Whoohooo!!!! Congrats Rev Happy shopping!
  11. Sorry the pics are so big... the regular uploader didn't want to work so I had to do the image link thing and they came out huge.
  12. Update!!! :smile1: Before: Today:
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Diva's journey to GOAL

    You will get there very very soon, you look incredible! For me, it didn't finally hit me until I had my plastic surgeries and now that my body is finally shaping up after healing... I see it now. I'm done!!!
  14. This is a Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy message board, so you are going to get biased opinions pro sleeve here. Please, do your own research and come to your own decision. Here are some helpful links of first hand stories you might find interesting: Lap Band: Main Webpages: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/ Pro's: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/forum/227-lap-band-success-stories/ Con's: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/forum/70-lap-band-complications/ -OR- http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/forum/13-band-to-gastric-sleeve-revisions/'>http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/forum/13-band-to-gastric-sleeve-revisions/ Vertical Sleeve: Main Webpage: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/ Pro's: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/forum/14-vertical-sleeve-gastrectomy-surgery-vsg-success-stories/ Con's: http://www.verticalsleevetalk.com/forum/48-gastric-sleeve-surgery-vsg-complications-support-group/ HTH
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Diva's journey to GOAL

    Update!!! I'm HERE!!! The final frontier... maintenance. Who knew that self acceptance is the real ultimate goal?
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Nsv - "one-forty Land" At The Doctor!

    Sharon YOU ROCK!!!! That is sooo awesome! I love those Detecto scales. I want to get one for my house... LOL :smile1: BTW, I remember Nehi too. I liked the Blue Cream. Haha!! Great job lady, I'm soooo super happy for you!!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Gastric Sleeve Surgery Postponed

    lika, wow kudos to your Dr. for being so cautious! 9 more days to try to lose as much as you can pre-op - you're thinking good. I can tell you will do good things with your sleeve. HUGS!!!
  18. Numbers on the scale or in my pants do NOT define me. Self acceptance does, and I am here.

  19. Thank you for the comment Sharon! :) I always wondered if I'd ever get here. Well now I'm truly TRULY saying, I'm content.

  20. Thank you!!!! :) I appreciate your kind words in my thread.

  21. Khy... profound!! Though I felt this in my heart - this tiny sentence said a million words. You will get there, and when you do - please share so we can all Celebrate with you!! PS, you're my new quote in my signature line.
  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Have To Pour My Heart Out....

    Fantastic work!! It's not easy but it is worth it. CHEERS!!!
  23. Y'all are soooo sweet, thank you!!!! Yayyy!! Kim - as much as you say I inspire you, the feeling is mutual. Lynda - I admit this is a really awesome place to be. I never thought I'd ever be able to feel this way about myself, but I do... and I'm on top of the world. SLM - Yeah, can't get away from that NOW!! Heehee!! Love ya girlie, you have inspired me SOOO much through my journey. You're absolutely beautiful and you should be content, because you're there!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    Overly-ambitious Weight Loss Goal?

    I've always said this, you can lose as much as you want with the sleeve. Of course, realistically speaking of course. It's seeming possible that you can lose 100 Lbs - just don't beat yourself up over it though!
  25. LilMissDiva Irene

    Disappointed About Weight Loss

    Hi there MrsP - well to answer the question about the sleeve size, no you will never be able to stretch it out to the size it once was. It's not possible. We are left with the portion of the stomach that is much less expandable. I went to a seminar with Dr. Cirangle and he put it like this: the portion of the stomach we are left with will only stretch to the amount a billfold would. So you know how a brand new billfold is tight? Well after years of stuffing it will money, CC's and DL's, etc... it's going to stretch. However, it will have it's limit. See what I mean? Here's what I think, but it's my opinion only; perhaps you are eating slider foods? You will not feel restriction with slider foods as you would with more dense lean Proteins and veggies. Sometimes its not so much of HOW MUCH we are eating, but rather WHAT we are eating. Could it be that you are consuming fluids too soon after eating as well? This absolutely will flush your food out of your sleeve faster than had you waited a half hour to an hour after. One last thing, I'm huge on workouts. IMO, it is a necessary part of changing our lives. Imagine if you worked out for even one half hour per day 5-6 days per week. You can probably burn an additional 4-500 calories more per day than if you had not done it. That's almost one extra pound lost per week just for 30 minutes of your day! If you do this properly, it also helps to raise your metabolism. What I do is I will workout first thing in the morning, and drink a 20 oz bottle of Water with it. Immediately after I'll have a Protein shake to get my early protein going. This always works amazing for me, and trust me when I say, I can tell the difference when I don't do this. Speaking of water, it is really important to stay well hydrated during weight loss. Not only is it just healthy but it also helps to flush out the fat cells. HTH and I do wish you well!!!

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