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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. Cheri, the results from my lipos are totally beyond what I even imagined. I so impressed by my Surgeons work, and I'd say I'm about perhaps 60% healed at this point. I can't wait to find out!! I know I won't view 100% results until probably around 6 months out. Then they even said the skin won't retract back to final recovery until a year out - which is normal for any weight loss. I've just got to come to terms with my ole brain that I don't need to actively seek out trying to lose more - pretty much it's just going to happen on its own. I have to find that balance where I won't gain but I won't lose either. I'm in weight loss purgatory right now.. LOL!!
  2. You've got to believe in YOURSELF... because at the end of the day, that's no one else's responsibility but YOURS!!!

  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Yeh! The Lapband Is Coming Out....

    Yayyy!!!! Out with the old and in with the new. I had my band revised to sleeve 15 months ago. Best decision I ever did make, and I also had Dr. Aceves. Best wishes!!!
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Skinny girl issues...WTH!!!!!

    What's the deal with these jealous competitive freak a zoids??? Whoaaaa I had an issue today. Short lived, or forever long, depending on how you look at it. So not even an hour ago a co-worker of mine (which we've never exactly been close may I say) came strutting through our unit and was saying bye and that she was leaving. Whatever, not sure why all of a sudden that was necessary when she'd never done that before. Anyway, she stopped and looked at me up and down. I've gotta tell you all, I do look extremely thin today, based on my jet black skinny pants I'm wearing and my shirt is more fitting. I've usually taken to wearing baggier clothes to work, just didn't feel it today. So she looks all embarrassed like and she says... OMG!! You're skinner than me now... OMG that's so terrible!!! She went on to say she weighs 180 Lbs so come to find out I even weigh less than her. Now if you know this about me, you know my weight no where matches my size. So you can imagine, she's put on the porker lately. We are roughly the same height. I was a little dismayed because she's not one time told me this. Not once. I mean, not that I'm looking for it but when everyone else is doing it you just notice who's ignoring it, know what I mean? Here's the funny thing, I've known I'm smaller than her for awhile now. I've heard her mentioning her size and whatnot - so yeah, girlie I know I'm skinner than you... *sigh* Have been for awhile now. She tried to clean it up by saying, well you look great - perfect. You don't need to lose anymore weight! Yeah there's that sentence again. Here's my theory about that sentence. I think there's always so much more behind that statement than the literal sense. To me, she said - don't lose anymore because you're (much) skinnier than me and I don't like it. I have a stinking suspicion someone is going to try to go on a diet soon... LMAO!!! Anyway just thought I'd add an entry to the Skinny Girl Issues.
  5. Wow... so someone at my office who has refused up to this point to notice I've lost - well lets say a lot of weight, finally admitted it. She told me I look great and skinny and she even said I'm perfect exactly as I am now. Really... it only took me getting to a Zero for her to admit this? LOL!! Don't get me wrong I was happy she said this, just shocked. Anyway, come to find out I weigh less than her now too.

  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    Do You Believe Things Happen For A Reason?

    Great story Benisa - you're so kind to help that family in their time of need. I hope you will get your surgery soon, but as I always say - on HIS time. Blessings!!
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Making Goal!

    Like I said in the other thread, the sleeve does not have an expiration date. As long as you follow the sleever rules, you will continue to lose weight. You have the ability to hit goal and even go beyond. Will your weight loss slow down? Yes, but that's true with any weight loss program. The lighter you are, the less calories it takes for you to sustain your life. In that case you will need to bump up your calories out by being more active or getting more workouts in. You'll also need to be really good with what you are consuming. HTH
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    When does the gurgling stop?

    Hmmm... well I wish I had better news for you but I'm 15 months post op and I still gurgle from time to time. Depends what I eat mostly now, but it's usually things like bread or similar. It's not often though, but I do!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Let's Get Some Life Into This Group ...

    Heyyy girrrl!!! Yeah good idea, all us at goal or very close need to start chatting more and keeping each of us entertained or motivated to keep the weight off. I'm sure you're doing good Mini, you've always kept your head in check. I've missed you around here. I'm glad to see you posting today. I'll tell you what's on my mind right now. I'm starting to feel a little bit frustrated. I feel frustrated because I'm starting to notice I'm finding reasons to keep going. Now, I know it's probably NOT true, but my head keeps making up excuses to keep trying to lose weight. Ugh I think I really need to go talk to someone. Anyway, thats just me for today. Let's see who else will pop and say hello!
  10. Hi Jamie, thanks for the add! :) And Happy Birthday too!!

  11. Ever since Jesus took the wheel, my life has improved GREATLY!! Letting it all go, being given one more chance... best things ever. :)

  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    Starvation Mode--myth Or Reality?

    Who knows, everyone's metabolisms are so over the place it would be impossible to settle this debate one way or the other. Some believe it is a myth. For myself it is the truth. I have a very high metabolism it turns out. I always thought I didn't because of how fast I gained weight a long time ago. Truth is when I had the BodyBugg running I'd sometimes burn well over 3,000 calories in one day. Of course I was in the high 200's so I'm sure its much less now. Still it was the case. Anyhow the reason I gained all that weight was because I was not working out during those times and I'd eat probably 3-4 times the amount I really needed to for survival. I have no doubt I was probably eating 10,000 calories in one day. I used to put away some serious groceries. Now that my body is back to being fit and active, I burn likely around 1,000 calories a day alone on workouts. I know I need to scale back but we'll see... LOL Aaanywayyy, I noticed that I would really stall if I wasn't eating enough or getting in enough calories. My 3rd week stall actually happened on my second week post op. A normal persons starts between week 3 and 4. However, once I started picking up my calories again and eating more normally, my metabolism kicked back up and I was losing steadily again. This isn't the only time I've noticed this. The less I eat, the less weight I lose. If I'm eating a little bit more (of course still less than what I'm burning because it all really is calories in / calories out) AND I'm eating healthy with a good hardcore workout mixed in, I'm losing pretty darn good. So what's the truth? I don't know. Everyone's answer is, however it's working for each of them.
  13. The results were far far beyond what my comprehension was pre sleeve. It is really honestly for sure without a doubt hands down the best thing in the world I have ever done for me and myself. And no, I'm not just saying that. I really mean it. Every word.
  14. You all are so sweet I LOVE THIS PLACE!!! This is my second home for sure!! You all WILL get here, just keep believing you will and no matter what NEVER ever give up. Remember it took me 6 years to get here. Many factors play a part in this but its still a fact that I AM HERE!
  15. Consult your question with your surgeon. Usually when these individualized questions come up to them, they will allow you to go off eating plan ever so slightly. Good luck!
  16. Nah.... Losers bench stays the same size - we all shrink and there is more room for others! LOL!!
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Just Beginning My Gastric Sleeve Journey

    Yay for both of you! Sleeve life is the most incredible life I ever dreamed I could have.
  18. Whuuuuutttt?!?!?!? I've apparently lost 10 FREAKIN INCHES in the last week!!!! WOWWWW!!!

  19. Um... wow. Some people actually, seriously have no business opening their mouths. Ever. I don't even know what to say. What has not already been said that's left? I know this, I've been reading this board for 2 years now, and you are one of the top losers I've seen. 95 Lbs. in 5 months... that is INCREDIBLE. Then to have someone you entrust with their opinion tell you its not, is such a tragedy. I think this nurse needs to be reported. That is my honest opinion. She has no empathy, sympathy, whatever for the emotionally delicate situation bariatric patients are in. That IMO is doing a great disservice to everyone that walks through your surgeons doors. Listen to me and everyone else here, this nurse has no clue what she's talking about. YOU my dear are really sincerely doing a most fantastic job with your weight loss. DO NOT ever... EVER.. let anyone tell you otherwise, because that simply is untrue. Regarding the whole honeymoon phase argument - I can't tell you how much I really hate this. Yes it is true you will lose the most and the fastest in the very beginning. Yes, its because your sleeve is super small and you can only ingest so much. Yes, your sleeve will let up and you will begin to be able to eat more, meaning you will be able to up your calories. The only thing you have to do to remedy this is just keep ensuring you are burning much more calories than you are taking in. I am 15 months out. My sleeve is still extremely restrictive. I'm not even really trying all that hard and I'm STILL losing weight! THE SLEEVE DOES NOT COME WITH AN EXPIRATION DATE ATTACHED!! It is a PERMANENT restrictive procedure. You will have your banana tummy forever. How you use it is up to you... just don't allow others to control your actions. She does NOT deserve your attention to the point where you'd sabotage all your incredible efforts. She's just a miserable, mean lady who has zero compassion... Don't let her take this away from you, please.
  20. Thats great, congrats on your very successful year! You have done leaps and bounds to be where you are now, thats for sure!!! Yayyy!!
  21. Yayyyy!!! Wow there is so much to celebrate in our community today!!! I'm really really happy for you, and well - you can come sit right here next to me on the losers bench. Hey, it looks like you're New Year is going to weild some extra special times for you!
  22. WHOAAAA!!!! You have really done phenomenally well!!! I'm super happy for you! Showing you're having fun too, I think that's the best part in all of our journeys. I have no doubt you'll reach goal, your determination is sky high!!! Whoott!!
  23. WOWWWOWWWOWWWW!!!! Girl you are doing your thing for sure!!! You look AMAZING!!
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    New guy here

    You're doing just fine... Good for staying positive. Thanks for the update! Great photo too!! whoohooo!!
  25. Awww man!! :-( My boots keep riding down my calfs... I think they're too big now. I really like these!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
