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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. So, I said I wouldn't try for those Size 0's after all... well... I took them out of my closet to possibly return them for a larger size, which I was going to go for a 4. For some crazy reason I though, what the heck - I'll try them on... why not? Who cares? It would just be interesting to see how far I can get them up. Well... take a look: For the record, I'm a little weirded out by this. I still have a lot of swelling to go down from my lipo. How small am I gonna get??? WOWWWW!!! Happy? ABSO FREAKIN LUTELY!!!! I fitted my Zero's without even trying!!!! I LOOOVE YOU SLEEVIE!!! I LOVE YOU LIPO SURGEON!!!! YOU'RE THE BEST!!!
  2. YEAHHH YOUUU!!! I'm so happy for you being approved !!!!! :))

  3. Tomorrow is liquids. My sleevie is irritated. Unjury chicken soup to the rescue!!

  4. Hey everyone!!! IT'S FEEL GOOD FRIDAY!!! It's been a long time, but it's time to get back to positivity and seeing the forest for the trees. Tell me, what is that one thing that you are SO PROUD you can do now that you've lost some weight with your VSG, that you were unable to do before? For me, I'd say its all internal. I have found a voice within me I never knew existed. I feel like I constantly have to express how wonderful WLS is - it has given so many their lives back. Giving encouragement and always reminding everyone living the day to day with it that though perhaps your one moment may not be the greatest, don't forget the positives you are living because of it. HAPPY FEEL GOOD FRIDAY Y'ALL!!!!!
  5. These are all fantastic, and like RebaC mentioned - most of the things I can do now didn't even dawn on me that I couldn't before. Life good!!! Keep rockin your sleeves everyone!!
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    From: I Must Retract My Last Goal Thread... Omg You Won't Believe This...

    Well they have double and triple zero's but I'm not forcibly trying to lose anymore. But in case anyone might want to get there...
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Forum disagreements

    I think this is true for other weight loss forums too.
  8. That is very interesting! I've never considered clasping from the back... I'll have to give it a try.
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    From: I Must Retract My Last Goal Thread... Omg You Won't Believe This...

    Being apprehensive is very normal. You just have to realize this and keep it moving. You will be changing your whole life and the simple unknown is the scariest thing to all of us. Stay positive, keep reading the stories here but also prepare yourself for all sides, including complications. You'll need to know warning signs for your own well being. Best of wishes to you, and I'll keep you in my prayers.
  10. Amen to all these... being obese is tough on our souls AND our soles... LOL We have so much to be proud of!!!
  11. I don't respond well to negativity and ignorance. Just thought I'd throw that out there.

  12. I just love watching everyone's face mold into such a lovely shape. You've done well in only 3 months - CONGRATS!!!
  13. Thanks for the update CT, that does make a lot of sense. I think it all takes time too, getting comfy with the new us we have become. All of the dieting and fear of food all these years is not going to go away over night. For me, I think once I realize I WONT gain my weight back, I won't always feel like I'm in diet mode. Good luck!
  14. I just want to quickly chime in here. I find some of these posts offensive. Generalizing an entire country based on one negative experience is not helping anyone. This is a support website, let's keep it that way. Mexican people are educated too, and my surgeon is one of the best bariatric surgeons in the entire world. The hospital he works out of is by far one of the most attentive as far as staff and the cleanest I've ever seen. My own Mom who has worked in the medical field for her entire career even agreed. Not only that, please remember there are many who post here who ARE Mexican, myself included. I come from a very intelligent family, and yes we do live in the United States now but our heritage runs very deep. We still have family who lives in Mexico, even my husbands side of the family too, and they are VERY HAPPY!! Please consider others before making generalizing posts. It's unfair and downright untrue to pool everyone into one instance. I do understand the litigious side of the argument, I am not referring to that at all. It is a very important matter to consider when thinking of going outside of the country to have your surgery. It was a risk I took, but felt comfortable enough to as I went to the best surgeon and felt the risk outweighed the possible outcome, and thankfully everything went well for me. Let's stay on topic and offer support to the unfortunate occurrence. Also, anyone reading these posts, please PLEASE do your own research. Not every ONE every WHERE is the same. That would be just as ridiculous as saying someone in the US had an awful experience with their surgery so that means all US Doctors should not be trusted. People ALL OVER THE WORLD have bariatric surgeries. So does that mean every single one of them should fly out to the US and have it here? No, that does not make any sense at all.
  15. OH I am so so sorry to hear of your loss!!! I agree with others it might be ok just to give yourself a little bit of time to grieve. That said, you have to do what you feel is right for you. Here is what I did when I needed to get back on track: 5 days of lean Proteins, consisting of poultry, fish, eggs, and seafood. With those meals I would have green veggies. For Snacks I would have dairies (light or greek yogurt, string or regular cheese, SF chocolate milk, etc) or nuts such as almonds or peanuts. I would also have Peanut Butter - but that's pretty much it. I'm very strict those 5 days, which its not that hard since I always tell myself its only 5 days. Once that's over and my cravings are gone, I just go straight back into the sleever eating rules which is Protein first then a few bites of veggies and if I have anymore room a few bites of complex carbs. Wishing you well.
  16. Ohhh you, darling little banana... how I have missed you!!!

  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Omg My Boobs Have Disappeared!

    PS this is the bra I was using before my breast augmentation. It even got too big in the breasts before I got out of it, if you can believe it. That's how fast my boobs shrank. In fact it wasn't even until the last 50 Lbs weight lost that my boobs disappeared. LOL!!!! You can find this bra at Kohl's.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Omg My Boobs Have Disappeared!

    Yes I did lose my boobs as I lost weight... unfortunately or fortunately, just depends how you view it. I say fortunately. I started around 44D's and ended up Size 34B flats... They looked like 2 deflated shrivelep up balloons... you know how when you have a regular rubber balloon blown up and let it deflate on its own? It just has that demoralized pathetic look to it and when you touch it, it's like touching an old womans butt. Aaanyway, I just got mine fixed. Thank goodness I didn't need a lift or anything. I got a simple breast augmentation and got 550cc silicone implants placed on top of the muscle. Surgeon said since I wasn't getting a lift that's how he should place them. He did great. The only bad thing about it is it added 6 Lbs to my body weight... LOL!!! I'm now a 32/34DDD(F). Everything's fixable! That's what I always say.
  20. Sounds like you've had a pretty normal yet super fantastic first year! You look FAB-U-LESS!!!
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Why didn't you just listen

    It only my opinion, but I think what happens is when someone gets their hopes up on one procedure they just don't listen to the "dark side". You can tell them until your blue in the face, it just won't make a difference. I was banded in early 2008. I don't think the failure rates were as prominent as they are right now. It was being pushed and proclaimed as being a savior to those who would just like a little freedom from fat without having to have their insides dissected. I knew about RnY and I knew about DS at that time. I'd never heard of the sleeve but I think it was extremely new then. It wasn't an option for me so I chose what was best for me at that time. It did save me from getting to my fattest point of my life, if anything. I was on -2 Lbs by time I went on my pre-op diet for my revision. I was on -11 Lbs on revision day. I'd lost 50 lbs before my Lap Band surgery - so I never gained any of that weight back. Also, having my band prepared me completely to rock my sleeve. So, all was not lost with my Band!
  22. Hello everyone, I bring to you tidings of joy for the Holiday Season! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your loved ones!! :smile1: I'm writing you today because I have recently had a revealing moment... or two. A few days ago I was walking around our house and I walked into an area where the kitchen light shines against our dining room wall. As I walked by I noticed a shadow appear on the wall, and one I could not for the life of me recognize. I was SO surprised that I had to walk by again, because in all reality I couldn't believe that was me I was looking at. This figure on the wall was tall, slender and super curvy. I was impressed to say the least. I felt satisfied by what I saw. Let me define for you the word satisfied because this is one I've NEVER used in my entire life when it came to how I viewed myself physically. Not once. Synonyms: content - contented - pleased - happy - glad Yes, this was me at that very moment. I'm going to admit something here and now. I've not one time in my life felt this way regarding ME. My reflection would always throw me back an image I couldn't accept. There was always something more I could do, to improve upon. There was even a time in my life where I was even underweight for my frame and I STILL could not accept ME. I always wanted to lose more, a pound here or an inch there. It was a little insane truthfully. Here I am right now, feeling high from adrenaline and satisfaction - that I am really and truly done with this journey. I put on my first pair of jeans since my final liposuction and they were easy to put on. They slid right up over my thighs without effort. I didn't have to fight them, and I didn't have to wear pants today that were too small in the thigh and too big in the waist. My thighs... oh so lovely thighs... are normal. Normal synonyms: regular - standard - ordinary - common - usual Another word I've never used to define myself. I am me, and I am content, pleased, happy, glad, regular, standard, ordinary, common and I am usual. I am also a finished product. Now only need to keep up with remaining healthy and staying right here where I am. So, EFF YOU SIZE ZERO!! You do not define me, just as much as my scale does not. My health, both physical and mental - and my happiness does. Source: The End Of My Weight Loss Journey. New Goal: To Stay Here And Stay Fit.
  23. Wahttttt??? Is that you in your profile pic?? I didn't even recognize you! Wowww great job!

  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    I weigh 400 lbs...will this help me?

    Great job!

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