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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Stay committed or RE commit... but NEVER quit!!!!
  2. Stay committed or RE commit... but NEVER quit!!!!

  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Totally Graduated!

    YEAHHH CANDACE!!! I've seen you work so so hard with your weight loss AND rockin your school work!! Job well done, you inspire so many including ME lady! I so need to get my butt back and finish up LOL
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Re Engauging The Couch To 5k.

    Thats good Lissa, this is for health and you have to be healthy about it. Tomorrow's the day!! I'm soooo ready... OMGOMGOMG!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    I love these!!! Great additions
  6. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Redeem yourself FROM yourself. No one's holding you back except that person staring back at you in the mirror every single day!! - 12.16.11 Keep it positive... Keep it real tho too. - 12.14.11 I love to eat. Sleevie does not. Guess who always wins that argument? - 12.11.12 GOD provides the vessel and compass. Where I go is up to me. - 12.8.11 You've got to believe in YOURSELF... because at the end of the day, that's no one else's responsibility but YOURS!!! 12.8.11 And at the end of my journey, I did good. - 12.6.11 How I got here: Faith, Blood, Sweat, Tears, Perseverance, Hard work, Dedication, Support from others, and Acceptance of myself. - 12.4.11 Numbers on the scale or in my pants do NOT define me. Self acceptance does, and I am here. - 12.3.11 Up early and getting my workout on. Crazy yes, outta shape.. Never again. - 11.30.11 An important lesson I've learned in my journey: I can only control what I do or how I act or react. I cannot control what others do or how they act or react. I just learned this not too long ago. I have been so much better for it since then. In this I've learned a sub-lesson. I am a slow learner. LMAO!! :-P - 11.21.11 10 years ago at the start of what is now my career my first mentor told me "Everything is Fixable". Those three words have really stuck with me and I use this mantra in all aspects of my life. Since that day I have been working toward fixing my lifes problems. - 11.6.11 NO EXCUSES!!! Just do it. - 11.1.11 The problem with saying you'll do that tomorrow is just that... tomorrow. Tomorrow will never be today. - 10.27.11 For true happiness there is NO compromise! It is all or nothing. - 10.26.11 Always do YOU! It is OKAY to be proud of all your accomplishments - if anyone doesn't like it... don't let them intimidate you into thinking you shouldn't. Be happy, Be proud and BE YOURSELF!! - 10.5.11 Guess what? It is OK to feel good about yourself!! It is OK to pat yourself of the back for your HARD WORK and ACCOMPLISHMENTS!! It is OK to feel SEXY and celebrate your inner DIVA!! It is OK to share your story without feeling like someone will try to blow your house down!! Go out there and be yourself, enjoy living and loving the new life you have. To all BE BLESSED!! - 8.12.11 Motivational guilt... oh how you bug the crap out of me until I do right. Thank you for being you!! - 8.4.11 If you think you can't, I'm here to tell you, YOU CAN!!! - 7.31.11 The one person I can truly count on... that I want in the front of my cheering section... that I must love above all others... that I know is going to pick me up when I'm down... that is going to be with me until I die... is me. - 7.30.11 Don't EVER GIVE UP!! This is going to be a bumpy road, a very long journey and it only ends when you let it. If you fall down, you must ALWAYS get back up. Keep your chin up and move along - you are a winner if you do that no matter what!!! - 7.12.11 Special Request: Remove the word "only" from your vocabulary. Celebrate each and every pound lost as a victory and remember that is a pound lost FOREVER!! Stop the insanity folks! - 6.27.11
  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    I'll be here to whisper in your ear what you need to hear. I'm going to use this thread to spread my inner peace, my knowledge and joy I have since I've come my weight loss journey's end of the trail!!! I'm always feeling something and writing it down. I'm a writer and I want to share all my sayings with you in one space on the interwebs. Something just pops in my head and I write it down. This will be my diary of all of them. I'll see how many I can seem to find.
  8. Redeem yourself FROM yourself. No one's holding you back except that person staring back at you in the mirror every single day!!

  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Someone Pinch Me!

    WOWWOWWWOWWW!!! Welcome to the Century Club!!
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Re Engauging The Couch To 5k.

    Yep it's my favorite! I can't wait
  11. I think it was a good long time before I started eating whole grain breads. Especially chips because those are a real slider food along with being very addictive to me. I'm thinking probably 6 months or more. I still don't eat a lot of either. I get full really fast with breads and I'd rather save more room for my proteins. It is a lot easier to consume toasted breads though.
  12. So sorry!! I am hereby officially WELCOMING YOU to the LOSERS BENCH!! I've kept it warm for ya.
  13. Hello italianlady, I'm very sorry this has happened to you. I haven't seen any of these posts you're talking about. However, in the future you can always report the post to the Admin/Moderator staff. We always try to address any issues right away. The report post button can be found on the very bottom of each individual post. It says "Report" and is on the left side of the "Blog This" link.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Fgf: Get Pumped For 2012! What's Your Resolution?

    I don't do a whole lot of weight training. I do more resistance band type - I gain muscle very easily and I'm wasn't going after the muscle bound woman look. LOL I'm not sure of your body type so it would be hard for me to advise you on that, or what kind of look youre going after. That said, I think some 5-10 Lbs are an easy start. Yoga DVDs are great! Anything you can do at home is good. Look into perhaps some cardio type DVDs too if you can. I love Leslie Sansone, Billy Blanks, Jillian Michaels, Bob Harper (great with Yoga)... all them. They are really kick butt! I would consider Leslie Sansone more beginner, and Jillian Michaels and Billy Blanks more more advanced. Super advanced would be P90X or Insanity... LOL I've never done those before. I also like to encourage the couch to 5k program! http://www.fromcouchto5k.com/articles/training/the-couch-to-5k-training-plan/ When you get to more outdoors, running is the best! At least in my opinion it is... LOL If you have the means and the room in your home, I did invest in my own workout equipment too. I have an elliptical, stationary bike and treadmill. You can sometimes find great deals in the papers after the New Year, or if you wait until around June, some folks will sell them for cheap because they actually never use them... which in my world is a crime!! I just figured why spend monthly dues on a Gym Membership when I can have one right in my own home? I pay once and I have it until I run it into the ground. It also removes that "Ohhhh I gotta go to the gym... " Excuse... Haha!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Fgf: Get Pumped For 2012! What's Your Resolution?

    Great resolution Lisa! I'm huge on the workouts and I completely believe you *must* do this to live a healthy and fit lifestyle. What I do to ensure I'm fitting my workouts in and doing it at least 6x per week is I get myself up earlier in the morning. I will wake up an hour early every morning. Starting my day off right with a good workout and topping it off with a healthy Protein shake with 30g protein just makes the day for me. Good luck!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    How To Set Your Goal Weight

    I love this topic... LOL Ok most of you know that's a lie. Anyway, I just wanted to say that I think the REAL answer is as individual as all the snowflakes that fall from the sky in the Winter. I think the real answer to how much each of us should weight would be for each individual have their body fat % checked. Depending on how much body fat you want to have, you would have your lean body mass weighed. Then you would multiply 1.## to get your answer. It's still not THAT simple either. If you are anything like me, being super obese for decades, you have to consider other factors... such as how much does my extra skin weigh? How much residual fat will I have left over? Being obese our fat cells do multiply, yet they never fully disappear. Thus me needing to have my procedure to have it removed. Good luck to all finding the true answer - which for me has just been accepting me as I am. I'm healthy, fit and feel good in my clothing size. That's where I've chosen to end up anyhow.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Not Sure If This Is An Nsv Or What?

    Wow!!! You're the QUEEN!! Losing 180 Lbs overnight... CONGRATS LISSA!! Really though, it doesn't sound like your "D"H was anything more than a mean headache. Happy trails to him AND to you. Merry Christmas my dear friend. ETA: I know I already said this but, if he wants a Divorce - he can file for it. Amen.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Returning To Work Today....

    I wish you have a great day back at work today! Good for you on easing back in. It's so true no matter where you go or where you are there are going to be others who have nothing better to do than to judge others. Well, you are above all that, so to heck with all them!
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    A Little Discouraged

    I've got to tell you, walking for me has also been a huge factor in both my weight loss and being able to keep off extra calorie gains. I'm not walking right now either for the exact same reason. The weather outside is terrible and I can't stand the cold anymore. I avoid it to the extremes. Walking outside for me is not the same as hitting the treadmill. For some reason if I'm not doing my walk outside, my weight will be all over the place. I'm not sure why, but it is what it is. I've been being naughty the last week with food. I can tell a difference, my pants are fitting a little tight and whoops I seemed to have gained a few pounds. Oh well... I had my fun but I know for a fact today I'm going to work to get that back off. I just wanted to say I feel ya. Though I completely agree with M2G... it is easier said than done though! I'm huge on cardio - and Sunday I'm starting back up with my C25K from scratch. I haven't really ran a full 5K except one time in over 4 months. Good luck! You've done amazing, and I know you have it in you to fix the issue. With that I have no doubt - but YOU have to believe that too.
  20. Good morning VST!! Today I am 15 Months Post Op revision from Lap Band to VSG. I am also over 3 months Post Op from my Breast Augmentation and I'm 5 weeks Post Op from my Lipo procedures. Time passes very quickly when you're having fun!! I always said I wanted a J-Woww or J-Hud body when I was complete. Well I think I got that!! LOL Anyway, I'm not about emulating others really, because I'm ME and that's who I really need to be happy with. And I am. I've finally given up on losing more weight. I realize due to my working out, eating habits and especially since I still have many months left yet in my healing from my Lipo's I'm still going to get smaller. That's ok, but as far as creating new goals and mentally working to get there, all that is over. Now I just settle in and live my life. I will watch the scale now every Friday and Monday just to keep a guage on if I'm allowing too many bad habits, I will continue to do workouts to maintain good physical health and I'll always do my best to eat and live healthy. Just knowing I have arrived is the best feeling I've ever felt! I have been here for many months, but it took some time for me to get through my brain. I think I'm coming to terms now, and I guess for me that has been my biggest challenge. I am in the process of creating a complete journal of my entire life leading up to the point of my VSG and reaching goal. Everything I can think of. It will take time, I don't want to leave out a thing. I will spell out everything that worked for me, but at the end of the day we all have choices to make. What worked for me does not at all mean it will work for someone else. It's just a starting point!! Learning yourself is the biggest outcome in YOUR journey. And now for a little photo op. LOL Yeahhh can't finish this without THAT!! I took the sweater dress photos last night. I'll let you guess which ones are my befores... HAHA!!
  21. Yesterday I finally wore my short dress out in public. It was a success and everyone loved my outfit. This was the first time EVER I was able to wear such a leg revealing dress with confidence. Well, ever really... LOL! It was so nice!!

  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Basics Boot Camp

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY yesterday LV I'm starting this today in fact. Birthday weeks a killer! My belly is not looking happy right now. LOL! Oh well, I had my fun - but I think maintenance is really up to each of us individually. We have to realize when it's time to be good and get back to being good, instead of just ignoring it or giving up.
  23. OK, with today out of the way I will now have 9 days between now and Christmas. That will give me plent of time to do a basics bootcamp and ease back into healthy eating. Birthday week is such a crazy timeee!!!! But heck - it was wonderful and I don't regret a thing. Whooottt!!!

  24. Thanks my dearly's!! I love this place, and if I can even help one person, then that is worth every moment I spend on here. I was helped and encouraged so much along my journey and paying that back is the least I can do. ROCK IT SLEEVER BROTHERS AND SISTERS!!!

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