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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. LilMissDiva Irene

    Sad Day Today!

    Jasleeve, you're feeling everything I used to feel... today that is no more. I want to tell you though, in no way is it because I've lost the weight. Nope.. I don't feel this way about myself anymore simply because I refuse to. Losing weight doesn't automatically get rid of the negative self talk and bad self image. Only YOU can do that. You have to believe you are a beautiful person inside and out, no matter what your size. Your best friend thinks this is true, so why don't you? True success doesn't only equal hitting your target weight. It will also include learning to love and accept yourself exactly for who you are. Blessings.
  2. LilMissDiva Irene

    My First Nsv!

    IMO the first NSV is always the best... because it's living proof it's working!! Congrats, this is always a really good one too. I agree with ShellBear, be prepared your rings will be fallen off ya soon... be careful more like it. You don't want to lose them.
  3. Quick question: How old are you pants? The only reason I ask is because if they are quite old like I had in my closet then you are probably smaller than a 14 now. So... just sayin'.
  4. LilMissDiva Irene

    Today's The Day - Lap Band To Gastric Sleeve Surgery!

    Yayyyy congrats on your new sleeve and for a smooth surgery and recovery!!! For me, I did use crushed pills and elixirs during my healing stage. However as soon as I was considered beyond my healing stage (2 months for me) and I ran out I was able to once again taking my pills whole form. I can now even take giant honker Vitamin pills too. Of course, as always consult with your Dr. before trying anything!! Happy Holidays!!
  5. LilMissDiva Irene

    Ghrelin and sleep and heat regulation

    The portion of our stomach that produces ghrelin has been removed in our surgery. I do believe the removal of ghrelin does have an impact on our body temperatures. I've heard of some studies being done about it, and some findings are in favor of this, though nothing conclusive yet I believe. It's been awhile since I've researched this though so who knows. Right now it's just my speculations, along with many others.
  6. I'm down another 3.75" on my entire body from my last measurement 2 weeks ago. This would mean I'm down almost 15" from last month. Yeeyyyy!!!!

  7. LilMissDiva Irene

    Best Biotin?

    What makes you think you don't have tenacity? If you went out to get WLS to win your war over obesity - then you are determined, purposeful and persistant. That's the very definition of being tenacious. Have a great day lady!
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Surgery Update

    I wrote you a message on your profile... BLESSINGs and WELL WISHEs for tomorrow!!!
  9. LilMissDiva Irene

    Best Biotin?

    No it never looked thin to others, but me just knowing how thick my hair actually was I could tell quite a difference. My hair has what seems like millions of regrowth hairs of all lengths, so yes it was constantly regrowing in that time. I'm lucky I have curly hair and different lengths actually work well with it.
  10. For me, I've always liked eggs - however - since being sleeved I seriously can eat these every day and never get tired of them. I know this for a fact because I DO eat them nearly every single day and when I don't for a day, I miss them. I!! ABSOLUTELY!! LOVE!! EGGS!! I don't know what it is but I'm quite certain I'm having a love affair with them. LOL It provides my body with possibly the best source of protein and I'm sure my body appreciates it, so my brain indulges a little bit. I mean, I can think of a lot worse things I can indulge in!!!
  11. LilMissDiva Irene

    Best Biotin?

    I've been losing my hair since my 3rd month post op and I just passed my 15th month. My hair is just now finally stopping to falling out! Sheesh... Anyhow I've been taking Biotin ever since the beginning of my hair loss. I've noticed a difference between the dry capsules and the gels. Dry capsules seem to give much better results. I use GNC 5,000 mcg, dry capsules. This has given me the far best results thus far and I've tried a lot of varieties. Not only this but it has helped my finger nails strength and growth. Bonus! My hair is constantly growing back stronger, thicker and healthier than ever - even before it started thinning out. Hubby was even mentioning this a few days ago. I do intend to slow it down however and probably only take it 3x per week rather than every day now. Good luck on finding whatever works for you! It's mostly always just trial and error.
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    Positivity, smiles and true kindness are infectious. Having those and negativity, frowns and being mean spirited are not contagious, rather immune.
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Question About Soft Foods

    Not a problem! I just want everyone to enjoy the process, this time next year you're going to be amazed on what you see in the mirror. Hugs!!!
  14. Tomorrow!! Tomorrow!! You'll be sleevedddd tomorrow!! Youre only... a day... ahhhh wayyyy!!!

  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    First "success"

    Well that is just fabulous!! I'm very happy for you! Keep working your sleeve - you're really kicking some butt here.
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Fgf: Get Pumped For 2012! What's Your Resolution?

    This is a wonderful resolution. I say, start first then let the weight loss make you feel even BETTER!! Blessings.
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    How To Set Your Goal Weight

    ITA Rose, it's absolutely true. IMO, anyone who was carrying well over 100+ Lbs over their ideal weight for a long time will end up with the "sturdy bones", lots of heavy excess skin, extra fat cells, etc... etc... I think we need to be fair with ourselves on not beat ourselves up if we don't hit our "weight" goals based on normal persons standards. For me, I'm not normal when it comes to that. And I'm okay with that.
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    When You Need Motivation Or Have Qs I'm Happy To Help :)

    If you have made your goal, then you have won the battle. If you maintain your goal, then you have won the war. To reach for the stars, sometimes you will need family and friends to lift you up.
  19. LilMissDiva Irene

    Question About Soft Foods

    I experienced a lot of fluctuations with the scale. Important thing to remember is that, women typically will bounce around a pound here and there. Most professionals will tell you NOT to weigh in daily, but rather weekly or bi weekly. That said, I did weigh in daily during my weight loss mode. I did my best not to get into my head if I were to go up a pound or two or whatever. Keep this in mind, it takes 3,500 calories ABOVE what you have burned in one day to gain a pound of fat. I highly doubt you ate that many calories yesterday. Be fair with yourself! It's just normal Fluid retention. It will pass.
  20. When some people find it hard to stick to the diet, it is wise to give your surgeon a call. Some people heal a lot faster than others and might be why you are experiencing these cravings. Sometimes the surgeon will modify your eating schedule. Good luck. Also, 64 oz this early out is actually really good, IMO. It's really tough for a lot of folks this early out to get that much Fluid in.
  21. LilMissDiva Irene

    Re Engauging The Couch To 5k.

    First day back on the treadmill, going full steam ahead with the new plan and no worries I'll have to stop anytime soon.. SWEET!!! I'm still in a lot better shape than I originally thought. That's always nice.
  22. Vitamin E is the healing vitamin, and I was just mentioning it because it helps with skin. My Plastic Surgeon put me on it for my scarring from them. I believe it has helped a whole lot, and I've also noticed that my skin has gotten much softer since I've started taking it. The only reason I take it at night is because I'm already taking a bunch of other vitamins in the AM... just trying to space it out is all.
  23. So, I said I wouldn't try for those Size 0's after all... well... I took them out of my closet to possibly return them for a larger size, which I was going to go for a 4. For some crazy reason I though, what the heck - I'll try them on... why not? Who cares? It would just be interesting to see how far I can get them up. Well... take a look: For the record, I'm a little weirded out by this. I still have a lot of swelling to go down from my lipo. How small am I gonna get??? WOWWWW!!! Happy? ABSO FREAKIN LUTELY!!!! I fitted my Zero's without even trying!!!! I LOOOVE YOU SLEEVIE!!! I LOVE YOU LIPO SURGEON!!!! YOU'RE THE BEST!!! Source: I Must Retract My Last Goal Thread... Omg You Won't Believe This...
  24. LilMissDiva Irene


  25. LilMissDiva Irene


    AWEEESOMMMEEE!!! Congrats!!!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
