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LilMissDiva Irene

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by LilMissDiva Irene

  1. Excuses. Lose those and you will lose the weight.

  2. LilMissDiva Irene


    Women can be really catty with each other. I've never understood this, as I've always been under the "stick together" umbrella. I guess I just don't let the envy we can feel lead my emotions. Of course, its natural to feel jealousy in some ways... but for me I use that as a catalyst to emulate that rather than allow it to turn me into a mean nasty person. The easy way out... sure. I admit yes, this surgery though the first few months were close to torture it HAS been easy. Easier than NOT having it, but so what? What's wrong with that? I always ask them that. Why WOULDN'T I take the easier route? Then I always follow it up with, and I'll keep it off too and smile. Have a great day!! Now go have your cookie. Be blessed. You have given one out of three hope - even if it is all wrapped up in ugliness. If you have helped and given hope to even one, it was worth it.
  3. LilMissDiva Irene

    Im Sleeved

  4. Great news!! Your day is near Keep us updated as you move along toward surgery day!!
  5. Hi and welcome!! I am too a revision from Lap band to sleeve. There are a LOT of us here. Look around and read read read! There is even a lap band to sleeve revision forum here as well. Take care and well wishes on your new journey. I know I'm glad I did it!!!
  6. Kemo congrats on the Century Club! Thanks for being such a good addition to this board too, you're a very inspiring person around here.
  7. :) :) :) :) :) SMILING because I've got <3 !!! Tell me why YOU'RE smiling today?
  8. LilMissDiva Irene

    Fgf: Get Pumped For 2012! What's Your Resolution?

    FC, thats great about the alternate plan. Whatever works for you, that's what I always say! Im sure you'll do great on your 5K. I hope you will share your story with us when you do WISHING YOU WELL!!! Whoott!! S, gurrrlll I know right??? I actually had to seriously ponder mine - I've come up with a few. But like in the past mines always been weight driven. My 2011 resolution was to finally hit my goal. YAYYY I DID IT!! LOL!! So funny I just realized that this very moment. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too sweetie! I know I already wished you that but hey... ;o)
  9. Heyaaa VST!! It's FEEL GOOD FRIDAY!!! Sometimes we have to revv our engines to get to feeling that spark we need to get things moving. We NEED goals in our lives to keep feeling achievements. This doesn't necessarily have to be weight loss driven. It can be anything we want or need to improve on in our lives. This time next year, I will dredge up this post and see how many of us have accomplished our "goal". Good luck!! For me, my New Year's Resolution is to fully and truly accept the new me. It's a real daily chore, sometimes hitting "goal" is not just waking up one day and being happy and satisfied. It takes a lot of mental work too. I'm not saying I don't, because I do - but there are little times when my brain doesn't want to register this. So, I propose to myself that by the end of next year, I won't allow any of those into my thoughts. So, in short, I guess my goal is to never have another weight loss goal. Haha!! Keep up all the awesome work everyone! Y'all are the most successful bunch of folks I've ever come across.
  10. LilMissDiva Irene

    Beginning My Gastric Sleeve Surgery Journey

    Hi GonnB, welcome to VST!! Especially welcome to the rest of your life! You ARE taking the right steps so that you will be able to enjoy your children more. They deserve a Mom who will be healthy. Time will go on and more and more co morbidities will plague those who are obese. You've chosen not to have that be your future. Regarding the morbidity rate for surgery, keep in mind those statistics do not break down all the individual reasons those certain persons didn't make it through surgery. The main factors for those persons could be they were far more overweight than you are, or are much more unhealthy, older or perhaps didn't follow the pre-op guidelines given to us before we have our surgeries. Who knows the reasons? Yes, it is a scary though and yes is a possibility - but could be possible with ANY surgery. Hugs my dear, we are all here for you as you enter your new journey. We all had the same fears as you had - INCLUDING ME!! It's ok to feel this way just stay focused and keep your eyes on the prize.
  11. I moved your thread to the assistance and suggestions forum, hopefully one of the Admins can help you. I'll see if I can add you to the NorCal group from my end. HTH
  12. LilMissDiva Irene

    The Like Button

    Daisy you won't see a like button on your own posts because you can't "like" your own posts... since it's giving a point for reputation. At least I hope that is what you are asking. Either that you won't see anyone's name there if no one has "liked" your post. For the record, I always like anything you say... I don't know, maybe I was of some help just now?
  13. LilMissDiva Irene

    Fgf: Get Pumped For 2012! What's Your Resolution?

    Yayyy!! That's in your future for sure.
  14. LilMissDiva Irene

    Fgf: Get Pumped For 2012! What's Your Resolution?

    Hi Foresikchic, those are 2 really wonderful resolutions. I am sooo on board with the Hubby thing. I love my Husband so much and I know I can go a little overboard sometimes. Thank Goodness for me he is a very patient man. Regarding the asthma - I have asthma too. I'm a runner as well. Good for you on removing that from your excuse list... I used to use that one as well. Truth be told, my asthma is even BETTER since I've started running. Pick a 5K even in the near future and start training. Once you run across that finish line, it will probably be one of the best sense of accomplishments you will ever feel. Good luck!!
  15. LilMissDiva Irene

    Unable To Exercise O:(

    Ohh noo!!! Gurrll no getting down on yourself! You're on your way, but remember too you're barely 7 days post op. Honestly I really wasn't doing much more than walking at 7 days out. Right now is healing time, and most surgeons will tell you, walking right now is sufficient. However once you get healed up and ready to roll with your workouts, then you can start expanding. Have patience with yourself right now. BIG BIG HUGS!! In fact give yourself a big pat on the back for doing something like WLS to live a whole new life! Great suggestions PdxMan, thanks! I would also like to add that, Kathy, when you start doing more, I've seen some pedals you can simply place on the floor using your chair for sitting. They were something around $50... not too bad IMO. Not when it comes to needing to have something around that will get your calories out!
  16. LilMissDiva Irene

    Hey There - Finally Sleeved On The 9th !

    WELCOME TO THE LOSERS BENCH!!! Whooottt!!! Vent away, it's ok! Most everyone will feel your feelings in the beginning. I'll just tell ya it WILL get better. Promise. Maybe not this afternoon, or even next week - but this time next year you're going to be doing this:
  17. LilMissDiva Irene

    Unable To Exercise O:(

    Not sure what you consider a lack of exercise, because as long as you're doing something - whatever it may be - then you're doing fine. In my opinion everyone should strive to do a little physical activity, like 30-45 minutes about 5-6 days per week. Just doing what you can without injuring yourself in the process will still burn more calories per day that you wouldn't have otherwise. Not only that, you're going to raise your metabolism. The health benefits from doing some type of workout, such as regulating blood pressure, lifting your mood, etc., is worth doing them in itself. Wishing you well on your journey!
  18. LilMissDiva Irene

    Been Mia- Many Apologies

    Have fun on your trip, safe travels. I'm glad to see you back! Enjoy your blessings this Christmas and New Year!!
  19. Just dropped by to say Heyyyy!! Keep rockin your dang thang sister!!

  20. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Need Help

    Glad to hear it! It might be increasingly more difficult to get your liquids in because your stomach might be swelling due to eating off plan. Not trying to scare you at all, but sometimes my stomach will pull back if I push too hard - if that makes sense. Even this far out from surgery too. I just take a day and do liquids only. Have you tried unjury chicken Soup? If not, look it up... www.unjury.com - this stuff is like medicine to me. If my stomach isn't feeling well, I do this in place of a few meals and I'm instantly feeling better. HTH. Also yes, any fluids you take in any way counts, SF Ice Pops, Jello, all clear or full fluids... it all matters in the daily totals. The only fluids that shouldn't be counted are anything with caffeine in it, as it acts as a diuretic. Yes!! This is a huge topic... I don't pretend to know exactly why this happens but I certainly felt freezing the day of surgery. I know there's no way I could've lost that much fat on my body to where I was instantly so cold. In my opinion has something to do with hormones and the removal of the portion of our stomach that creates ghrelin. Just my opinion like I said! I bought myself an electric blanket last Winter. Probly the best $60 I spent on me since my surgery... LOL Blessings suggah... It will all work itself out. This time next year, you're going to be on top of the world!
  21. I'm in a very good place. I'm happy, content and just living life now. Up early and ready to get my workout on!! Nothing's changed, yet everything has changed too. Ahhh life's good y'all!! Happy Hump Day!!

  22. LilMissDiva Irene

    From: My Plastics Journey - My First One (of Several)

    Thank you so much ladies!!!! I'm in a very good place. I'm happy, content and just living life now.
  23. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Need Help

    I'm glad I could help! Just have to be very careful right now while you're healing.
  24. LilMissDiva Irene

    I Need Help

    Hi there... the first few months are going to be the toughest by a long shot. Nothing worth doing ever is though. My advice to you is to get right back on to your surgeons post op eating guidelines. The reasons behind them are simple, though I realize following them isn't. I had a very conservative set of rules and didn't even get to start mushies until 20 days post op. I really went through it, but I did it. The reason is if you place too much pressure on your healing staple line, you can ultimately cause a leak. Leaks can and will lead to weeks on end in the hospital, possible feeding tubes, additional surgeries to repair the damage, etc. Keep this in mind whenever you feel like you need to stray. My next advice to you would be to consult your surgeon. Sometimes when we feel like we need to eat food or we're going to lose our mind it's because we heal faster than normal and our bodies likely are able to handle more food. In this case, the surgeon or dietician will allow a modified eating program. However this should only be done by your Doctors advice. Hugs!!! It IS tough!! But you can do this, trust me.

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