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LAP-BAND Patients
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  1. Mjul26

    Really hungry!

    Yea it's a hard diet. I was on protein shakes for 12 days prior to surgery. I haven't had to chew food in what seems like forever. I miss it! Lol. No matter what I'm going to stick with the diet. The last thing I want is band complications. ???€
  2. Mjul26

    Really hungry!

    I'm sipping and sipping and sipping lol. I actually can't add protein until day 7. The diet I'm on is much different than what I've seen posted here. Day 7-20 I'm on full liquids then I go to puréed foods for 2 weeks, 1 week at soft foods then to a 'regular' diet.
  3. Day 3 post-op and I'm really hungry. My doctor has me on clear liquids until day 7, but I just can't seem to get enough "food" in me. Help!
  4. Mjul26

    Excited but sore

    May I ask why you were re-banded? Were there complications?
  5. Hi Kat! I was banded on 9/30. I feel mostly normal. I feel dehydrated some times too. Try a sugar free Popsicle, that really helps me.
  6. Had my band placed on Monday the 30th. The day after was probably the worst due to gas pain, but I'm feeling more or less normal today. I am still on clear liquids until day 7. I still get cramps in my stomach and also have some pain in my left shoulder, how long does that part last?!?

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