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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by haele520

  1. Have had my band since 2005. I lost over 100lbs within the first two years and loved it. I had to loosen my band after I got pneumonia in about 2008 and refused to believe my band had anything to do with it. I didn't have any other major issues until after I was married in 2009. I got pregnant shortly after. I emptied my band even though the nurses told me I didn't need to. I had some serious heartburn and pegged it as Prego problems. Had my baby a little early with some complication but am unsure if the band caused problems. The heartburn continued and was so bad I went to a GI dr who did an endoscopy. Found out I had ulcers and really bad reflux. I started taking meds for it which they told me I'd be on for life. They told me not to get Prego again until I recovered some. They also recommended I went into my band dr. To see if my band slipped. Did the barium test which showed my band was fine and in the right place. They did say it ( the barium) took forever to go down my esophagus. I decided I didn't want to get filled anymore. I got Prego a year and a half after my first and continued with reflux and meds. My 2nd baby is now 1 and I'm dying with this issue. I'm mad that I can't use my band and am mad because I feel it is to blame for all my health issues. I have gained 1/2 the weight back. I have no ccs in me and haven't since 2009. I still throw up sometimes if I eat to much and get nauseous thinking about eating fries or a full burger. Is this normal when having an empty band? Is it just reflux or band problems? Should I get it out? Will the reflux go away? Help! Thanks fellow banders! Haele
  2. haele520

    Help! Acid reflux:( debating removal

    I don't know that I want it fixed. I feel like it's the cause of all of it and the new one might have similar problems ten yrs down the road. I want to be around for my kids. Thanks for the heads up tho. Discouraged:(

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