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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by rrod0991

  1. I have a page and use it regulsrly to keep in touch with family and friends, meet other nascar fans, and to keep an eye on my daughter who has one. MySpace.com - Luv4NASCAR »-(¯v¯)-» 9 19 20 26 88 99 »-(¯v¯)-» - 35 - Female - WEST SACRAMENTO, California - www.myspace.com/rrod0991 if anyone wants to add me just say you saw me here so I will know it is ok to add you.
  2. rrod0991

    For those with BMI 35-40?

    My BMI was 46.6 and the nurse said I was a petite one. It felt good. Luckily my family is behind me and I have talked my mother into doing it as well. I almost have my sister talked into it as she needs it as well. we are all more than 100 lbs over weight. Anyone outside of my family says I am not heavy enough and should just diet. I tell them the lap band is not an easy way out but a tool to help me loose. They say if I can do it with the tool I can do it on my own. I say be careful who you tell as you may end up defending your decision.
  3. rrod0991

    Date Set

    How did you get tricare to approve? My father is retired Army (he was active until Dec '07) and when he was active my mother tried to get the band and was told tricare does not cover that kind of surgery.
  4. rrod0991

    Hi Yall

    Hi Jazie. Welcome to the ste. I have been a member for a while and had a lot of questions answered. Everyone here is wonderful. I ho0pe you have a great time here.
  5. rrod0991

    hi all

    Hi everyone. It has been a while since I posted last. I lost my job in Nov and with it my ins. I had just gotten my surgery dae of Jan 23. My bosses didn't want to let me go on leave for the surgery because I had just been on leave for a hysterectomy and let me go . I got depressed and rebelled against the system. I gained back all of the pre-op weight and then some. I am up to 292. My highest before this was 283. I am ready to get back on the horse and try to get my weight down, My husbands benifits kick in in 6mo. I want to be ready for surgery as soon as the ins is ready to go. I will need some words of encouragement if you don't mind. I know I can do it I just need to feel the love . Thank you all for the help you have given me in the past and look forward to hearing from you all again. Thank you. Robin
  6. rrod0991

    hi all

    I will try that, thank you. I have a Gymball and sit on that and "rotate" as they have me do to loosen up my back. It really hurts. I hate being fat and not able to move. I even sent an application to TLC's Big Mdcine to see if they could help. No news from them yet. I am sorry to hear about the fire, it is bad out here. The air is so thick.
  7. rrod0991

    hi all

    Thank you so much for a quick reply. I am back on the 1200 cal meal plan and moving as much as I can. I have very bad knees and degenerative disc desease in my lower back so movement is painful. I know I need to move so I walk with my friend upstairs for about 10 min. That is all I can do now. I live in Northern Ca so the smoke in the air is B-A-D. Hopefully the fires will be out soon and air quality will get better.
  8. rrod0991

    My daughter Eliana holding Zoe

    From the album: My family

  9. rrod0991

    Anastacia, me and MaryElizabeth

    From the album: My family

  10. I thought it would be fun to find out how each of us are going to handle the holidays. At my apartments a few of us are getting together to spend the day as a group. Everyone is bringing stuff so it is easier on everyones pocket book. How about you???:clap2:
  11. I am pre band but in my losses so far it has been in my "apron" and hips. Wierd huh!!! I can't wait to get my band and watch it fall off like y'all. Way to go.
  12. I am pre band but in my losses so far it has been in my "apron" and hips. Wierd huh!!! I can't wait to get my band and watch it fall off like y'all. Way to go.
  13. rrod0991


    I am getting it on my lower back, a tramp tat. It will be awesome. This is the template for the one I have on my Left ankle. I used the words in a circle and in the center is only the #3.
  14. rrod0991


    This is the tat I will reward myself when I reach my post op goal weight. I am a huge NASCAR fan and Tony Stewart is one of the best.
  15. A diet is generally thought of as a short term thing. "I am going to diet to loose 10 pounds". What we all need is a life long commitment to food. It is there to fuel our body not our emotions. For so many of us we are the way we are because of our love affair with food. We need to effectively sever that affair and use food correctly and to do that we need to train our selves to think of food differently. I am never going to diet again because I am now on a productive meal plan that works for me. I am sorry for the way I come across sometimes. My father was a Drill Sargent for the ARMY as I was growing up and I was taught to say what is on my mind. That I do without thinking sometimes and I apologize.
  16. :eek: I used to be a figure skater and a cross country track runner, could my body remember that? I have been walking 60 minutes twice a day and not lost any weight. My "apron" has gone down and my legs are more muscular, my pants are starting to fall off, but the scale is not moving. Anyone else with this problem. I don't think the body can remember that far back can it?:help:
  17. rrod0991

    Big Day Tomorrow

    Hi...I am not yet banded but I wanted to say congrats on the surgery and you will get a lot of support here. Any questions you may have ask away and they will be answered by someone
  18. rrod0991

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I want to look good in a swimsuit this summer
  19. rrod0991

    Strange question, I know

    thanks everyone. I am so worried that my lack of weight loss will adversely affect my surgery. I was so athletic as a youngster, as I said before, figure skating, cross country track, tennis team ROTC color guard etc... I hope that is all it is. I weigh myself on the same scale at work and I work in a hospital so I assume it is correct. I also resist weighing every day since I pass the scale a hundred times a day.
  20. rrod0991

    i am staying on plan today because ...

    I'm staying on plan today because I am worth it. I LOVE this thread.....keep it going
  21. rrod0991

    Calling Dr. Alami patients

    >>I would like to know if anyone has been banded by Dr.Alami. How was he ater surgery?
  22. I am a patient of Dr. Alami :clap2: and want to know more people that have seen him. Pre-op, Post-op I don't care. I want someone to share with that knows my Doc.:whoo:
  23. rrod0991

    For those who have PCOS

    I wass diagnosed with pcos at a young age and had to deal with the pain associated with it for years. I finall had enough of the bleeding. I bled constantly for almpst a year and was able to talk the doc into a complete hysterectomy. I feel so much better now. no more ovarian pain and no more bleeding.
  24. rrod0991

    Can you start over?

    The band is your tool and you need to work with it not against it for it to work. Recommit yourself and HELP the band work for you. You can do this, it is not easy but you are already so far ahead of those of us that are not banded. I cannot wait to be a looser and soon you will be again as well.

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