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Everything posted by rrod0991

  1. I am starting over and I am looking for a buddy in NE Washington. I am in Chewelah and really need support.
  2. Hi I have state medicaid and can only go to UW, even though I live on the other side of the state. Any suggestions on which doc to have surgery with? Any tips on how to make things go smoothly?
  3. rrod0991

    Me at my biggest

    From the album: My family

  4. rrod0991

    Eliana being silly

    From the album: My family

  5. rrod0991

    My sleping hubby

    From the album: My family

  6. rrod0991

    Eliana and Darth Maul

    From the album: My family

  7. rrod0991

    Eliana and her cousins

    From the album: My family

  8. I am not an ARMY wife but my father was a DI for 12 years as well as Airborne, Rigger, Ranger, Pathfinder, Green Beret, Combat MP and every other MOS a grunt can get. He ran the DI school in Sacramento for years. He traveled within the US because they would not send him over to war which is why he got out. He retired after 29 years last year. He petitioned the US for the right to go over to Iraq and was told he was to valuable and needed here. I dealt with a lot having a DI as a father. I believe that the whole family is a member of the armed services and should be treated as such. When asked if I have ever been in the service I answer yes because I feel I have. Anyone that has lived the life knows that if the soldiers family is not happy, the soldier is not happy. My father was in the field one time and had a promotion board hearing the following day. He came home and went to bed in BDU and full face paint. In the Middle of the night he woke and thought he heard something. He stalked through the house with his bowie knife and looked for the intruder. I knew if I moved he would slit my throat and not remember what he had done. He would do rack check and if things were not just right he would dump everything on the floor and make us clean it. Most of the time this was during the day but a few times this was in the middle of the night. I still cannot sleep at night because of the fear of being violently in the middle of the night. You tell me, Should I be here?
  9. rrod0991

    Add me...

    MySpace.com - Luv4NASCAR »-(¯v¯)-» 9 19 20 26 88 99 »-(¯v¯)-» - 35 - Female - WEST SACRAMENTO, California - www.myspace.com/rrod0991 Just tell me you saw me here so I will know.
  10. I haven't been here for a while. I lost my job and insurance in November of last year. I got depressed because I had just been given my surgery date, January 23, 2008. I had an awesome doctor and the surgery would cost me nothing because I was a Kaiser employee. I was devastated. Well... my husband just got a great job... with benefits. My insurance kicks in December 1. I am so excited. I don't know if I have to start over again or if I can just call and get put back on the surgery list. It will cost 500$ now but it is soooo much better than self pay and I am truly grateful. I will keep in touch and let you all know what is going on and I thank you all for the help I received in the past.
  11. rrod0991

    26 and facing a hysterectomy..please help

    I had a complete hysterectomy at 34 and it was the best day of my life. I was out of work for 6 weeks but could have gone back sooner. I am no longer in pain daily and sex is no longer painful. The problem is that because my husband is no longer bumping into anything in there he feels inadequate. He feels he is no longer good enough for me and my sex life has gone away. We still have a very loving marriage but no longer have sex. Maybe once every 4 months. but for me cuddling is sometimes enough.
  12. rrod0991


    I had very bad periods since starting @ 8 yrs old. They got worse the older I got with a lot of pain and heavy heavy bleeding. It got so that if I sat wrong I would start bleeding. They couldn't figure out what was causing it. The doctors tried a lot of things and finally decided on a hysterectomy. Thank God for that. I have been pain free since June 6, 2007.:thumbup:
  13. rrod0991

    My journey back

    I have had a hard year. My weight went right back up after I lost my insurance but now that I see insurance again in my future I have hope again. I am back on my pre-op meal plan ( I try not to use the word diet due to it's negative connotations ) and feel good about myself again. I still cannot exercise due to back and leg joint pain but do things in my chair, arm circles and leg lifts, etc...I look at my sister who had a baby Apr 07 and is back to her pre-baby weight and it makes me sick. I have to remind myself that she did not push her out she had a c-section and her hips didn't spread. She is 6ft tall and 125lbs. And beautiful. Some day I will be beautiful on the outside again. Until then I will work hard at being the best I can be.
  14. rrod0991

    My journey back

    I have had a hard year. My weight went right back up after I lost my insurance but now that I see insurance again in my future I have hope again. I am back on my pre-op meal plan ( I try not to use the word diet due to it's negative connotations ) and feel good about myself again. I still cannot exercise due to back and leg joint pain but do things in my chair, arm circles and leg lifts, etc...I look at my sister who had a baby Apr 07 and is back to her pre-baby weight and it makes me sick. I have to remind myself that she did not push her out she had a c-section and her hips didn't spread. She is 6ft tall and 125lbs. And beautiful. Some day I will be beautiful on the outside again. Until then I will work hard at being the best I can be.
  15. I have a facebook account as well but find it not as usefull. I also have a my yearbook account. :rolleyes2:
  16. I had a date and lost my insurance. Now a year later our insurance kicks in Dec. 1. I don't know if I need to start over from the begining or can resume by having my name put back on the surgery list. I just need someone in my corner who knows what I am going through.
  17. I will be back on Kaiser. They did require me to loose 10% of my body weight before scheduling my surgery last time. I lost all of that an was scheduled. I have to drive from West Sac to SSF for all of my appointments so I hope I don't have to start over. I don't have any one question but need someone to talk to once in a while as I suffer from bad panic attacks and this is bound to trigger them. I also suffer from insomnia as a result of being bipolar so I am frequently up all night. I will not know anything more about the process as the surgery center Will not talk to me until I have the insurance. Sooo until then I sit wait and hyperventilate.
  18. rrod0991

    Brand new here and really angered by...

    Coming from CA I was torn by prop 8. Having a gay brother and my husbands cousin is a lesbian I do believe they should be allowed the privilege of marring the person they love but I don't agree with teaching it to children in school. What happened to the separation of church and state? Marriage is a spiritual thing and I don't believe you need a piece of paper but I think you should be allowed to hold a service of some kind if you choose. Marriage of any kind should not be taught in school and sexuality should only be taught in sex ed where I think they should teach the older children both heterosexual and homosexual ways of life since most homosexual people know that they are from a young age. We should teach tolerance not hate. By teaching the heterosexual lifestyle is the only lifestyle we are teaching that homosexuals are different. We are all human and have feelings, if you think they had a choice do you think they would choose homosexuality as hard as people can be on them? If you don't agree with the taching you can opt out of letting your children attend or send them to public school. You don't have to agree with the teachings but what if it was your child that was gay and confused about their feelings after living with the hypocrisy of the world where they are told the only way to live is against what they feel inside. So you can see why I was torn...
  19. rrod0991

    My sister Seraphima

    From the album: My family

  20. rrod0991

    My daughter MaryElizabeth and my susters daughter Zoe

    Thank you for the comment. Zoe is my sisters baby but all of the babies in my family are born with hair like that. MaryElizabeth had jet black hair and the tips looked like they wher dipped in silver paint when she was born.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
