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Everything posted by dsiles

  1. dsiles

    Posts in the media too!

    Alex, Thank you for replying to this thread and providing some clarity, much appreciated.
  2. dsiles

    Posts in the media too!

    Appreciate the heads up.... I agree if I wanted to shared on Twitter I would do it myself. I have changed my Avatar to represent my thoughts. When the board addresses this abuse of trust by using user content in this fashion, maybe I will be more active here again.
  3. dsiles

    September 19

    I was banded on 9/19 as well along with my wife. Just finally getting back to normal and starting to sleep well. The only area that still nags me a bit is my port area, but it has gone from being a constant reminder to an occasional reminder. Looking forward to Friday to start the mushy stage of food, but the liquid Protein shakes and yogurts are still being good to me. I walked so much in the first week after the surgery I got a blister on my foot, so I a nursing that back to health now as well, but still got in 10 miles in the last 10 days. All the best to my fellow September 13 bandsters
  4. Congrats on your success! Thanks for the daily tips as well. I am only 1 month in since starting and a 11 days post op, but I am enjoying the benefits already too.
  5. Hello to all in this community, my name is Dave. I have always been a lifelong heavy person and overweight, athletic football build type of guy who was losing the battle with diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea. My endocrinologist suggested I consider a bariatric surgery option as a route to help. Over the course of six months I researched options and settled on the Lap Band. While talking through the surgery with my wife, my best friend in the world, she suggested we do it together. We decided we both want to be healthier for each other and live longer and fuller lives so we took on the journey together. I was very fortunate to have such a great support partner with my best friend in the world. Going through pre-op diet together made a world of difference down to us having surgery on the same day 9/19/13. I started at 394 and lost 31.4 lbs over the three weeks of the pre-op liquid diet. I know the journey is just beginning but I am already looking forward to our new lives ahead. Now two days post op, I am just starting to feel better. The last 24 hours have been killer. I have been having bad side effects from the pain meds I went home on or from the anesthesia. My muscles all ached so bad that sitting for 10 mins my legs and arms would seize up. After talking with my doctor this morning who has been great through this whole process, I am stopping my pain meds and just walking, walking, walking. Trying to get a mile in a day. It is a marathon not a sprint however and today is a better than yesterday.... one foot forward to a better life.
  6. Thank you all for the warm welcome and encouragement. Day 3 and feeling back closer to normal.
  7. dsiles

    Going back to work...

    Good advice shared here.... I am just 2 days post surgery, but I am going to telework from home starting again next week. I normally fly every week for work, but I set the expectation with my colleagues that they wouldn't see me outside of a video conference call for a couple of weeks back in the office or flying on a plane.
  8. I just download the iPad app as well... I see the facebook login option still isn't there, can you share what I need to do as well to login from my iPad. It is definitely my preferred way to use forums.

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