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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by manda81305

  1. Good Morning Bariatric Pals! So I've been going through my closet cleaning out clothes that I've sized out of or just never wore. I hate dropping them in those donation boxes because I feel they never find their way to people who can actually use them. My husband and I have tons of clothes we'd like to share. Some of the items still have tags on them!!! Yes, I made the fatal mistake of buying clothes as I was dropping weight and now have an over abundance of stuff. Hubs and I clearly have a shopping problem - but that's for a WHOLE OTHER FORUM! LOL 😂 I'll post pictures and sizes of stuff as I make my way through the bins. We have everything from dresses, work apparel, tanks, tees, leggings, golf shirts, dress shirts, jackets, swim suits, brand new bras with tags on them, etc. Mens XL for the most part - Shoes Size 11 Womens 8-14 (M-XL). Shoes size vary from 6 - 7.5 If you're in need, let me know and I'll be more than happy to send you what I have. Why buy clothes if you don't have to? Smoke free/pet free home. Much Love 💘 Amanda
  2. manda81305

    Clothes Sharing

    Ill look into that too! Thanks for sharing! Xoxo
  3. Good Morning! I know Im a month or so late to the party here, but here's my advice (being I actually do have a slip and have to have my band removed next week) #1 you're only 7+ months into your band. Under no circumstances should you be eating pizza 4 days after a fill. Do your Clear Liquids (I found 3 days work good for me, you'll find what works best for you), 3 days on full liquids (creamy soups, greek yogurt, etc.) 3-4 days on "mushies" (scrambled eggs, mashed potatos, cottage cheese) then move onto soft foods like boiled chicken, super steamed veggies, etc. Bread, pizza crust, toast, english muffins, croutons.....they are way to heavy to put against your band and you will notice that over time. You will most likely not eat bread at all. I hardly do and Ive been banded over a year and a half now. And you probably won't miss it at all, I know I don't. If you don't take care of your band and have to keep vomiting to dislodge a clog - you can end up giving yourself a slip. I know I did and I am more than pissed off at myself over it being it has to come out and be replaced. All because of vomiting from not eating the right foods and forcing myself to purge the cloggs. Take care and be smart! Hugs~ Amanda
  4. manda81305


    Hi All! First off - Protein shakes are way too heavy post-op. You should be sipping Isopure for at least the first 5 days. Its clear and lighter on your system than shakes are. As for the post-op bloating and gas, the only real thing to do is walk. Walk walk walk walk. My hubby took me to costco the day after surgery to get me moving around (I was a mainac thinking someone was going to hit me with a cart) and the second day we went shopping at Kohls. By day 3 I felt like a million bucks. If the weather is nice by you, take a lap or two aroun the block. Its the only way to get your body to absorb the gas that was used during surgery. As for the constipation - drink pleanty of Water. This cannot be stressed enough. And if it is really bad, try some chewable exlax. Start off with the childrens strength first because there's not too much in your system to get rid of. FYI - you will never poop the same way again, so just get used to that. If you were a 1-2x a day'er - it will be more like a 2-3x a week'er. Your body won't be taking much in - so if not a lot goes in, not a lot has to come out. Your initial weight loss may seem slow until you get into the groove of being filled and learning how to adjust to your band. Don't have unreasonable expectations (like I did) thinking you'll drop 40 lbs in a month and a half. Be patient, let the band teach you what you need to learn. You will get aggrevated at times, but when you zip up the smaller size jeans, you'll know it was all worth it! A year and a half post-op - down 75lbs. 15 to go until my goal weight!
  5. manda81305

    Excess mucus/sliming

    Hey All: Im hoping someone can help. From what im reading I have all the symptoms of 'sliming' which is making me gag just writing that. I think I may have a small blockage (stuck pill from earlier in the week) but food is going through - my biggest issue is this god forsaken post nasal drip. Im fine in the morning when I wake up but the second anything hits my mouth - the snot just starts pooling in the back of my throat and im gagging on it all day. Im gettin about 85% of my food down and then the rest is coming back up b/c the 'drip' is just gagging me beyond belief. I can't seem to snort it down, hot or cold liquids are helping very minimally - but im just disgusted with this already. Ive had a blockage before so I know what that feels like - but this snot issue is all new. Was filled to 7cc on June 9th under fluro. First 3 liquid days - no problems. Next 3 days yogurt, mashed taters, scrambled eggs, quiche - no issues. Day 7 stuck pill from migraine - day 8 flushed blockage with big slug of Peanut Butter - blockage cleared. Since the 18th ive been off and on with what i cant get down and what i can but that's when this post nasal drip started. IM OVER IT. I really don't want to call the dr if its nothing - but has anyone else experienced this? It only seems to happen when I start eating or drinking which is leaving me to believe its band related and not the onset of a sinus infection - which in that case I'll call my PCP. Hopefully someone out there has also experienced this and im not alone.
  6. manda81305

    October bandsters

    I do too...its the most comfortable sometimes. Although I think being too comfy caused me to not move around as much as I should. Im forcing myself to get up more. I went to Khols today for half an hour....it helped...although I was a nervous wreck someone was gonna run into me. Tomorrow...just around the block...less people to worry about!
  7. manda81305

    October bandsters

    I have a gas pain so bad it feels like my right ovary is gonna fall out! Lol
  8. manda81305

    October bandsters

    I Am BANDED!!!!!! WHOOT WHOOT!!!
  9. manda81305

    October bandsters

    I hear that! Im glad mine is at 8:30 - althought the hospital said to call the day before just to make sure it hasnt changed. I have to check in at 6:30. If they change my time, Im crackin skulls! LOL (just kidding!)
  10. manda81305

    October bandsters

  11. manda81305

    October bandsters

    Yes maam! Thursday at 8:30!! Whoot Whoot! Just got my medical clearance letter the other day and I had my doctor cracking up at how excited I was. Although after the year I've had waiting for this - I'll wait to get excited when its over!
  12. manda81305

    October bandsters

    Had my Pre Admission Testing done today - two weeks from today! Can't come fast enough.
  13. manda81305

    October bandsters

    How is it sleeping on your side? Im a huge side sleeper and have been wondering if I would be able to sleep comfrotably once I got home.
  14. manda81305

    October bandsters

    Good luck to the bandsters getting banded today~! Oct 2 seemed to be a big day around here.
  15. Hello All: I was wondering if anyone else out there had a spouse/partner that was not on board with your WLS decision? I have been battling with my husband for the last year over this. At first I was supposed to be sleeved - but after 8 months of vile arguing, I conceeded to try the band instead. I finally told my husband either he keeps his comments to himself and deal with my decision or I walk. I cannot possibly be the only person out there that had to deal with such aggrevation......am I? Im not sure he's worried I'll leave him once I lose weight or what. Its so frustrating. I am scheduled to be banded in 10/17 - finally.
  16. manda81305

    Spouse is NOT on board.....

    He's been to all except 2 Dr. appts with me and has asked a million questions in the interm, so he knows all of the ramifications of the surgery. I really think the guy from the gym just really got into his head, which has made my life hell for the last 11 months. My mom and bestie are on board with me and that's all I really need. If he loves me, he has to love everything about me, and that includes this surgery. I just didn't know if anyone else out there had backlash from their loved ones on their surgery decision, turns out I am NOT alone.....<3
  17. manda81305

    Spouse is NOT on board.....

    This wole downward spiral started when we joined the gym. He was all on board for this, we even decided together that the sleeve was the best choice for me, etc. So the day we joined the gym, stupid me opened my mouth when they asked, "Why are we joining" I said I was having bariatric surgery and it was doctor's orders to start getting into a habbit of working out......WELL - the juice-head behind the counter felt he had to weigh in and pulled us aside. He went on this whole tangent about how I didn't need surgery, that all I needed was a trainer, a diet, and a good workout plan. The VERY NEXT MORNING - my husband wakes up and out of nowhere, tells me he has a bad feeling about the surgery and its been all downhill from there. I could kill this kid at the gym! I was successful on Weight Watchers losing about 15 lbs for my wedding, but that didn't last. I tried NutriSystem for 3 days before I was just disgusted with their food. I tried a calorie counting plan with my husband and only lost about 6 lbs. He KNOWS that I have a horrendous time losing weight and keeping it off, yet he insists that diet and exercise is all I need - thanks to the bonehead at they gym (I'd prefer to compare him to a feminine hygine product, but I'll keep it lady-like) LOL
  18. manda81305

    October bandsters

    10/17 here......after a long year of waiting.....I cannot wait!!!
  19. manda81305

    Any New Jersey Gastric Sleevers?

    @Lovepresciousjas - Dr. Nihalani is doing my surgery too! Tentatively on 05/17 - Ive been waiting for someone else that has used Dr. Nihalani!!
  20. manda81305

    Any New Jersey Gastric Sleevers?

    Union Beach gal here..... Finishing my pre-op screenings, one last visit with nutritionist, sleep apnea test & stomach scope in two weeks, final visit with doc on 23rd. Hoping for an early October surgery date, Hopefully Aetna will move their asses......I'm heading to Jamaica 1st week of December and would really like to buy a new bathing suit and fit into the 5000 pairs of shorts I have outgrown!!!! Dr. Nihilani in Edison will be doing my surgery at JFK. Has anyone done research into the "dark" side of sleeve surgery? Other than the posted side effects we all know about (general surgery complications, dumping, acid reflux), has anyone experienced any really bad issues from their surgery? My husband is very skeptical about this being he keeps hearing only "good" things about the surgery and hardly any "bad".

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