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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    yummm - CRAWFISH!

    (phew, last one) ...and here's Marcus and my sister eating!
  2. paula

    yummm - CRAWFISH!

    my dad... (he was so tickled knowing that I was going to put this on a world wide forum - lol) and of coarse you cant have crawfish without beer!!!
  3. paula

    yummm - CRAWFISH!

    here's Mike adding more water to the pot...
  4. paula

    How do you feel about kids banded?

    Patty, you get a STANDING OVATION girl! Good job!!!!
  5. paula

    Urine issue

    Mine is gets the same way if my Water intake is low... and like Greg said, the Vitamins will do it too! Try drinking at least 60 oz's of water (thats 3 bottles Aquafina water) and see if this helps.
  6. paula

    How do you feel about kids banded?

    Amen Christina! I agree 100%. I have 3 kido's - 2 are already showing signs of a tendency to becoming overweight. I will try anything and everything before considering WLS. While I was reading Jenna original post, I thought the same thing... maybe age 20 I would consider my kids for this... but not sooner! Although, if I had a 400lb 16 year old, I may change my mind (like Chrystal was saying).
  7. Trish, your doc should give you a little compensation ($$$) for this great promotion... LOL!!
  8. paula

    Wish Me Luck!!!

    Hey Bright... just thinking of you! Let us know when you 'recover'!
  9. paula

    Chocolate for dinner? Yep.

    I think chocolate should be a daily requirement!!! Alex, if you think this was a bad day - you need to hang around me for a day or two! I think you did pretty good! Ive convincd myself that peanut m&m's and Peanut Butter chocolates are a better choice of junk food then just the regular junk! :dead
  10. paula

    Erosion & Re-Banding

    Oh my! I cant imagine going through it a third time.... Thanks for all these responses. You guys ARE the best! I guess with my reflux/heartburn flaring up lastnight - Im getting a little paranoid :nervous Basically, if something happens to this band... I WANT another one!
  11. Thanks everyone! Ive eaten pudding and a couple of cheese cubes this morning - and, with taking another prilosec - the discomfort seems to be better. I really should be on liquids - but Im soooo hungry!
  12. paula

    GOTHCHA!!!!!!!! Hee hee hee

    LOL.. you got me!!! Thanks for the reminder...
  13. paula

    Off on my month long trip

    OMGosh... PENNI!!!!! YOU LOOK AWESOME!!!!! And your girls are so pretty... I can see your genes in both of them! That personal trainer is definately paying for itself! You go!!! (BTW, I want that stripped shirt you are wearing)
  14. paula

    Pooping the Alphabet

    Trish, girl - I cant believe that came fom you... how funny!!!
  15. allergies, pms, stress (I know you dont have that though), lack of sleep - too much sleep... who knows?!?!? Just enjoy it while you can
  16. paula

    Varicose Veins and Treatment

    Marie, so very sorry to hear that you are having this problem... goodness! Are you having to stay off your feet for any length of time? *wishing you a very quick recovery* BTW: I noticed that you said you took some advil... just be careful - Advil isnt band friendly!
  17. paula

    Passover Fears

    Hi bigmom. I LOVE Matzo... and yes, I actually had it about a week ago. Like Kelly said, just break it up and/or take small bites. Everything went down fine! (especially the wine)
  18. paula

    Vera has a new band

    Yeeaahh Vera!!! This is really good news. Now you will have some peace over all of this mess. This may be too soon to ask, but does this mean that Inamed paid for the whole thing???
  19. paula

    Pics of my Barium Swallow

    Now you have me wondering.... how come I didnt get to keep any pictures of my swallow???? Did you ask Spiegels office for this, or did the Hosp give them to you? Are you able to eat and drink now? And Kelly, THANK you for posting these photos. Very good to show those that are newbies!
  20. paula

    Bad, Bad Daisydoodle...

    Bad, Bad Daisydoodle...
  21. paula

    Where's all this stuck food?????

    Hi Delarla - missed you the last few days... It was a animated video of just the band and showed a needle injecting fluid in the port and the stoma closing. This make better sense?
  22. paula

    Where's all this stuck food?????

    Adding to what Delarla said.... The stoma is the opening that the band provides. When I was 'investigating' this type of surgery, I found a site that has a video of the band and how it works... no longer have it
  23. paula

    Pooping the Alphabet

    OMG... you people are too funny! Around this house, its more the size that counts... "Mom, come see this BIG strip I put out", another regular phrase is "Paula, that one was so big, it took 2 flushes and then the plunger to get it down." And whats the deal with these men taking a 'mini vacation' on the toilet???
  24. paula

    NSV anyone?

    LOL.. Crystal, 23 inches is still awesome! I think thats all Ive lost in my total banded life! And youre just less then a month into this! I sure hope you took some 'before' photos.
  25. Sadly, this was a shock for me to learn after I was banded. I thought the band was going to magicaly make the hunger disappear. And it should... after the first, second or sometimes even a third fill - will take the hunger away. Hang in there... until you get your first fill, try to maintain your weight loss. Drink lots of Water between meals, this should help!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
