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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Kathy's 10 Day Countdown Thread

    just wondering... does all of your family and friends know what you are about to do??? (have WLS)
  2. paula

    Standing Ovation Please!

    ***IMHO - Crystal, you may want to send him a PM just so he knows this thread is about him. ***
  3. paula

    Weightloss Challenge

    Hey Jonathan... how are you doing with the new fill???
  4. only four more days..... woo hoo! Do you have everything ready for the trip???
  5. paula

    Weightloss Challenge

    195... -2 fom last week. OK, Im getting excited about this. I might actually make it to a 12 pound loss by June 1st! I think we are almost 1/2 way there... 5 weeks down already. If anyone else wants to join, feel free. At this point, your goal is to lose 7 pounds in 7 weeks. And to the winner *the one that has lost the MOST* I will donate a small sum of money to their favorite charity!!! Where's Big T & Ladiebird?
  6. paula


    I am genuinely happy for them! Everyone's journey is different. Their journey is fast, mine is slow. About your hair loss... I think Marie gave great advice on treating that particular problem, so Im not going to comment on that thought. And how sad that you and your sister are so jealous over each other. God bless you both. I had a sister 6 years older then me, and when I was 17 (we didnt get along either) she was tragically killed in a car accident... you know the saying, hindsight is 20/20???
  7. paula


    Pati, my tummy sounds like yours... 3 c-sections, a HUGE gallbladder scar (probably 8 inches long) then the port scar. Alot like war wounds - wouldnt trade any of em for nothing! *no bikini for this momma* Like the others have said - out of 5 incisions, my port scar and 1 of the small ones are the only ones I can find (from band surgery).
  8. paula

    FYI-Product for Bad Breath

    Wow Deb, you are in Saudi???? Thanks for this info. My mom has this problem and is always worried about her beath. Ill see what this site offers. Thanks again!
  9. This is something Ive wondered for a long time... If you are diagnosed with erosion and your band is removed - after a length of time - can you get another band?
  10. paula

    Erosion & Re-Banding

    Jenna, in January - we switched to a new ins. comp. This new one is like yours - will pay for NOTHING related to a band - but will pay nearly everything for a RNY.
  11. paula

    Rings n' Things NSV

    When my grandmother passed away (3/03) - I got her wedding set. This is my most treasured possession. It took forever for me to get it re-sized larger so I could wear it after her death... now its too big - and I dont want to take the chance of losing it, so it remains in my jewlery box. how about ring guards... anyone try that to solve this problem?
  12. paula

    I just love Maxine!!

    OMG... I love her cards. I can remember a time that I would stand in the card section at Walmart and read "Maxine" cards for the longest time... (obviously in the days before kiddies). Her cards always -ALWAYS- made me laugh!
  13. paula

    Band Slippage

    Hi Bigmom... another symptom of a slipped band is reflux. Are you experiencing any vomiting or reflux?
  14. paula


    (((Sheila))) Im a worrier AND an analyzer! So I would certainly be in the same boat as you if this wouldve been my doctors words to me. But siding with Alexandrea, try - really hard, to not think about it too much. This kind of news could keep me pre-occupied (mentally) for days on end... but come Wednesday, this test may show nothing more then just an inflamed esphogus... you never know! I think its a wise call for you doctor to be so concered, so he gets our praises for that. Please keep us posted on the results of Wednesdays test.... in the mean time - hang in there!
  15. paula

    2 Week Up Date Post op....

    Yeaahh Jamie!!! 10 pounds in 2 weeks IS great! At this point, just try maintaining your current weightloss - the weight will come off after that fill (you know this ) Are you drinking plenty of Water?
  16. paula

    yummm - CRAWFISH!

    you know, after Kathy's reply, Im getting kinda nervous about this thread... If everyone is getting sick over it - Ill delete it, ok?
  17. Not sure if this needs to be addressed or not, but... yesterday around 4pm, I ate 1/2 chicken breast (just the meat) from Wendy's. It was too dry, so I chunked the rest. Around 5ish I started feeling the urge to pb. I did - about 4 times in total... finally got rid of that dry chicken. Yuck! About an hour later, I drank 2 cups of my Int. coffee - eveything seemed fine. Later, I started feeling some discomfort, so I went to Walmart and picked up some prilosec... (Ive havent taken it for about a week, checking to see if I still needed it) I also bought a box of Cheese-It Hot N Spicy crackers and ate a handful on the way home. *I KNEW this was a mistake, but I was starving!* THEN the drama begins... when I went to bed, I felt this burning feeling in my throat - like heartburn (since banding, Ive had reflux, but never heartburn - does that make sense?) I took my prilosec and dozed off. Around 1am I woke up with the most horrible *strong* burning pain in my throat/heart area - much worse then just the reflux. My mouth was even salivating - like I needed to vomit (not pb)... this was painful! I kept coughing, like i had something caught in my throat. FINALLY, I drank a little Water and it seemed to 'cool' things off. This was a new experience for me... the burning pain, "feeling like something is caught" feeling. And I kept burping those darn spicy crackers.... maybe it was the 'tobasco' in those crackers that cause this level of pain?! Thismorning my throat area STILL feels a discomfort... a dull ache. Mostly when I take a deep breath. Im wondering if I should call my doctor - just to get their opinion... Or maybe I should just 'wait and see'??? **Leatha, I thought I remembered you saying that you take prilosec everyday - and if you skip a few days, your tummy starts acting up... please refresh my memory regarding this**
  18. Thanks for all these great thoughts. Being 3 days later and back on prilosec, I am much better! Michelle, I cant handle the spicy things either! Just started after my second fill. In all honesty, I wonder why???
  19. paula

    Stupidity Caused Worst PB Ever

    Oh my!!! Girl, are you better now? Ive had a couple of pb episodes that could compare... you are right, you feel like dying! Was at Walmart a week ago and felt the pb urge. Having 2 kids with me, I couldnt make it to the bathroom, so I started looking for a trash can. Ah-ha! Pet department was right around the corner - with a nice BIG stinky (from dead fish) trash can. You are having sinus trouble? Thats probably where this restriction is coming from!
  20. paula

    yummm - CRAWFISH!

    lol, Pat - You are right! But Ive found that crabs are alot messier and too much work for so little meat. What's really fun is that we go 'crabbing' down here and catch our own crabs to eat. But If I were to choose a favorite in all the boiled seafoods, I would probably say shrimp is my first choice.
  21. paula

    Major NSV for me!!

    WOOHOO Penni!!!! You are right, that IS a NVS.... isnt it funny how we are not used to having guys look at us in a good kind of way???
  22. paula

    Soon to be Banded

    Hi Roc.. and welcome to LBT!
  23. paula

    yummm - CRAWFISH!

    ok kathy...this is Mike... the crawfish in N.C. are very similar to the ones in La. Yes you can eat them...the difference is that N.C. crawfish live in fresh water streams and live a basiclly a mundane life. Louisiana crawfish are a little different in that they are grown... yes grown for the purpose of consumption. Rice farmers use crawfish as a second crop. During the winter and early spring,the farmers flood their fields and the crawfish come out of the mud where they live during the rice season. The farmers set out traps and catch dem bugs, Den they sell dem bugs, then we boil dem bugs, then we eat dem bugs. WOOO WEEE " cest ce bon" . The La crayfish have more flavor than their northern cousins because they live in the mud. Ok, suckin heads... You don"t really suck the heads for the brains, and the antennas dont even come into play. When you break off the tail you suck from the body cavity that has all the juice and flavor - no brains come out! But you only have to do this depending on how much beer you have consumed! This redneck Carolina boy don't suck no heads. Ok, I hope that I have explained the finer points of eating crawfish.
  24. Christina, could someone please get Gunners pictures to appear on your post (instead of having to click on the extra links). I just finished showing my sister and mom Gunner's pics... LOL, theyve never seen anything so cute!
  25. paula

    yummm - CRAWFISH!

    Kelly, Taste like spicy lobster.... at least thats what 'they' say - Ive never had lobster!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
