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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    TrishS GOT HER BAND TODAY!!!!!

    Hey Trish... youre alive!!! wooo hooo!!! So glad to hear from you. Is this right... -12 already? In just 1 week? Great job!
  2. paula

    May walking challenge

    Im still wanting this challenge so much, but the last couple of days have been really eventful here on the homefront. So... hopfully a pedometer will be bought today and I will get on the ball.
  3. LMBO... MARY!!!! You are cracking me up! How are you doing now? Youve had a doozie of a week!
  4. paula

    New Member

    Hi David... welcome to LBT! WOW! -41 in a couple of weeks?
  5. paula

    Hair Loss

    Glad this thread was started... Im almost 10 months post surgery and my hair is falling now more then ever.
  6. paula

    Results from Dr Vist.

    Mary, this would scare the heck out of me!!!! ((hugs)) So, you are on liquids till Wednesday. And if youre still having reflux, you will be scoped Wed. morning... is this right? (sigh) Good luck, my friend! Im praying for you AND your band!
  7. paula

    Consultation Fee?

    hmmmm... *this was my experience* when I called my surgeons office to schedule my initial consulation, they got my insurance info and called to verify my coverage. They (surgeons office) called me back and told me what my co-pay would be for this visit, what I needed to do to gain approval, AND approximately what my entire portion of the sugery's fee's would be. (I also called my insurance comp later and compared what the surgeons office told me to what they (ins. comp) told me.) Hope this helps.
  8. paula

    Movie Review

    Last one I saw was The Fockers. Didnt think it was any good. Weve had the movie The Notebook rented since Friday night - and STILL havent watched it. I heard that was a good one. Our good friends saw Amityville Horror - they said it stayed with them. Got home and left the lights on during the night - freaked both of them out.
  9. paula

    Consultation Fee?

    My consultation fee was submitted to my ins. comp and I only had to pay my co-pay of $15 when I went for this visit.
  10. paula

    Wishin' and Hopen'

    Hi Margo, My surgeons office called and let me know they had recieved my ins. approval paperwork - and that is when they gave me a surgey date.
  11. paula

    TrishS GOT HER BAND TODAY!!!!!

    Hey Trish.... WE MISS YOU!!!! Hurry home girl and give us the details!
  12. paula

    Cutting Grass

    **I copied and pasted this from my email** I hope the picture will go through for you of this Army soldier in Iraq with his tiny "plot" of grass in front of his tent. It's heartwarming! Here is a soldier stationed in Iraq, stationed in a big sand box. He asked his wife to send him dirt (U.S. soil), fertilizer and some grass seeds so he can have the sweet aroma and feel the grass grow beneath his feet. If you notice, he is even cutting the grass with a pair of a scissors. Sometimes we are in such a hurry that we don't stop and think about the little things that we take for granted.
  13. paula

    what food do you miss?

    a B I G - juicy hamburger... loaded.
  14. paula

    Newbie here!

    Hi Kristen, and WELCOME to LBT! So glad you found us. Lots of good information in this place. If you need anything, just ask! Good luck!
  15. Corgi, ((hugs)) I agree, it will get better. I remember my first fill and how long it took for me to (mentally) adjust to the new way I had to eat. I *also* remember thinking that I will NEVER get another fill... funny how I changed my mind when the scale stopped moving! In response to this line in your post; are you taking any Vitamins? You may want to search the Vitamin threads and find out which ones are recommended, personally - here lately Ive been chewing 1 flinstone Vitamin A day. And believe me - when i miss a day, the next day I feel sluggish! Vitamins work!
  16. paula

    Wishin' and Hopen'

    Hi Starbright! Welcome to LBT!!!! Are you having this surgery filed with your insurance??? OR are you a self-pay? If you are going through your insurance, then the time from your initial consult to surgery is usually 4-6 weeks. Usually!!! Possibly longer. Seldom shorter then 4 weeks, but could happen. Good luck, and again, WELCOME!
  17. paula

    Im Starving!!!help!

    Alatina, La Madam suggested the Atkins brand because its higher in protien then some of the other drinks... and protien is what helps us 'feel' full! There are other drinks/flavors out there. Just try a couple of different ones to see which one you can tolerate the taste of. Like Kathy said, you may want to keep these types of drinks handy. When I was in this stage, my surgeons office recommended a milk shake from Mc Donalds. It had alot of substance and definately did the trick for easing the hunger pains. These things are oh! soooo good, but VERY high in calories/carbs, so I had to limit myself to 1 small a day. I want to add that I found some of us experience more/severe hunger pains then others. Because my pains were on the higher end - on day 3, I bought some pepcid chewables & chewed 2 at bedtime. Sounds crazy, but the pains were so much better. Im definately NOT recommending you try this, but I just wanted to add it to this post. Once you get to week 2, things will get better.
  18. paula

    Joke Thread

    A college class was instructed to write a short story in as few words as possible. They were told that the story must contain the following three components: (1) Religion (2) Sexuality (3) Mystery There was only one A+ paper in the entire class. This is the A+ story: My God! I'm pregnant. I wonder who did it?
  19. Gypj, just for a piece of mind, is there any place you can get a barium swallow to check the functions of the band? This may be cheaper physically AND mentally before heading to Mexico. please explain this a little more... Youre scareing me girl!
  20. paula

    May walking challenge

    I NEVER do exercise challenges (because I never exercise - HA!), but I really need this one. I love to walk. And I park extra far at the shopping stores just to get in extra steps... so, yep! Im a maggot. And Im ready for more!
  21. paula

    First meetings to All HELL breaks loose.

    Penni - the picture of you in the sunglasses compared to your avator look sooo different! Who the heck cares what the scale says... you are HOT! Lisa - we need an updated avator of you!!!!!!!! You 2 are so fun - and good looking!!!
  22. paula

    Out of Control

    If you start your day eating bad, then it seems to make the whole day a waste. So, adding to Michelle & Betty, start fresh this morning (or tomorrow morning) this way we use the overnight fast to our advantage! Thats the wonderful thing about this band, everyday is a new day! I also find that when I keep my regular schedule of eating/water intake I do better. Its when unexpected events happen that break my schedule that everything goes to pot. For instance, the other day my mom & sister came over with lunch - I wasnt that hungry, but I ate anyway... broke my schedule & ate crap the rest of the day. Good luck & remember, we ALL have bad days/times!
  23. paula

    Let's See some BABY pics!!

    Yeeaaaah! Kathy's got a picture... Look out LBT, here she comes! ***Your daughter is absolutely the cutiest thing!***
  24. paula

    When to stop eating??

    Lauren, as far into my journey as I am - can you believe that I found myself wondering this same thing just yesterday. Like Michelle said, sometimes it happens after the second bite.... I should stop, but I dont! Jack, you are too funny!
  25. paula

    TrishS GOT HER BAND TODAY!!!!!

    Hey Trish, Ive thought about you several times today. Glad you are doing well. Tell John he's a sweetie for calling Jamie & ultimately letting us all know how you are doing. Welcome to the bandwagon!!!! :)

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