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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Attack of the Killer PB

    This is a request that one of our moderators PLEASE make this thread a sticky.
  2. paula

    Dairy Challenge

    LMBO, You kill me!
  3. paula

    Important information on Splenda

    Betty, Im going to copy this link and send it to my sister & cousin - BIG splenda drinkers. Sucralose may be more like ingesting tiny amounts of chlorinated pesticides, but we will never know without long-term, independent human research Thats scary! I remember reading something on the same line about diet drinks. Going back to what DeLarla/Lisa has said many times - real suger is safer then all this fake stuff! Thanks for sharing!
  4. Jonathan, ((hugs)) brother! You are making a big change in your life - and the biggest is single parenting! On the flip side of all of this - all of these expriences are going to make you an awesome pastor/minister! Good luck - and especially... May the Lord bless you and keep you! May He Face shine upon you and be gracious to you! May He look upon you with kindness and give you is peace!
  5. Hey Christina - just thinking about ya! Hope all is well.... and WELCOME to the world of BANDLAND!!!
  6. paula

    New to board

    Hi Laurie, and WELCOME to LBT! Good luck on your journey. As far as "good advice" - this place is the best! God bless.
  7. paula

    Wanna see the movie I am staring In?

    what happened to your avator?
  8. soft tortillas. Other whites I eat with caution, but soft tortillias are a definate NO-NO! oh, and beer!
  9. paula

    Does anyone drink beer?

    Me too Lisa! And you are right, it does taste different now. Bandsupporter........ ah, are you really Fantasia?
  10. paula

    Had dinner with the Princess

    Lisa, please tell Jenna that we miss her - PLEASE come home Jenna! And what about the pics??? At least me and Kathy gave you visuals! (In Delarla's words) WOOF!
  11. paula

    Getting Better

    Yep, I can too! OMG - You have lost 133 pounds in 11 months??? You get a big LBT hug for this great success!
  12. paula

    I met Paula

    LOL... AnneMarie makes 2 of Rachel! I like your picture better then the one I took. I just keep thinking how quick they made friends! That was a true blessing for Anne (and me).
  13. paula

    Wanna see the movie I am staring In?

    Saw it! Well, 1/2 way. It stopped in the middle and wouldnt budge any farther. So NO hottub scene for me This was neat! Thanks for thinking of us! BTW - Are you two still planning to travel in my neck of the woods?
  14. paula

    Weightloss Challenge

    Yep! Im in too! Jonathan, you gonna get this one going? I LOVE the idea about the before and after pics. Great idea!
  15. paula

    BIG NSV for me

    Well, weve just returned from visiting Mike's family in NC. On Monday, we loaded the zoo up and went to the mountains to visit his only remaining grandmother. Mike's parents, his brother & SIL and all their kids were with us as well. Had a great day. And, as usual, when we go in the summer time, Mike & his brother bring the kids swimming in a creek near his grandmothers house. Ive never been. Never had the desire to go; too much walking I guess? Well, this time I went. And yes, there was alot of walking to get to the creek - but MOSTLY - we had to climb around BIG rocks to get to the desirable spot (didnt know this til I got there). And I did it! Some places we had to get down on all 4's to balance ourselves. And better yet - I did it in flip-flops! LOL I honestly have to say that this has been my biggest NSV so far. I wouldve NEVER attempted to do this at my higher weight - just b/c I had a lack of mobility and flexability and afraid that I would fall and hurt myself or another. Here are some pics to show what Im talking about... My son is on the right - behind the big rock. Dont know the other people (mike took these pics)
  16. Hi Sheri! Im agreeing with Mary - most of the time our "rule" is to go back to liquids for 24 hours following a fill, then mushy for another 24. Its an adjustment to the stomach, so there is likely swelling that occurs with this small procedure. For my last fill, I had to have liquids for 3 days, then introduce mushy's for a couple of more days THEN solids. Each fill is different. Each person is different. Just take it slow, and as long as you are able to keep liquids going, you *should* be fine. Also - if you feel the need to contact your surgeons office just to have a peace of mind - PLEASE - dont hesitate!
  17. paula

    BIG NSV for me

    Celeste and Alex, Sure you can come! Although the water was about 50 degees, *C*O*L*D* I just took the word of those that were in it on how inviting it was. Kathy is the one that told me this was called a "swim hole". We dont have swim holes here in the south, do you have them there?
  18. paula

    BIG NSV for me

    Kathy, LOL - went rock hoppin at the swim hole! Betty, you bet! And shocked! The men brought the kids first, then me and SIL went later so Mike didnt know we were going. Michelle, how right you are. While everyone was occupied, I went for a walk on the bank of the creek. This place is so beautiful. No traffic sounds, no airplanes flying over head... just the sounds of nature. Water flowing over rocks, birds singing in the sky, and kids laughing! I stood by myself for a long time just thanking God for the opportunity for me see this place/His beauty. Michelle, this was better then seeing any numbers on a scale! You are so right! Leatha, Amen! For so long I would just let Mike and the kids do fun things outside - even something so small as jumping on the trampoline with them. So this weight loss has helped my entire family, not just me. I feel "included" now - before, I just sat back and watched. And most of the time, I wouldnt even watch because it would make me depressed that I couldnt enjoy life with them.Oh how losing a little weight can change your life! Thanks Crystal, Jamie and Angie!
  19. paula

    Does anyone drink beer?

    Hi Pattyann! Not sure if this actually happens. But everytime Ive tried even a sip of beer I have a lot of discomfort - and do alot of belching. So! As much as I love beer, this is one beverage that is on my "NO" list. wish I had better news
  20. paula

    BIG NSV for me

    Here's another one. Mike took these pics to show the beauty of the area, but Im using them to show the ability it took to get to this spot! Woo Hoo - I did it!!! After 16 years of marriage, I FINALLY saw the "swim hole" that Mike and his brothers spent many summer days in. Thanks to my band!
  21. paula

    Worried about Life in General

    ok, Im getting a little worried over here. Nothing strange to report on my end, but the day isnt over with.
  22. paula

    I met Paula

    and here we are again! Lisa, LOL... Dark clothes do a really good job of hiding things! Cause there aint nothin' skinny on this big momma!
  23. paula

    I met Paula

    but this one was the best. THis is Kathy's little boy. He is so beautiful! Notice the lady in the background... I think she was in love with this cutie!
  24. paula

    I met Paula

    OMG.... the laundry! just wanna run away fom it all. ok, here's the pics (for the picture lovers) Here our little girls. My Anne is on the left, she is 4, and Kathy's babygirl is on the right, she is 5. They were instant friends!
  25. paula

    Ot Prayers Needed

    Hey Mary, just now reading this! Hope all is well. Plase keep us posted on their outcome! Definately will pray for them!

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