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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Love Your New Pic Lisa (delarla)

    Me too! I love the new look Lisa! What about a BIG close-up... come on, this is LBT family - we need pics!
  2. What about discussing this with your surgeon? IMO, it is actually up to him as what needs to be done. Just a thought!
  3. Hi Kim! Wow -5 pounds in 5 days IS alot. From your stats, you seem to be at a good spot, but only YOU can determine this. You may like having a tad less restiction - so you can "partake" a little longer. Again, its your call! If you continue with the weakness, I would definately recommed a slight unfill. Good luck, and enjoy that "not hungry" feeling for the rest of us
  4. paula

    New Classes starting!! LOL!!

    LOL... LMBO!
  5. paula

    What NOT to Wear?

    you got it, girl! If you need me, Im just a phone call away! love & hugs to ya!
  6. Gosh, we get double servings of cake and ice cream today! To - 2 of my favorite friends on this board! I sure hope you are having a wonderful day. Both of you deserve the best! Happy Happy Birthday!!!!!!!
  7. paula

    What NOT to Wear?

    Thats exactly what I did! a tank top with a button up over it. Capris are fun! I like the strech capris - gives more room! (I found mine at JC Penny's) The more you wear clothes that are fitted, the more comfy they become. It took a long time for me to "get over" wearing big comfy clothes. But the trade off is a better looking you! Besides, being a size 20-22 ISNT very big!
  8. Hi Jamie (ANOTHER Jamie), WELCOME to LBT! Good luck on you researching. Just like Theresa said above, you will find many helpful threads on lapband vs GBP in the archives.
  9. paula

    New Classes starting!! LOL!!

    LOL - This has made me laugh! My personal favorite "course"... MEN 210 The Remote Control: Overcoming Your Dependency I wish I knew how many times hubby had the entire family (even the 2 yr old!) looking for the remote! He has even called home from work, just to ask, "Did yall find the remote for the tv yet?"
  10. paula

    Someone stole our airconditioning!

    OMG! Betty, this is a first that Ive heard about. And I was watching the Weather Channel this morning and saw where Dallas was going to get hotter into the week... hope he gets another one installed soon... or maybe you get the week off!
  11. paula


    My God girl, you look gorgeous! Cant wait to see the close up! About the avator stuff... I have NO idea how to do it - thats why I call Penny to the rescue! I wish I knew though!
  12. paula

    pizza? gotta know

    I eat pizza very often! Just small bites! I usually eat the topping off 1 piece and an entire small slice. ALSO - we make homemade pizza's. At walmart we buy the Momma Mary brand pizza crust (pre-made, in the refrigerator section) - and fix our our toppings. The crust is thinner (easier to go down) and way more healthier!!!
  13. paula

    Awful PB experience

    Hi there! Isnt an omelet made with egg? Alot of us have problems with egg... so this may be a certain food that you may want to eat with caution - may have NOTHING to do with getting that fill last week! Just food for thought!
  14. paula

    Re- fill and check-up

    Hey Michelle - just thinking about you! BTW, Ive been meaning to ask you this... prior to your bowel obstruction, were you having ANY problems voiding? This might be a little technical, so if you want to pm me with your response, thats fine!
  15. paula

    Kids, moods, and food

    Alex, I know what you are talking about. My 9 yr old is in the same category as G. When he is acting his worst, its always b/c he hasnt eaten in a very long time - and sometimes he refuses to eat when he is in this condition. My goodness... the hollering & crying at any little thing. After a couple of bites, he is back to normal. Mike is the same way though (not the hollering and crying part - but he's a real BEAR until he eats). My other 2 kids do not seem to have this issue. hmmmm... now you have me wondering! Cant wait to hear what your pedi. says!
  16. did she have the gbp or the band?
  17. paula

    Weightloss Challenge

    I just wanted to encourage all those that start this challenge to NOT give up in the middle. Many of us may gain weight and become embarassed to post it, or not lose as fast as someone else/others... regardless! The ONLY way we get support is to allow each other into our "world"! So please, dont give up... I promise, when this challenge ends, you will have lost something! Even if you want to give an update every 2 weeks or monthly! I find it easier to go for a "goal" then just lose whatever at my own pace. Good luck everyone!
  18. I just realized that March will be here day after tomorow... and that means summer time is just around the corner. I figured that losing 12 pounds by June 1st is doable (couldnt decide if I wanted to go for the full 15 or just 10 pounds, so I split it :cool: ) ! That's 12 pounds in 3 months. And that should put me well below that almighty 200 mark. Is there anyone that would like to do this with me? ...please???
  19. Hi Lottie - and W E L C O M E to LBT and to bandland!! I agree with Kathy about taking small sips with warm liquids for a while. Noone can tell you for how long you need to do this, just listen to your body. Try drinking your Water at room temp - NOT warm, just cool room temp. Alot of times our esphogus has spasms when we drink/eat something cold - this is "normal" for the bandster. Dont forget to mention this to your surgeon when you go for a check up!
  20. paula

    Crohns Disease And Lap Band

    I didnt know this (about Chrons being an aids). Leatha - you always give great advice! And I agree with you about it being the difference of opinion in surgeons.... My sister has Crohns and would like to have WLS. About 4 years ago, she had a small procedure done by a general surgeon - who ALSO does the GBP. This surgeon talked to her about the GBP procedure - and encouraged her in having it done. She was only 18 at the time, so my parents didnt feel comfortable with it. With this being said, Im wondering if the GBP is "better" for those with Chrons then the band?
  21. paula

    Exercise Video

    Fuuny how we all think alike. I was going to recommend the same thing!
  22. paula

    Stomach ache?

    Sam, I am SO glad you brought this up! I NEVER eat donuts, but 2 weeks ago I ate 2 choc covered donut's, probably the first time since Ive been banded. Anyhow, about 30 minutes afterwards I started feeling bad REALLY bad. Actually felt like a gallbladder attack. DEFINATELY not the "stuck" feeling. This was completely different. Like I said, it was comparable to a gall-stone trying to pass. About 4 hours later everything was better. hmmmmmm, I wonder if we are the only ones that have had problems with donuts? I can promise you, it will be a LOOOONG time till I have another one!
  23. paula

    Dance Recital

    This will bring back memories for some of you... today was my little Anne's first dance recital. She looked so cute - I just had to show you her picture.
  24. Hi Rene, Its my understanding that mostly those that are above 250 should be on a pre-op diet. I may be wrong. But not everyone's doctor orders this. This diet is to reduce the fat on the patients liver - to make it an easier recovery and safer operation. It has NOTHING to do with "proving" we can diet - besides, being banded is a way of dealing with food, not a diet! IF your BMI gets too low by the pre-op diet, then I would suggest that WLS may not be the answer you are seeking for weightloss. THis has not been an issue in the past. Good luck!
  25. paula

    Good News!!!

    Penni, ((hugs)) to you and John! I think it takes a great man to actually GO to a counselor. Most men are freaked at the idea (maybe it due to pride?). So half the battle is already over! All our love and support to you!

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