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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Fifteen Keys To A Happy Life

    1. Compliment three people everyday. 2. Watch a sunrise - a sunset. 3. Be the first to say "HELLO" 4. Treat everyone as YOU want to be treated. 5. Never give up on anybody, miracles happen. 6. Forget the Jones's. 7. Remember someone's name. 8. Pray not for things, but for wisdom and courage. 9. Be tough-minded but tender hearted. 10. Be kinder then you have to be. 11. Don't forget that a person's greatest emotional need is to feel appreciated. 12. Keep your promises. 13. Learn to show cheerfulness even when you don't feel it. 14. Don't rain on other people's parades. 15. Don't waste an opportunity to tell someone you love them.
  2. paula

    First Fill is tomorrow!!!!

    Good luck Krystal... and welcome to the "real" world of banded life
  3. paula

    Go For Fill Again

    Missy, did Spiegel do your surgery? Ive never heard of the other doc you mentioned. Good luck on this 5th fill... how long have you been banded? And when was your last fill? sorry for not responding sooner. things get kinda hectic around here at times
  4. paula

    Adult Question....

    my doc said "NO rough sex for 3 weeks". That was easy to follow
  5. paula

    Fifteen Keys To A Happy Life

    Thanks Keri! I have this list on my fridge as well. I glance at it about once a month or so. it really IS "keys" to true happiness...
  6. paula

    I'm having a Hysterectomy

    Hey Vera, ok, so this thing has been post-poned til next Wednesday?? have you gone skiing yet?
  7. paula

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Hey Adam! Welcome to the challenge! LOVE your avator - he's a cutie! ...and 19 pounds in a week???? woo hoo
  8. paula

    Tummy Tuck / Boob Job

    Vines, I am SO uneducated. Please tell me what this is.
  9. paula

    Lip Piercing

    OMG! LOL As much as I talk - Id like to do this to myself at times!!!
  10. paula

    Funniest Things Your Kids Have Ever Said

    Nicole, how innocent! Thats sooo sweet. Here's another one, were going 75mph on I-10. Philip (2 yrs old) keeps getting out of his car seat. This is a major peeve for me - so Im frustrated and trying to drive and fussing at him to get back in his seat. Mike turns around to adjust him and asked him why he's getting out. Philip tells him, "Cause I wonna drive!" 2 yrs old, and he's wanting to drive. *sigh* kids!
  11. paula

    Picture Page

    Lisa, OMG - I noticed the pink nail polish! How funny! ok, now Im jealous..... Im going find Claire! Fireman, I think most men would say that thats their warped idea of fun too! BTW, did you have band surgery?
  12. paula


    Dishdiva, I agree and disagree! DEFINATELY make your surgeons aware of the reflux stats. Great idea! On the other hand, remember - physicians are people with educated opinions.... they are not God (although some think they are )
  13. paula


    Sonnie, ((hugs)) Have you tried going to another band surgeon to find answers? And as simple as this may sound, have you "tested" yourself by going on a liquid diet for a couple of days to give your digestive system a break? Just to allow the swelling to decrease. Try giving yourself a fresh start. Also, when I eat a hard protien I MUST drink Water (at least) an hour later to help wash that food out of my pouch. One last thing... my *new* insurance comp. (this is not the one that payed for my band) does not cover banding. B U T - if I have test run and do NOT approach it as "band related problems" but approach it as "stomach problems" - the insurance WILL... I repeat, THEY WILL pay for the testing!
  14. paula

    Anyone remember me?

    Hi Terry! Welcome home How are you??? and how is your daughter??? didnt the 2 of you do this banding together?
  15. paula


    Mine too ! Anyone ever noticed that baby wipes are a WONDERFUL spot remove for carpet AND clothes? sorry Crystal - a bit of topic here...
  16. paula

    How does swimming.....

    Im a "swimmer" too! I think it was 3 weeks before the doctor oked me to swim aftr surgery... call YOUR doctor and check his "rules" before getting into a pool. Michelle, do you have special Water weights for your ankles, or just regular ankle weights that you wear inthe pool? If they are special, then where did you get them?
  17. paula

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    ok, its official, a 2 pound gain for me I deserve it though - Ive been eating BAD BAD BAD food choices lately. Sooner or later it was going to catch up with me. Its 185 now! Congrat's to all you "losers"!
  18. paula

    having pain....

    Linda, You may be a tad too tight. Id call the doc's office and discuss this with his nurse - just to get their opinion. On a side note, on my second fill, it took me about 2 months to properly adjust my eating habits and "learn" my new fill. Are you able to keep Water down at all?
  19. paula


    thats me too! late-evening alcohol is a BIG trigger for my reflux. So? NO late evening alcohol. So, for those of us that have reflux symptoms - is this fill the last one for us? I mean, getting another fill - regardless of how tiny it would be - would only make the reflux stronger. So whats the point of ever even attempting getting another fill? hmmm... being 30 pounds from goal weight vs waking up in the middle of the night with vomit boiling in my throat.... not a hard decision. Although, I do feel cheated. Cant imagine how you feel, Sue.
  20. paula

    Having a really rough time!!!!

    Nita, so sorry for you being so down! It does get better - once you get that fill, the hunger will cool down. Weeks 3 and 4 are sooo hard. In the meantime, Im not sure if this is an option for you, but Ive heard that some doctors prescribe diet pills during this pre-fill phase.
  21. paula

    just a question.....

    Great words Nancy! How true how true! First of all, my fills have never hurt. My port area is permanently numb from the incision, so I feel nothing. Once you are filled, you need to make sure you can drink some Water before you leave - its wise to bring a bottle of water with you to the visit for this reason. Back to the pbing. If you are pbing with NO fill, then you may need to take smaller bites and/or eat slower. Be careful, because frequent pbing can possibly lead to band slippage. Here is a link to help discern whether or not a person is ready for a fill. http://lapbandtransformation.com/Adjustments.htm
  22. paula

    Check Out This Link

    LMBO... how funny! We have a Vitamin store close by, Ill see what I can find out tomorrow.
  23. paula

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Hi Kare! And WELCOME to LBT. Glad to have you join the challenge
  24. paula


    legallybonde, Im anxious to see what your doctor says regarding that statement he/she said. Now in your case, your reflux started like 3 months after the fill. I wonder why it took so long? Mine began about 1 & 1/2 weeks after my second fill.
  25. paula

    What's your July 4th plans?

    Wow Betty! LOOOOOVED the pics! I think this is the first time we saw DH - not bad lookin' either! Where were these cabins/lake located? Is it near Artesian Spring?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
