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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    I am Hungry

    The ONLY thing that satsifed me was a McDonalds shake. I limited myself to 1 a day. Also, trying different textures of foods: popsicles, broth, thicker Soups may help. Remember, this is only temporary! You CAN do this.
  2. Lisa, you are truly an inspiration to me. God bless you~ ((hugs))
  3. paula

    How Many Exercise Gadgets Do You Own?

    Ive never invested money in any exercise crap - only own 1 walking video. Thats it. I cant take the clutter of things I dont use. Oh yea, and I do have a couple of dumb bells *somewhere* that were bought for me to tone up these bat wings. Used 'em for a couple of weeks. I think a lot of it has to do with my mom having all this exercise equipment and NEVER using it. Almost like having it for display (like a trophy) to show visitors that you have something to help you lose weight - but its obvious that its never used. Im thinking about joining a local fitness center. But being the realist that I am, Im having to weigh the odds to make sure that Im going to use it - and NOT waste that membership. I hate exercising. Plain and simple. But at this point, my band has done its duty - and its my responsibility to pull my end of the rope... this means its time to exercise.
  4. paula


    Gosh, this was so long ago, I hope I can remember the details. I had a barium swallow, and everything looked fine. It was really neat to see the band "working". I could see the baruim sit in the pouch for about 5 seconds then VERY slowly it would leak down. It did not show reflux though. But everything was positioned correctly and was working the way it should. Although getting a scope would be the "other" test to have done to check for ulcers or other problems. My reflux is better. Depending on what I eat in the late afternoon determines if I have it or not. Sadly, Ive learned that lap band reflux is more commen then those of us on LBT realize. For some reason I started chewing 2-3 tums every night RIGHT before I go to bed. And you know what? It works - i dont wake up with the hot lava in my throat. THis may not work for everyone, but it sure has given me a better nights sleep. Example: yesterday afternoon I had some chewy choc. chip Cookies around 7. Around 9:30 I chewed my 2 tums, and went to bed around 10. I could feel the reflux just waiting for me to relax so it could come up. So I chewed another tums and about 10 minutes later that feeling went away. ??? dont know guys, but its a cheap/easy relief for me. Thanks for asking everyone. . I definately AGREE!!!!! I read recently that ANOTHER reflux problem is that the reflux continuely boils up and stomach acid "coats" the opening of the esophugus (sp?). This is even more serious of a problem - results in esophugal cancer.
  5. paula

    Revision Thursday

    Vines, Corgi, try doing a search on her name so you can read her story - yes, she DID have a slip (great story too). Mae, we will be thinking about you. Come back as soon as you can and give details. God Bless~
  6. paula

    Something Gross

    Yep! I confess... Ive done this too . most of the time its with high carb things, like chips, Cookies and so forth. The chewing and the taste are all I wanted, no need to let it do down.
  7. What helped me get through it was thinking that this phase was going to only last XX amount of days... its just temporary. I would cook the meals, serve the food then leave the room while they ate. The hardest part was NOT tasting while cooking. And yes, most of us CAN eat pizza after banding. Usually the thin crust is ok to eat, and especially if its baked a little longer to make it extra crispy. Also, its very commen to slow down or stop losing once we start solids. Just remember that this post-surgery phase is for healing and losing weight is the benefit The real weight loss is going to happen after you get an adjustment (s). Some need several "fills" to notice any difference though. Hang in there, your journey has just begun! Oh, and WELCOME to bandland.
  8. paula


    Theresa, your hubby does childish things????? OMG - what kind of man are you married to? LOL You look GREAT girl. Do you realize that you have lost enough weight to equal another person? You are amazing!
  9. paula

    pictures in my mind

    I agree. adding to my above reply: since I now weigh less then I did when I was in high school, I honestly dont have any picture or size to aim for. BUT I did when I started this journey... my wedding picture - taken in 1989, I weighed exactly 202.
  10. paula

    Band leakage

    Vera, your info is newer then mine. I read about this "thicker saline" last fall - so No, Im not aware of any new solution they are using either. Newlife4me, as I read your last post, I was reminded WHY I (and most of us) chose the band... because it CAN be fixed. Keep your chin up! Like I said earlier, you have an awesome surgeon, and he will find the problem!
  11. paula

    pictures in my mind

    Crystal - look how small you were????? WOW! ((((((LOVE those 80's glasses, dont worry, I had some myself, LOL)))))) Spudboy was absolutely darling! He seemed like a very content baby. You are/were blessed!
  12. paula


    Hi Tina, and WELCOME to LBT! So glad you decided to become "active" You have done remarkable - with -50 in 6 months... WOW! Keep up the awesome work. You are an inspiration to a lot of us.
  13. paula

    Very angry and needing advice

    Funny thing is that she isnt aware of your anger! I DEFINTELY agree with confronting her about this betrayel. Why wouldnt you? She needs to be aware of what she did wrong - thats the only way you will feel better, and next time she will know to keep her big mouth shut. Dont worry, my sister did the same thing to me. And you are right, it does hurt. Sometimes people like to tell tales about others just to "make conversation".
  14. paula

    Step One completed

    Lorie, ONLY thing I regret.... not doing it sooner! Time seems to be creeping along - but actually it will go by with jet speed. Your surgery is gonna be here before you know it. Just have consolation in knowing you are "working on it".
  15. paula

    Summer Weightloss Challenge

    Im going to confess.... Im down to 182 but only b/c Ive been taking 1/2 a diet pill for the last couple of days. So If you guys want to kick me out of here, you can - since my weightloss is NOT band alone... sniffle sniffle. (Im still going to claim it though )
  16. paula

    I am so happy...

    Woo hoo Kim! Feels great when someone that dosent know about our band - notices our weight loss. Thats the best NSV ever. And -40? Yep! Id say you should be showing a good bit. Keep up the awesome job!
  17. paula

    It was so pretty this morning

    Hey Betty, Sometimes life gets so busy that we need some "alone" time - bet you enjoyed it! Do you know if we are gonna make plans for another Galveston (or wherever) Bash? Hope so.
  18. paula

    Lump At Bottom of Throat

    now youve got me feeling aound MY throat area. Is it sensitive or hurting? PLEASE keep us posted.
  19. paula

    I am so outta here!

    Bye Kathy! We're gonna miss you. Hope you get some SUN so we arent blinded by those white legs! he he he oh, and watch out for sharks. Well be waiting for those pics. Hope you have a great time.
  20. Desiree, Ive found that most of Walmart brand items are VERY yummy. I havent tried the shakes though, but I will now thanks for this info.
  21. paula

    Whats wrong with people?

    Lets see if I can give my poor 2 cents worth... my mom does the exact SAME thing. Not out of anger or to inflate herself, but out of LOVE. She knows it hurts, but she would rather say it then have a stranger *think* it - then she would feel guilty for not trying to correct us. Its all about being perfect. Presenting yourself in a perfect manner. Perfect size. Perfect hairstyle. Perfect tan. Perfect clothes. Perfect everything. I have found that my mom's pride comes from seeing me look good. She feels a sense of accomplishment, that she "did something right". I got a new hairstyle about 4 weeks ago. I had highlights added, something she has BEEN wanting me to do. So here I am. I lost weight, got a decent tan, now a new hair-do... and my mom says, "Your hair looks better now then ever. NOW you need to get your teeth bleached!" At one point I thought that now matter what, its never good enough for her. But then I realized that she is just wanting me to have more out of life by physically looking good in everyway possible - something she has never had. So for my mom, I know that this critizing is genuinely out of love. A couple of years ago I had to ask Mom in such a kind and humble way to please stop criticizing me. It hurt. Plain and simple. So she backed off. Sometimes they get in a habit of doing this and dont even realize what they are doing. Therefore WE need to correct THEM. Just an idea, but maybe telling her this hurts may help her to tone it down.
  22. paula

    Lightheaded, anyone?

    are you sure that your calories are totaling that much? Im sure Im going to get lots of raised eye brows, but during the liquid only phase - ONLY a McDonalds shake would satisfy me. I had one a day, and was happy. Lost 12 pounds in 2 weeks too.
  23. paula

    prayers and white lights please!

    Crystal, first Im reading of this thread. I certainly WILL say a prayer for him today AND tomorow. Keep us informed.
  24. paula

    Band leakage

    You have a very reputable surgeon, so my guess is whateve he decides to do is gonna be good. Ive heard that they try using a thicker fill liquid to help "seal" a possible pin hole leak. This is just what Ive heard.
  25. paula

    Hello from California

    Hi there, and WELCOME to LBT. GLAD you found us.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
