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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    No desire for Soda's

    I know exactly what you mean. I think you are in the normal range though. Most of us experience this same freaked-out thoughts, scared to death just thinking about NO soda post op. HOW WILL I SURVIVE? But ya havent missed it, huh? another great thing that the band does for us!
  2. hmmm, I had to think about this one for a minute! I still enjoy good tasting food - but the consumption is what is different. Quality - not quantity.
  3. paula

    NSV's :)

    Yippie Sarah! You are so right - these NSV's are certainly as exciting as seeing that scale drop. LOVED the bathtub one!
  4. paula

    I'm gonna do something

    Gosh, Id have to suggest NOT riding a horse this soon after surgery. Things havent completely healed inside - and Id rather be safe then sorry. A little graphic here, but try some other search thing that will not jiggle around your guts. What about putting on your walking shoes and just walking it? Would that be possible? I sure hope doggie is ok, please keep us posted.
  5. paula

    Going for an unfill

    Alex, Like you, my reflux problems seem to come and go. Here lately things are going well (thankfully). The ONLY thing Im doing different is downing 20oz's (like La Madam does) about an hour before bedtime (for about 2 weeks now). Truly "washing" out my pouch. And if I feel a little strangeness in my tummy, Ill take a prilosec along with it. Whats funny is that different things work at different times... tums, prilosec, pepcid (I have a script for nexium, but never filled it). I think alot of it has to do with what we eat and our state of being. Remember: Stress affects our GI track before anything else. SO! Combine stress and an poor food choice, and that night I can pretty much expect the hot lava! The last time I had a MAJOR reflux attack, Mike's family was visiting. ironical, huh? Christine, thanks for the "welcoming back"! You are ALL so very special to me... even when Im not here, you are all still close to my heart Delarla, Where - IN THE WORLD - did you eat REAL cajun food?????? and what was it?
  6. paula

    Have you motivated others?

    Not sure if Ive influenced anyone on getting the band... BUT my cousin who has been plagued with a large nose decided to have a "nose job" back in June. Her reason? "I thought, If Paula can do what SHE did (getting the band) then I can do this."
  7. paula

    Bad sore throat

    Hi Kristen! Im sure chloroseptic throat spray is fine for your newly formed tummy to ingest - this just numbs the throat for a temporary relief. Not sure if tylenol has its own spray, but try using the liquid form for a longer pain relief then the spray. Hope you get well soon!
  8. paula

    OT-- My son's Hamster is now in Heaven

    Mary, Im so sorry to hear of your son's loss. How sad. Fish? low maintance, no noise, doesnt pee on carpet... hey! This idea is sounding better and better. Come to think of it, we had 2 fish once. We went on a vaca and one of the fish had given birth to about 12 babies while we were gone. A week later our cat had kittens, and a week after THAT, I found out I was pregnant. :ermm Dear God, I never want another fish in my house!
  9. paula

    Going for an unfill

    Alex, I certainly can understand! ((hugs)) Just when I think all is well on my end, something stirs that reflux demon up and it hits me. Your doctor isnt recommending med's? I just remembered... you were going to try a slight fill this month, right? Did that happen?
  10. paula

    Got an idea?

    oh Penni! I am so sorry for not responding to this sooner. I still think that this is an awesome idea. Did you get ANY pics? If you are still considering this, I will send my pics to you...
  11. paula

    Has anyone heard of Trace Minerals

    You may want to ask a health food specialist. But someone recommended that I take Biotin. They are specifically for hair and nails. I bought the bottle at Walmart, but havent taken one yet. Let us know what you find out about trace minerals.
  12. paula

    Picture Page

    I love it too Lisa! ...and I dont see those extra pounds. Youre still lookin great!
  13. paula

    Reflux - Dizzy And Another Fill

    Mary, please keep us posted on this. The dizzy thing has me concerned. Can you give some graphic details on the burning in you throat?? does it happen at night, in the day, after everything you eat, only after certian foods, those kinds of details. So the doc said you do NOT have reflux and yet, you have to sleep propped up on pillows? I hate hearing that you are going through all of this - Hope you get over it soon.
  14. paula

    Sister In Law

    Kathy (Best Me) had something similear. But it happened to her around a week post op. Because the esophgus hasnt had time to rest and unswell, it often becomes a vicious cycle, drinking ANYTHING comes back up (and forget about eating) which keeps everything swollen and irritated - even pbing their own salvia. Most of the time these patients need to make an emergency visit for an IV of fluids so they do not get too dehydrated... . Not a commen thing, but definately something a few here have experienced.
  15. paula

    Got an idea?

    Penni, I wouldnt mind submitting my photos for this project. I think this would be a great book idea! Especially for ALL weightloss surgeons (and even other physicians) to have in their waiting room for patients to glances. Great thinking Penni!
  16. paula

    Weekend Chat - August 7 & 8

    Hi NJChick! WoW! This weekend is nearly over. Friday night I had a meeting to attend. And yesterday we had some good friends come eat supper with us - we grilled hamburgers! Together we have 7 kids - and what a great time we all had. Today? hmmm, I think Im gonna take Penni's idea and go relax in the pool! Mike is gonna take the kids 4 wheeling - so Im gonna have some much needed quiet time in the water
  17. paula

    Special Occasions

    Jachnut, Believe it or not, this was one of the things I often pondered pre-surgery. Not drinking with ANY meal is going to take practice. There's no getting around that one. Ive found that when I go to a restaurant, I drink my Water really fast - THEN eat. And yes, drinking with your meal washes your food down faster - and it can cause you to pb as well. Wine and coffee are fine to have, but I promise you, after you are banded, the habits you have NOW - will change after banding. That cup of coffee after your meals may not be so "enjoyable". Not in a bad way, but you may be SO full that you are just not wanting it. Regarding those special feast: A year later and I sometimes I still want to eat TONS of food. I want it, but just cant/dont do it. The ONLY consolation I have is when everyone is finished eating they feel like a stuffed turkey, and I am smiling and still full of energy - ready to go shopping! But this is a hard one for me, because I LOVE the taste of food. And just because I KNOW I am full, Im still not ready to stop eating. This is where the banding head work come in . Oh, and since Ive had my first fill, I can honestly say that Ive never really been hungry - much less gone to bed hungry. I can remember those pre-band days and the stomach hunger pains - HOW PAINFUL! But now? I can eat a small something for supper (like nuts) and wake up with NO painful hunger pains. When I DO get hungry, I will start having lots of gas coming up - needing to burp, thats when I realize that I actually need to eat something. Good luck!
  18. Mae, Thanks for giving us a report. You are so filled with good information! WOW! 8 weeks is a L O N G time with no fill. Ive heard of 4 to 6 weeks, but 8??? Im not sure about the hot choc. I didnt have it during my liquid phase, but then, I never drink hot choc. As long as there is no powder left to disolve, I would think its safe to drink. How interesting that a second banding is more painful then the first one. It makes sense, but I guess I had never thought about it. How are you doing with the new port location? This may take a little time to get used to? And thats great news about your plastic surgery.... great news and a GREAT price! My goodness girl, no one will be able to see you after all of this!
  19. paula

    Babs reporting in!

    Hi Babs, Glad to hear you are doing well. How long is the expected recovery for ps? ...a flat tummy???? WOW! I bet you are going to look amazing!
  20. paula


    Vines, This is SO neat! Great idea! I collect catholic religious articles, angels and lots of dust . If you ever visited my house, you would think that I collected toys! LOL (my kids have many toys) cook books - what a GREAT collection idea! and at Christmas time, the older cousins exchange ornaments, so I have a collection of that as well. Mousecrazy - this is truly one of my favorite things to do. I have boo-koo's of christmas ornaments and each one has a story!
  21. paula


    woohoo... lets cross our fingers and pray that you hear something very soon!
  22. paula

    Medication Question ???

    FYI: dont foget that we can not take ansaid med's ! They are NOT band friendly.
  23. paula

    In-Laws in Bad Accident

    Hi Barb. Thanks for the update. In 1987 my older sister was tragically killed in a car accident. I can certainly relate to those moments of knowing something happened but not knowing the condition of your loved ones. SO glad you are giving us good news. Your SIL's and MIL are very fortunate.
  24. paula

    Band Pregnancy...

    Nicole, thanks for the update. How many weeks are you? This is going to be So exciting for all of us here at LBT. Your baby's gonna have many Aunt's and Uncles! About your gas pains. Do you hurt all day, just at night, certain times??
  25. Its been almost 7 months now since my banding. And since Im still having reflux at night (along with other strange sensations), I have an Upper GI scheduled for Tuesday morning. What exactly can they see with the 'Upper GI'? Are they able to see the band and how its working? Basically, is THIS the proper test to have when you want everything checked out?

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
