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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Labor Day Weekend

    BTW: Telly why -in the world- do you have Silence of the Lambs for an avator?
  2. paula

    Labor Day Weekend

    Come on Leila ~ we wanna see house pics, please? Telly, your pics made me laugh. A 35 miles bike ride? GO Telly GO!!! Where's all those that promised weekend pictures?? Kathy? Drew? Heather? Lovingit? :clap2: LBT photos :clap2:
  3. paula

    The Picture Thread

    shhhhh.... we wanted a reason to have a cookie cake. But dont tell anyone, K? Marcus' friend - on the left - said that he wasnt telling ANYONE about this party, cause they wouldnt believe him IF he told 'em.
  4. paula

    The Picture Thread

    last one... Im sure most of you understand WHY we had to take these photos seperate. The cat was NOT invited to the party, she was sad. So we took her pic on the side.
  5. paula

    The Picture Thread

    And here's the whole zoo... ((It was the end of the day - we had cleaned the yard, so please excuse our 'dirty' clothes.))
  6. paula

    The Picture Thread

    Hey y'all, you ready for this???:biggrin1: Only on LBT could I share photos of our MOST recent party... this was on August 11. Clare (weinie dog) turned 3 years old. We had a party for her - cake, hats, blow-outs. *Doesnt she lQQk excited??*
  7. paula

    Forum Hack?

    From what I can tell ~ as long as we click on NEW POST, then we seem to stay safe.
  8. paula

    B-12 Shots

    Sheila, thanks for this info. Im gonna give these 'dots' a week to see if they can do the trick. If not, then Ill look you up for more infor on the powder. Thanks!
  9. paula

    OT - Steve Irwin dies

    What a tragic loss... Even though we thought he was as crazy as a loon - he entertained us MANY nights. My kids would have belly-busting laughs with him as well as being educated on wildlife. Whats funny is as many times as we've said, "He's gonna get killed doing that!" - its still a shock to read of HOW he died. God bless his family.
  10. paula

    5 days to go

    Great minds think alike! Dont foget about us here at LBT. We'll be dying to see those pics. Ive never been to a wedding that wasnt beautiful. Regardless if it was the simplist or most extravagant. They are all unique, special and beautiful. Also, Ive never been to a wedding where something didnt go wrong. :phanvan Remember Kelly, IF something doesnt go according to plans, that's going to be the biggest story you'll talk about in years to come. :biggrin1: :biggrin1:
  11. paula

    Labor Day Weekend

    Jamie - GOOD LUCK on Tuesday. What new position will you be holding? Mary, that first picture is B E A U T I F U L.... wow. And that 3rd picture - you in the dress - I have to say, you look wonderful! btw: Were'nt you in Brazil last month??? You're a little travel bug!!
  12. Hey Girl! We're gonna be thinking about you. Think Spud boy could give us a hollar after the sugery - just lettin us know you're doing ok?
  13. paula

    Labor Day Weekend

    Tricia, you plan on eatin those chips? *licking my lips* thought we didnt see em, huh? :biggrin1:
  14. paula

    Labor Day Weekend

    My 3 babies... I love my kids! ((( I just realized that EVERY picture Anne has that funky finger sign.))
  15. paula

    Labor Day Weekend

    This is my -most- favorite place to be... in the pool with my kiddies!
  16. paula

    Labor Day Weekend

    Vines, YOU may win the Labor Day weekend prize - for having the most interesting experience. remember, we want pics, ok? Tricia, too bad we live on opposite sides of the state - you would be my 'sun buddy'! btw:how do you get all the pics on the same post? When I try loading more then 1, they come up as attachments well, here's Mike and BeBe... and the damn dog! LOOK at that tounge.
  17. paula

    3 years yesterday

    Funny how the newness wear off. Im in the same boat - 2 years later and not givin much a hoot about protien and Fiber and all that other stuff. Heck, *3* years later and youre down 70ish pounds. Thats something to shout out! Happy Bandanniversy. And if YOU get that kick in the pants, give them MY address - ok?
  18. paula

    B-12 Shots

    What mg's are you guys taking? I just bought some b-12 500mcg sub. dots - from Walmart. I thought about taking one tonight, but after reading what Mandy wrote, maybe I should wait and start taking them in the AM? I cant afford to lose any more sleep :notagree
  19. paula

    Forum Hack?

    Yep, I saw it! LBT didnt do anything funny when I logged on - but I did see a crazy looking thread title. *rolling my eyes* oh brother... Alex, please come to our rescue!
  20. paula

    Forum Hack?

    ...whats a 'hack'?
  21. paula

    Gone For Good Club - September 2006

    Kathy, I am SOOOO happy (but jealous) for you. I have NEVER EVER seen 176. Ive peeked at 177, but never lower. you are making me nervous again...:biggrin1: ~~escuse me while I go swallow my diet pill~~
  22. Hi and WELCOME! So youre 3loves hubby? Are you really starting the banding process? thats neat. honestly. ((wishing my hubby would be interested in eating better)) btw: wasnt the name "Paladin" mentioned in a childrens book by Max Lucado? just curious. welcome again (sorry for all the questions)
  23. paula

    Labor Day Weekend

    Smart Man! Jack, when I become wise and silver haired, I wanna live my days in duplicate of yours. Gardening and traveling! Now thats my idea of retirement! Josette, Mary, Maudispam - we want pictures, k? be safe everyone!
  24. paula

    Old Crush Weds Super-Obese

    Mine too, Vines. Thats one of the biggest reason I chose to have WLS!!! Gonnadoit, We've all had so many weight related rejections that our sheild of self-protection is on high alert. Finding one guy out of 200 that gives an overweight girl a second look is a rare find. Don't beat yourself up over it... Main thing is that it wasnt meant to be! Maybe this situation occured to give you more self-confidence to approace Mr. Right?
  25. paula

    Skin Cancer?

    Hi Josette, Fortunately I dont have ANY experience with skin cancer, but I am a sun lover and bask in it several times a week. Because of my love for sun tanning, I think about skin cancer quite often. Im gonna be keeping an eye on this thread for future updates. Good luck! ((hugs))

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
