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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Here today, gone tomorrow....

    along with Kathy and Vines, this is exactly what I was going to say. Hormones mess with my restriction in a major way. And only 1 month post preg., I would guess your hormones arent straight. other then this, you feeling ok?
  2. paula

    I Need Party Game Suggestions

    Go Fish! Remember that game? You hand out five cards to each player and they had to ask different players for a certain "fish" to make a pair - person with the most pairs win the game. You could create your own version with pics of the items you sell.
  3. paula

    Again with the hair!

    what does your doctor say regarding this problem?
  4. paula

    I'm Mad

    happyK, Hey~ If I were you, I would take that as a sign to find another doctor! Dont be mad, be thankful!
  5. Kathy, Many months ago I remember a member swallowed her gum - and freaked. She came here for immediate advice. Someone (Zoe?) recommended her eat a spoonful of Peanut Butter - since peanut butter seems to disolve gum on everything else, why not in our disgestive system as well? you may do a search to get more details on that story. But I remember that everything turned out fine!
  6. paula

    I,am 40 today! over the hill

    Another September youngin'??? Hope you have an awesome day! Happy Birthday!
  7. paula

    3 pound weight loss

    ok, Im getting personal here, but what about Water and voiding? Are you drinking enough water? and are you pooing regularly? Im still thinking the meds have something to do with this. ***Im editing to add this** Have you checked the list of side affects on your meds?
  8. paula

    Post-op BM - funny

    Lynn, Im laughing along with everyone else, BUT - I remember my first BM after surgery. It felt like a brick had been removed from my intestines! Im sure the mixture of all my "last supper's" AND drinking the post surgery barium didnt help! yucky uck!
  9. paula

    Controversal Topic - XXX Rated Thread

    God created man and woman to create life. He didnt create just woman - and a dildo. He created both sexes - to have sex, with each other. God made sex to feel good, so we would have it more often... ultimately have more kids. Making sense? you asked, I tell! Actually I want to apoligize for my earlier post. For me, I chose not to make comments about my personal belief system, basically because I would be devastated in knowing that I offended ANYONE. I try to be more generalized in my words when I post. LBT has always been a place where we have aimed to include people, not exclude them. The world has done enough of that for us... exclusion! I love you Lisa - always have, always will! God bless you~
  10. paula

    Controversal Topic - XXX Rated Thread

    You really brought up a good point. I was just thinking about it the other day. Im a devout Roman Catholic... your talk about dildo's and other battery operated items doesnt make me feel uncomfortable. So, hope my talk about recommending people to the Blessed Mother's wonderful intercession, or the power of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus does the same for you. Happy Day!
  11. paula

    First Fill Ever Today!

    Hey Pam, just thinking of you. How was it?
  12. paula

    Tuna Fillets in the pouch

    Everytime I pass this item in the store, I wonder if they are any good. Thanks for sharing - Ill be sure to get some next time! I LOVE QUICK AND EASY!
  13. paula

    w00t - nsv alert lol

    Know whats funny? People that have never been MO truly DO NOT realize how awesome this feeling is. Small things we take for granted. WTG!!!! And I bet your little one was just as excited!
  14. paula

    Picture Page

    Thanks Kathy and Betty. BTW, BETTY, Youve lost 82 pounds?????? OMG! Last I saw you were down around 70. No wonder we havent seen any pics of you... the camera cant find you! (-82 pounds - WOW!!!)
  15. paula

    Picture Page

    Kathy, I *think* mom found them at the Academy sports store. YES - Rachel would love some like this... they are "Bratz" girl skates!!!!!!! Already crushed a few toes around here too!
  16. paula

    Picture Page

    Well, here is BeBe (Philip). After everyone left and while Anne's was getting ready for bed, he snuck her new sneaker skates away and wanted to give them a try.... hope sister doesnt see this one!
  17. paula

    Picture Page

    Here we are. Me, Mom and Anne Marie.... I love my mom so much! She is the best!
  18. paula

    Picture Page

    Closer to the party time, Anne changed to her "party dress". Here is another shot with her nw bike!
  19. paula

    Picture Page

    Well, September is LOADED with birthday's for my family. Yesterday was my little AnneMarie's, and today is my mom's. So we celebrated their birthday lastnight. Here are some pics... Here is Mike, my dad and Anne Marie on her new bike.
  20. Hi PAtty, and WELCOME. I didnt find this place till after I was banded too. Definately was a big awakening for me. Glad to have you.
  21. paula

    My march for mandatory avatars

    Yep! Youve got my vote for this! Christina, Kathy..... come'on!
  22. paula

    Old Gall Bladder scar...problems?

    This is a great question - and something that many of us have to deal with. I have a very long, like 8 inch, gall bladder scar. My band doc said that I had some scar tissue. Yes, I was sore after banding, but how do I know what to compare it to? I think a lot of it depends on how much you do post op - while you are healing (in the first week or so). If you are able to rest and not do any real physical stuff, then you shouldnt have an abundance of pain. I took tylenol regularly for 2 days then prn after that. Im still here and would do it again in a heartbeat! Definately tolarable.
  23. paula

    3 pound weight loss

    Vines, ((hugs)) I only read your first post, so forgive me if someone else responded using these same words. When I was about 3 months post op and getting very discouraged with no weight loss, a VERY wise bandster (Leatha) gave me some awesome advice. She said that if I am following my rules *basically reducing my caloric intake from before banding* I am going to lose weight! She was right. It totally defies the laws of physics to reduce our intake and NOT lose weight... and thats what the band is helping us do (you know this). Another thing that comes to mind... are you taking any medication? My mom has HBP and is diabetic. She's a pill head. Unfortunately she has a hell-of-a-time to lose just 1 pound. Her med's slow her metob. down.
  24. Ive heard of people taking out a 2nd mortgage on their home to pay for this surgery. Also, the credit union is another souce that a firend of mine went to for a loan. I sure wish you a wonderful recovery, both physicaly and emotionaly. God bless~
  25. YESTERDAY - I saw a friend that had the GB, hadnt seen her in a year. She had her surgery 2 months before me. She has lost 130 pounds so far - me, around 70. At this point, she and I weigh the same, actually me being 5 pounds less then her. I could NOT believe how sick she looked. The skin around her neck was all wrinkled, her face was sunken in. Honestly, she looked 10 years OLDER then before the surgery. After our visit, my sister and I were talking about my friend and myself weighing the same and having the 2 different procedures. My sister was VERY adamant about how much healthier I looked in comparison to my friend. Whats funny is that I thought I looked bigger then her - but my sister said its because I was healthier looking!!! Have you read the different stories on long term GB patients? It was reading those stories that made me chose the band.

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