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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. Since our pb's arent mixed with stomach acid (food stops at the pouch) has anyone heard of pbing causing tooth/peridontal problems?
  2. ((hugs)) to you Francesca. And I ditto everything Leatha said - we are so SO grateful this was "caught" now! Also, I want to say that as a LBT member for over a year, that this is the 3rd case of erosion that I remember reading about among our hundreds of regular members (even thousands). Im saying this so the newbies will know that this is VERY uncommen in bandsters! VERY! A slipped band is more commen, and yet - even that isnt heard of very often.
  3. paula

    Need some encouragement...

    Kim, lots of big bear ((hugs)) to you and Curtis. My 5 yr old has problems voiding - since birth! All I can say is that is a very humbling situation (for both child and parent). You are being prayed for...
  4. paula

    Halloween Traditions

    I have lots of things to share on this thread, but I wanted to start it so we could ALL share our childhood Halloween traditions. Even though Mike and I grew up in different parts of the country, our Halloween memories are similear. Groups of neighborhood kids dressed up in fun stuff (not really scary) and walked door to door laughing, tripping on each others costumes and eating the handouts along the way... and the parents that were designated to walk with us carried the flashlights. There were no church activities to attend or "Trunk or Treats". Just regular Trick or Treating. Great memories! But times have changed. Now that I have children, we bring them to a few houses to trick or treat - neighbors we are friends with and grandma's! Basically just letting them show off their cute little costumes. Then go home and order pizza. Weve always strayed away from the group activities - way too many people!!! Simple enough, and yet maintaining our own "tradition". Well, this year our city has canceled door to door trick or treating due to the recent hurricane. Our sidewalks and streets are filled with debris from homes and trees. The city is encouraging "group activites". So? Ive created this thread to hear from all of you. I have perfect aged Trick or Treaters that will need an alternative. Please give me your memories AND ideas... anyone???
  5. Christi, Sometimes it may take a few weeks to gain restriction after a fill. Its a good idea to wait for you to complete a monthly cycle before you get another one. For most of us, we gain more (then ever!) restriction during that time. So! Time will tell. Your fill is rather new - a week old. Most of us need at least 2 adjustments before getting to the right level of restriction. But again, only time will tell.
  6. paula

    Winded Wabbits

    Here it is!!! I think I fit into this "club". Although I never really lost a great amount of weight at any time, it just seemed to slowly get down. ounce by ounce. Im even thinking of getting some diet pills to kick start this weight loss. And to think that the holidays are here! You know what that means... F O O D !!! lots of it. So? I have a choice. Either gain self control NOW, or wait another 6-8 weeks til its all over and be 10 pounds heavier! I say this as I sit here and eat my Wendy's baked potato - feeling the restriction! But I keep on shoveling it in... instead of a Wabbit club, I think I need a phychiatrist.
  7. paula

    challenge for myself

    Crystal, Recently when we went to NC and stayed with Mikes parents, I ate like a pig. Funny thing though, I lost about 3 pounds in 2 weeks. What did I do differently over there? 1. I snacked - ALL day long. Nothing big, just a couple of Cookies here, a handfuls of wheat thins there... 2. I ate a BIG dinner and when I was finished, I didnt eat anything til the next morning (usually dinner was over by 6pm - early last meal). Since weve been back, those 3 pounds have come home as well! Im aggravated about it. My eating habits have changed dramatically since then. Just thinking though - It seems like those that lose regularly have several small daily Snacks (and I just proved to myself that this seems to work for me too).
  8. paula

    hair loss

    Canadian, I did a search on this site using the words "Hair loss". There are several threads (too many to copy and paste the links) that have wonderful feedback regarding this subject. Hairloss is VERY commen for us. Also, my OB's office recommended a viatmin called Biotin, for hair and nails. You can find it at Walmart - cheap! Good luck -
  9. If your "fill" doc is the one that did your surgery, then chances are he is familear enough with his own port locations to find it without any special equipment. My doc never uses fluro for a fill. Sure, there ARE times he isnt able to access a port, but its rare.
  10. paula

    Saggy breasts

    A few months back, Geezer Sue (I think it was her) posted the link to a site that showed before/after pics of BR's. For many years Ive considered this surgery myself. Im definately in the same frame of mind as Kathy - AND, after seeing those before/after pics, I have put this surgery on the back burner. In all the pics I viewed on that site, there were very few that were extremely large. After reading more about it, It is my undestanding that that the larger the breast, the more painful/difficult the surgery is. ?? PLEASE someone, tell me Im wrong.
  11. I like this one the best! A year later and -70 pounds, and Im just NOW coming clean. I dont regret it one bit. I chose VERY carefully who and what I told. You are being very wise by doing this. Good luck
  12. paula

    Need some encouragement...

    Kim, regarding the diaper rash... have you ever heard of Boudreaux's Butt Paste? I think I remember seeing it in the Charlotte Walmart (pharmacy area). Anyway - this stuff is fantastic for diaper rashes! You may have it kicked by now, but wanted to share this just in case! God bless~
  13. paula

    NJChick (Eileen) is banded!

    Woo hoo Eileen! Now here's a change to give you all the love and hugs that youve given us for so long! Welome to the Bandwagon!
  14. paula

    Today is my Bandiversary!

    My God Betty... my mouth actually dropped open when I saw your latest pic. You are beautiful. Lets give 3 cheers for you and your band - you deserve it! BTW, if you dont mind me asking, what is you current weight? (you can pm me if you want)
  15. Eileen, This poll was a great idea! VERY wise. I havent checked it in a while and boy, was I shocked to see the results so far. I wish there was a question that asked, "Since banding, have you experienced reflux but manage to control it with meds and/or changing eating habits/times." The numbers may be slightly different with this question. (Hindsight is always 20/20!) Reflux is something that I wish I wouldve been made aware of pre-banding. Wouldnt have changed my decision, but wouldve made me a little more cautious!
  16. paula

    Am I doing the right thing?

    Darcey, on another note, Geezer Sue is getting the DS. Have you thought of the possibility of another WLS? You may want to shop around!
  17. paula

    Ahh, some relief!

    Just be very careful! If you pb, go immediately to warm liquids. Being tight and pbing will cause swelling around your band opening - and possibly cause obstruction of even liquids. Also, remember! Sometimes you gain restriction a couple of weeks down the road, and most always, extra restriciton is noticed during our cycle. Be careful careful careful! The quick weightloss is nice, but its not worth harming your body for.
  18. paula

    Weeeeeeeeeeeee 50lbs gone forever...

    -50 is such a huge milestone! Its usually when others start getting really interested in knowing what you are doing to lose weight. Keep up the great work!
  19. paula

    Has anyone reached a plateau?

    Yes, Im on one myself. same 180ish for 5 months now! Noone to blame but myself. Maybe this is it for me? Hope not, but heck, at least its not where I started at!
  20. paula

    Am I doing the right thing?

    Darcy, If you can hoestly afford the extra loan note, I say GO FOR IT!!!!!!!!!!! My band has given me something called self-esteem... no amount of money is worth that. good luck. By the way, why did your doc want you to wait 6 months? My guess would be that it would be cheaper and easier if he rebanded you while he removed the old one... just asking.
  21. paula

    Weekend Pictures

    oops, yes Crystal - I DID mean #6.
  22. paula

    Halloween Traditions

    Thanks for all the great ideas everyone. Crystal, Trunk or treat is something where folks decorate the trunks of their car and meet in a parking lot - so the kids Trick or Treat from trunks - instead of door to door. A really clever idea, just tons of people get involved! TONS. These are really great suggestions/memories. Please keep'em coming!
  23. paula

    Weekend Pictures

    Lisa, Picture #4? Youve got MY vote for this one being in a calander! Thanks for sharing the pics. You know I love em!
  24. paula

    For All Moms!

    a day in my life... untitled.bmp
  25. paula

    Getting To Know You!

    Hey Pat! I just found this and I wanna play along. Would you mind if I shortened it a bit? 1. What is your name? Paula 2. What color shirt are you wearing? Green night gown 3. What are you listening to right now? kids playing 4. What was the last thing you ate? Cookies 5. Do you wish on stars? nope 6. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? yellow 7. How is the weather right now? inside or outside? 8. Last person you spoke to on the phone? hubby - he wants to plan date tonight for us to go see the Doobie brothers at some Casino! whatever. 9. Favorite Sport? baseball 10. Favorite drink? Water (Im so boring) in my past life it was a coors light, *sigh* memories 11. hair color? calico 12. Eye color? Brown 13. Siblings? 1 younger sister that I used to love tremendously before she married that dumb ass. 14. Favorite food? my mom's cajun home cookings 16. What was the last movie you saw? 4 Brothers 17. Favorite day of the year! Definately Christmas. its so magical 18. What do you do to vent anger? Depends on what level of anger Im at - either yell or get very quiet. 19. What was your favorite toy as a child? barbies 20. Summer or winter? ohhh yeah! Hot Summer days laying in the sun getting baked!!! 21. Hugs or Kisses? Hugs 22. Favorite ice cream flavor? it changes 23. When was the last time you cried? yesterday - watching the movie Dreamer 26. What is under your bed? Philips train set 27. How long have you been a member of Lapband Talk? July 04 28. What did you do last night? went grocery shopping at Walmart in Jennings (30 minutes away) because all the store here in LC close at a wee time of 4 OR 5pm. Fun friday night, huh? 29. What are you afraid of? my kids/hubby being injured/illness or killed. oh, and snakes. 30. Favorite car? VW beetle - dont have one, but would love to. 31. Favorite flower? snake weeds that Anne Marie has picked for me from the yard 32. What did you do on your birthday? Id rather not say. It was a horrible day 37. What is your favorite form of exercise? walking 38. Wasn't this fun? yep, honestly it was

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