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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    My Reflux Saga, Continued

    Trying to AVOID reflux takes major mental power. So, NOTHING solid after 5 pm? goodness, that right there is hard to do, let alone not eating spicy/high fat foods! *sigh* what we will go through to lose weight....
  2. paula

    Killer Acid Reflux-after My Fill

    Girl, Im here to tell you - CALL YOUR DOCTOR NOW! Get some of that fill taken out so you can get some rest. Reflux is a BAD thing anyway you look at it.
  3. paula

    6 month bandiversary!

    WTG Brad!!! You can definately see your weightloss - even your legs are noticably smaller Keep up the great work! ****Im editing because I noticed that I said "Logs" instead of "Legs" ~
  4. Sue, ((hugs)) huge hugs to Rachele and many thoughts and prayers for a well deserved recovery! I asked you this question on another thread... what made you decide on the DS as your second choice (instead of another WLS)?
  5. I cant imagine. My goodness! How in the world did she survive??? And Thank you God that she and the kids are OK! ...and how commen are tornado's in Tennesee? Alot of freaky natural disasters happening around here!
  6. paula

    It's been a long year

    Youre back! Man, weve missed you... Im so sorry to hear of the kids going to live with their mom. Im sure thats a very hard thing to deal with. ((hugs)) especially with the holidays right around the corner. On a lighter side of this (I hope at least?) hows the new girlfriend? I was thinking about you the other day ~ figured youd forgot us and moved on... glad you home.
  7. Affy, Im in the same boat as you. We have BCBS/FED - new to the plan actually. Dr Spiegel did my surgery in July of 04 when we were on another plan. Now that weve changed insurances, I need to find a new doctor that will accept this plan (Ha! easier said then done) Have you tried any of the Houston doctors? Just curious though... are you sure that your BCBS plan pays for Gastric banding(lap band)? Ive heard of alot of the BCBS plans have excluded this particular weightloss surgery.
  8. paula

    Hopefull Bandster

    Hi Moonie... and W E L C O M E to LabBand Talk! How did I survive the wait? By calling my insurance company VERY regularly. Know the saying, "squeaky wheel gets oiled first". They were very kind and didnt seem to mind me bugging them - and it kept them from "forgetting" about me so my paperwork didnt just sit on someones desk! Also, you found us! And thats a big advantage to others that have NO support during this process. By reading and posting on this site, it will certainly help you with the waiting. Good luck~
  9. paula

    My Reflux Saga, Continued

    Elizabeth, As I was reading your post, my ONLY recommendation was to definately consume ONLY LIQUIDS for a couple of days (then I read Alex's reply!). Let your esophgus (sp?) rest!!! If it stays irritated and swollen, you will never know if it a more serious situation (like slippage) that is causing you to PB. Take it easy, and keep us posted! ****Im editing to add......... I can only imagine how concerned you must be - with a slipped band already in your records. Hang inthere, and let us know when you get those results ~ God bless!*****
  10. paula

    Way OT: I just have to vent here

    Penni, These guys remind me of the movie "Dumb and Dumber"! Maybe they are going to hit stardom from making a movie about themselves....
  11. paula

    Question about gas pain? Please help

    Walking was the only thing that helped me. ALso, I remember feeling those horrible hunger pains - the ones that wake you up in the middle of the night. I remember drinking a McDonalds milk shake in the evening, it usually soothed my tummy enough to not wake me in the night! You may try it. I would limit myself to one a day. Good luck!
  12. paula

    Diet Pills after surgery

    Since Im one that HAS taken diet pills a couple of short times during my banded life, Id say try cutting/breaking the pill in half and "trying" it. Thats what I did - and it definately helped! Even gave me restriction when I didnt have any. Of coarse, if its NOT your band doctor that prescribed these diet pills, PLEASE call and ask his permission before taking them.
  13. paula

    Way OT: I just have to vent here

    You said the problem early on... need I say more?
  14. LOL!!! husband poisoning the kids???? I thought I was the ONLY one that had that fear.... how funny! like some of the others, I cooked and usually sat at the table. Our dinner time is usually our biggest and best family time, so I didnt want to disrupt the routine. Although!!!! I need to add that this is easy to do for the first 3 weeks. After the 3rd week of no real food, you start getting H U N G R Y - very hungry! (but dont worry, you will make it) So this is when it will be hard to sit and smell the food - and NOT eat it.
  15. paula

    Birth Control = weight loss?

    Katie, Im glad you asked this. I havent taken the pill in MANY years, and recently considered getting back on it - due to other reasons then birth control. But Im worried about the weight gain that the pill has a reputation for doing. Im anxious/curious in knowing what your doctor/pharmacist says about your weight LOSS instead of gain. This is new information! Im like the others - history of the pill has led to gaining, not losing.
  16. paula

    Feeling Great

    Carolyn, Im so glad to hear how great your recovery has been so far. But I echo what Alex said - take it slow, you are still recovering from surgery. Doing too much - too soon isnt wise!!! Happy Healing!
  17. paula

    Why didn't I just listen......

    Aamon, so glad you are better. That reflux crap is a nightmare!!!
  18. Have you ever seen the pre-printed holiday/festive sugar Cookies in the refrigerated section of the grocery stores? Well, Walmart had 2/$5.00... so the pig that I am, bought 2! (why?) Night before last I baked the first box. Damn near ate 1/2 the box - myself! Lastnight, I baked the other box. Only left 3 cookies for my family. :nervous (shoulda heard me explaing this to my KIDS) Cookie by cookie, they went down the hatch. I wasnt hungry - not even a little! They werent even good - just tasted like heated sugar. I wasnt bored, Im not having any major personal issues, not time for pms... WHY???? Why did I eat all that crap? the only thing that stopped me (way too late in the feasting) was hearing my mother's voice in my head saying, "I didnt think you could eat that much at one time. I thought your stomach could only hold so much?!" Next time I promise to pass up that "bargain"... Cookie For Sale, 2/$5.00. uugghhh!
  19. paula

    WARNING: BAD picture!

    This is a picture my cousin just sent me of a pack of wild dogs that mangled a croc....
  20. paula

    Where's the Cookies?

    awe, Cindy - Thats about the nicest thing Ive heard all week! naaaa, post-hurricane stress is a good excuse I could use, but things are much better around here. I was just being a pig! Not thinking about shoveling the Cookies into the trap are the reason I ate so many. And Kelly, I have a loose connection ALL of the time. Eileen, you stay away from the cookie isle, and I will too... deal?
  21. paula

    Optical Illusion

    OOOPS!!! Wait a minute.... this is NOT fair! I didnt know I was videod. OMG!
  22. paula

    How slow do you eat?

    Eventually - (like a few months down the road) - you will not think about small bites/slow eating. It will become a natural process. Its kinda like driving your car to and from work EVERYDAY. For the first couple of weeks you had to be very mindful of turns and stop lights. Then, one day you realize that you dont remember getting yourself to work... the drive became a natural process. So this eating slow/small bites thing is alot like that. Hope Im making sense! sometimes I worry myself!
  23. Nana, I completely understand what you are saying. I thought the same thing when I left his office from my first consultation with him. 2 weeks later, after no response fom his office, I initiated a call to them... I encourage you to do the same, dont wait on them!
  24. paula

    Need Help!

    Kadtie, You may want to start a NEW thread asking members about the process of an appeal. I know there are several members there that had to do this. (I persoanlly did not have to - thank God ) Also, you may search the archives of this site to read about past discussions regarding this problem. Good luck!
  25. Welcome to LBT! Dr Spiegel was my surgeon as well. I had my sugery in his Pt Neches location - about a year and a half ago now. I chose Spiegel for his experience and knowledge in this surgical weightloss procedure. And I am satisified with my decision in using him. Good luck!

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