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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Midwest ice/snowstorm

    Pam, I saw something about this horrible weather - early this morning on the tele. I thought I heard it hit northern Texas?? ...which is where serveral LBT members live. What part of the country are you?
  2. paula

    My Firstborn Furbaby went to Heaven

    awe Lisa - Im so sorry to hear of this sad news. What a beautiful Kitty Milo he was.
  3. paula

    Moved Out

    (((hugs))) what a hard transition! I truly wish you the best.
  4. paula

    Venting Thread - Erosion Anxiety

    Im cracking up over here. A what kind of kit? My problems started when we went to NC for the hurricane. Stress, Im sure, was the root of the initial problems. Since this time, I have had several - SEVERAL vomiting spells (not pbing). At one point, I was vomiting at least twice a day. The routine of vomiting, then going to liquids for a while gets old fast - very fast. ANd the horrid reflux is back - with revenge. So Im back on prilosec. Nothing but liquids after 7pm. And yet, I have major restriction. Im sure due to the irritated state of my innerds. So, yeah Lisa. Send me a kit too. But Im thinking more on the line of a slip for me. Although the way my tummy aches... well, who knows? So here we are. The "freaked out bandsters" club.
  5. Rachele, AMEN! I can truly understand where you are coming from. I *with the most sincerety* wish you over and beyond success. BTW - welcome home! Glad to see you coming by for a visit see? Thats my biggie too. In reality - I probably would go back to diet pills (yuck). We all know that just a temp fix. And as for me getting another band? I cant imagine doing this all over again. I mean, if the first one went wrong, why wouldnt the second? And for the most part, we are poor people - I cant afford the maintance that seems to be lurking with bandsters.
  6. paula

    GeezerSue & LaMadam

    Michelle, I had a hershey bar w/ almonds today - and dedicated it to you. I know its a weird way to let you know I thought of you. But you are my chocolate luvin sister - and that hershey had your name all over it. Hope you 3 are all safe and in recovery... all of LBT is thinking of you!
  7. paula

    The Power of the mind

    Vines, I agree! But Im also a realist. By planning a "step 2", I dont think Im being paranoid... just prudent.
  8. paula

    Do you ever start to panic?

    Desertmom, You MUST get your doctor to take you serious! You may even suggest the testing that you feel you need. Remember, doctors are people with educated opinions. They are not God. If you do not continue letting him know you are having this pain/reflux - your doctor will think everything is better! But its not - so you must call his office and get some type of testing to see what is causing this pain! Pain is not nomal! Please keep us posted.
  9. paula

    I am GAINING weight

    Jack and I were thinking alike - is your "output" normal?
  10. paula

    acid reflux?

    Jennifer, Here is an old thread that helps describe and treat reflux. And, like dishdiva said, there are many old threads that offer valuable informationon this condition. http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=4154
  11. paula

    Fill Update - No Restriction

    Sherrie, I suggest to wait the 6 weeks - at least 6 weeks! Weve said this time and time again... some of us gain restriction 4 - 6 weeks after a fill. You certainly wouldnt want to get another fill right now - then gain restriction from your first fill... yuck! Its not worth the discomfort!! Just hang in there - the weight will start falling off before you know it!
  12. paula

    Clothing Dilema

    I think a flat tummy is only in a bandsters dream. From what Ive heard, all bandsters suffers from a "swollen" mid section - regardless how much weight we lose.
  13. paula

    Natural Cures

    I love natural cures - Ive tried'em, and belive in'em. Kathy, Ive heard about the vinegar cure for reflux. Have no idea if it works. Vinegar is very hard on the tummy, so Im afraid to have that floating around my band. Im putting this book on my Christmas list!
  14. paula

    No Dr. Avail until Mon-problem

    Debra, I remember having diarrhea a few days after surgery, and it lasted for 3 - 4 days. I didnt get too concerned since I welcomed the "cleansing". But you had a couple of other things moved around and cut on in your abdomen. I can understand your concern. As long as its not bloody diarrhea...
  15. paula

    GeezerSue & LaMadam

    All 3 of you are being strongly prayed for by so many. Just think how many go through this alone - and yet, you have each other going through the same thing at the same time. Michelle, you know Ive always cherished you. We connected way back, with regards to a mother caring her sick child. Im sure you know this by now, but its something worth repeating - God always makes lemonaide out of lemons. I love you girl! Sue, just remember - you are paving a new path for us bandsters by chosing an "option 2". Im anxious and excited for you... and I know you will do well. I just know it. Just dont for get about us when you get a skinny little ass! God bless you all~
  16. Terri, So happy to hear everything went well for your port revision. Just wondering, what is your current weight? Your stats say 330... ? You have done an amazing job in 6 months!!!
  17. What a life!?! I love the sun, sand, Water.... ahhh! One day - maybe. Welcome back. Glad you are doing so well! Wow - 1/2 the med's then pre-band? That is something to be so grateful for.
  18. paula

    First Consultation

    Sorry Jeff - I misunderstood your original post. You are right, losing weight to fit into the "right range" for your insurance to cover a weight loss procedure - IS crazy! But heck, if they are gonna pay for this - Id do just about anything! ...well, almost anything.
  19. paula


    JIni, Someone (DeLarla maybe??) did a poll here on LBT a few month ago, asking who had problems and what they were. You may want to do a search and find this info. But as far as statistics in the outside world, Ive never come across one - although Ive never looked for one either. If you find something, please feel free to post it. I think this would be a good time for us to view these statistics.
  20. paula

    What are you thankful for thisThanksgiving??

    I am so thankful for many things, big and small... For having a relationship with my God; for my familys health; for my husband being capable of providing a good living for us; for my parents and Mike's parents - who are such good and commen people; for friends; for my lapband that has given me weightloss and a self esteem that Ive never had before; and for LBT, my long distance friends that Ive never met, but mean so much to me! I love you all.
  21. paula

    Happy Birthday Mousecrazy!

    Wow! You re so special around here - that you have 2 birthday threads! Hope you had a wonderful day! Happy Birthday.
  22. paula

    Mousecrazy Happy Birthday !!!

    Hope you are having a great day. And thanks for all the wonderful support you give here... you are appreciated! Happy Birthday!
  23. paula

    First Consultation

    I had to chuckle when I read this. Its probably the only time in your life that you will ever be "happy" with being labled as "Super Obese". Jeff, you are right. Alot of times doctors have their patients go on a pre-surgery diet - I think its required if you are over 250 pounds. Their reason is because the diet reduces the size of the liver - making it easier for the surgeon to move around in our belly. Many of our LBT members have had to do this. If you need any food suggestions for this phase... just ask! Good luck and God Bless!
  24. paula

    Rachele is home.

    Thanks Sue for updating us. Can you tell us how she is doing?
  25. paula

    Lived through surgery...

    Hi VA, And Welcome to Bandland! Gosh, you are already back at work? Wow! Remember, take it easy for a little while. Good luck, and sip sip sip!

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