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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Tight too full

    flower, Are you vomiting or pbing? Regardless which one it is, (Im assuming its pb) I suggest liquids only for 24 hours after a pb... and most especially if you vomit. Glitterqueen gave wonderful advice, so I mimick her... Once you re-introduce solids, try small quantities at a time. If you are able to drink ONLY liquids without problems then my thought is that you are definatly too tight. You must be able to eat solid food. Good luck
  2. paula

    head hunger or body hunger?

    I am the same way! For me this usually occurs around the 3rd or 4th day of lowering my calories to lose weight. This is also the same time frame that I can tell Im loosing (which is motivating for me to continue to eating less). So, youve been doing this for 2 weeks now? PLEASE tell me the scale has moved? What about trying to eat several tiny "meals" during the day? If you can only eat a couple of bites at one time, then make it often that you eat. (((**whisper voice** I think you are too tight.))) ..and youve been doing this for 2 weeks???? And you are still sane?
  3. paula

    Newbie from Houston

    WOW!!!! Im calling my BCBS office MONDAY morning. THanks for giving us this info. Again - WELCOME to LBT!
  4. paula

    Newbie from Houston

    Hi Sara, and welcome to LBT! Did you say that BCBS of TEXAS approved your surgery?
  5. paula


    Thats a little scary. Id hate to think what would happen if you wouldnt have persisted the issue. Please update us - were thinking of ya!
  6. paula

    considering insanity

    I still think this has to do with certain med's you are taking. Im baffled that you are eating so little - and yet, have no weightloss. It doesnt make sense. And somehow eating less is going to solve the problem? Im still putting my money on the med's. I love pharmicist. I think they are awesome. My suggestion is to find a pharmicist that has time to give you (probably an independent pharmacy - not a big one like Walgreens or Walmart), so you two can discuss the med's you take that equals to this "no weightloss". ?????????????????????? I dunno sista!
  7. paula

    Let's Talk About Rene Bean's Hat

    See? Im jealous. AnOtHeR one of you that can go without makeup. You are so darn pretty! But Vines, I wanna hat like that. Honestly now. I really do! Can I order one? I LOVE THE HAT!
  8. paula

    Another newbie

    Hi Dody, and WELCOME to our support group! Isnt it funny how we all shared the same problems pre banding? There's tons of great reading material in the archives. God bless and Happy reading!
  9. paula


    Schel, its very commen for us to have dreams of our fears. But please know that the "pain" we experience as bandsters is tolarable, and most of the time - avoidable. Just keep thinking about small baby bites and chewing till your jaw hurts, and you shouldnt have any problems! Good luck!
  10. paula


    Desertmom, I am so sorry to hear about all of this misery going on surrounding your band. Goodness! Did the doctor have any opinions as to why you were having this pain? And the unfill made it worst??? This may end up being something very small and fixable with the right medication (hopefully). Isnt it funny how our outlook changes on something when feel that we may lose it?
  11. paula

    I am scared and anxious and freaking out!

    woohooooooo Jane! A new little baby.... awe, I miss my animals, I mean kids - as new borns. That sweet little baby breath *sigh* What fantastic news. And Im willing to put money on you NOT gaining any of this weight back. You are one strong woman! Please - PLEASE continue to come visit here. Having a prego LBT member is very rare. ((hugs)) Congrat's
  12. First Ive heard of this. I was told by my surgeon that it was permanent. (But my mind tells me that it may not be.) I remember Marie/New Hope telling us about a baraitric nurse she encountered that has had her band for 10 years now - A bariatric nurse in Houston Texas. TEN years - same band! Have you heard what other banding surgeons are saying about this subject? I would get another opinion .
  13. paula

    Back from Dr. Appt - EMPTY BAND!

    ***whisper voice**** And dont forget Karen and Betty. Their on our side.
  14. paula

    Back from Dr. Appt - EMPTY BAND!

    Wendy's is perfectly fine with me I almost suggested Wendy's, but then I started thinking of McD's double cheese burger, Burger kings whopper jr, but then my mind went into overload thinking of a Backyard Burger.... *sigh* Thanks Penni! Any place will be fine with me (and you dont have to tell the others about this - *wink* just our little secret)
  15. paula

    SuperDaddy Sang for 8,500 people!!!

    Now this is something to wake up to! How cool is this? We have a star in our midst. I cant wait to see what your site looks like. Yes, were into this kinda stuff too Congats on this awesome milestone!!!!!
  16. Another member and I were briefly running this over through a PM... IF something happened to our band, would we chose another weightloss surgery to continue our weightloss journey. For me, I would. Not the GBP though, something else... but what? At this current weight, I wouldnt qualify for another surgery. So? What are the other options? Im 30 pounds from original goal weight. If my band had to be removed, I wouldnt feel safe having another procedure at this weight - so do I gain 100 pounds to qualify? I cant imagine what this would do to my system! My MIL had her stomach stapled 20 or so years ago. She still struggles here and there, always needing to lose 20 or 30ish pounds. But she is healthy. And Happy! No malnutrician. No worry of erosion. No reflux. No port flipping or band slipping. No problems with gas... And this is 20 years later. I know this is a lapband support group. But Ive been having problems of my own. So I cant offer very much lapband support right now . I guess I just want to plan ahead. Cause any one of us could be the next Michelle or Trish or Jonathon or Darcey... and the list goes on. And this stuff about trying to do it on my own (bandless) - nope, not me! I need a tool. I couldnt have done this with out something! (you go, Michelle - cause I know you can do it!) So, what other option would you chose, if you had to face being bandless?
  17. paula

    Update on Francesca

    Dave, We are so grateful that she is healing... just very slowly. Is the infection what caused her band erosion? Here is big ((hugs)) to Francesca AND you. God bless~
  18. paula

    Slippage Update

    Jen, Here's a big ((hug)) to better days.
  19. paula

    Back from Dr. Appt - EMPTY BAND!

    Penni - could you do just one small favor for me while you are in this state of "grace"? Please? eat a big, juicy, LOADED hamburger... and think of me. Thanks.
  20. paula

    I'm home and bandless

    Michelle, So glad you are home. What did he say about getting rebanded? Since you have the scar tissue, do you have any restriction from that? And will the scar tissue go away? But my BIG question is... IF he noticed this "stitch" during your bowel obstriction surgery, and was somewhat concerned about it, why didnt he do something to it then? (((Maybe wouldve saved your band?))) Ive really been worried about you. Everyone has. you are very much loved!
  21. paula

    Venting Thread - Erosion Anxiety

    Sunta, You are already a wise one! Read, read, read - so you know what you are getting into! And as exhausting as this seems, I never regret getting my band. NEVER!
  22. Oh gosh! I sure hate to hear this. Have you used the "search" feature to find out if there have been others around here with this problem? There are so many members that join and post problems, but never continue posting their status - I think its safe to say that we forget about them. Im sure that in LBT history, weve seen a kinked tube here and there. Good luck - and please follow up with us post kinking.
  23. You know, all the fear of gaining any of this weight back has nothing to do with anything other then a having a better quality of life. 1. Having enough energy to complete my day - and all the surpises that it entails (and with 3 kids, thats alot). 2. Having the self esteem to stand up to people that I wouldve just "kept my mouth shut" in fear of it turning into an arguement. (An arguement meant they wouldnt like me - so I would go into a depresion and eat myself to death) 3. Being able to buy clothes in any store. 4. I enjoy not observing if Im the biggest person at a function. I no longer even look at other peoples size. All these things seem so small to some, but they are big accomplishments (nsv's maybe?) for me. Accomplishments that I do not want to undo. I certainly would/will do what it takes to continue this quality of life. Like Rachele said earlier... I completely understand this.
  24. paula

    My band has *unslipped*. :)

    Thank you God! Its about time we get some good news around here.
  25. paula

    Midwest ice/snowstorm

    My goodness, a "white out" is only something Ive heard about. We get snow on the average of 1 every 10 years... I cant even possibly imagine a WHITE OUT!

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