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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Its Winter Time!

    Look people - I know most of you live in the northern states (Kelly, Alexandra, Pat, Vines - to name a few) and you are used to this cold stuff. Yesterday the high for this area was 47, the low was 31. BRRRRRRRRR. Here in south SOUTH extreme SOUTH Louisiana, this is considered C O L D. Today its cloudy, high expected to be 50 (wow, heat wave). Is just too cold for this crazy coon ass to even get out of the house for some Christmas shopping!! How do you people up there handle this cold stuff????????
  2. you know, I have NO idea what my BMI is. How do I find out?
  3. paula


    How funny! BTW - where did our joke thread go??? ok, here's one. its titled.... Still Waiting on FEMA
  4. paula

    please pray!

    Ive just said a prayer for him... please keep us posted on this condition.
  5. paula

    Its Winter Time!

    21 degrees, -7 degrees, 12 degrees.... you folks are nuts for living in the extreme cold. Thats eskimo conditions! And Alexra, snuggling and cuddling around my house isnt so romantic! We have 3 bumble bee's buzzing around us at ALL times. So forget it~ guess we'll just have to bundle up and start piling on the layers. BBBBrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... and its fixing to get worst out there!
  6. Darcey, I think you are very wise in giving this a second,third, forth... thought. Its your God given right to change your mind - and I certainly would be reconsidering it myself. This isnt your first "go around". Hang in there Girl - and go with the decision that gives you a peace of mind.
  7. paula

    Penni Update

    Thanks Christina! I was wondering where youve been lately!! Glad to see you back. Hay Penni, we cant wait to hear all the details... youve ben on all our minds! Here's a big hug and a prayer for a quick recovery.
  8. paula

    Its Winter Time!

    we dont have a fireplace only natural gas/furnace. And with the recent hurricanes, our natural gas bill tripled in price last month - and that was without any REAL cold weather. Are you guys also "sharing" in the increase of electric/gas prices? *phew* that alone should warm me up!!!
  9. paula

    Has Anyone Heard From Penni????

    Betty, I keep checking too. Maybe its because their time zone is so far behind ours??
  10. paula

    Endo over upper GI

    Mary, You and I were banded days apart. Me on the 5th - you on the 16th. I think its wise for BOTH of us to get tested. We are right at the appropriate time frame for problems. LIke you - Im having that horrid reflux if I eat the wrong thing or too late - and also, the burning sensations. not good.
  11. paula

    Endo over upper GI

    Michelle, just to clarify between the two test... Upper GI aka barium swallow, right? and endoscope is being scoped down the throat into the stomach. I -also- looked back on her posting, and only recently did she mention having problems (horrible PB, even on soup). Its scaring the crap out of me thinking about all of you with no symptoms of erosion - actually eroding. And in Penni's case, it looks pretty severe. It would make sense to me that we would physically feel something "wrong"... pain in stomach being the #1 symptom. I just hope Penni is ok. I hope all of us are ok...
  12. paula

    My Endo results -- NOT GOOD!!

    Penni, I couldnt sleep, just thinking about you too much. I came on hoping to hear some post surgery news.... love you girl!
  13. paula

    My Endo results -- NOT GOOD!!

    Thanks Donali, now I see it. Im speechless.
  14. paula

    Oh no! Gastro!!

    oh Jacqui, I sure hope everything turns out ok. I would mention this to my surgeon just as a peace of mind. You certainly dont want to get banded, then start having a stomach bug on that newly banded tummy! YIKES! Thats a scarey thought.
  15. paula

    My Endo results -- NOT GOOD!!

    Kathy, thanks for asking those questions. I wondered the same thing. These pics look like (to me and Mike) the outside of the stomach and band... but what do we know??
  16. YES YOU DO!!!! Happy Bandanniversary! You are one of the best!
  17. paula

    My Endo results -- NOT GOOD!!

    (((((big hugs)))))) My God... another one.
  18. paula

    2 years and counting

    I thought this was a great post, and definately at a time when LBT could use it. Thanks Carmen. I needed to read this!
  19. paula

    Endoscopy tomorrow

    Penni, Keep your peace - and know that regardless what the outcome is - God does everything for a reason. ((hugs)) We're gonna all be standing around the table holding your hand.
  20. paula

    First fill, no difference

    4-6 weeks is the usual time period to wait between fills. Hang in there, you may the one that gains restriction a couple of weeks after the fill. Just be cautious.
  21. paula

    Water, H2O, Agua...

    LaMadam gave me the idea to keep a 16oz Aquafina Water bottle and use that to measure my water intake. One thing I do to get my water in is "down" a bottle before I eat any meal. Lots of good suggestions here.
  22. paula

    Map your location for LBT!

    Pam, I just did it! That was pretty neat. Thanks for starting it.
  23. paula

    head hunger or body hunger?

    Another thing... Ive never been one for these protien shakes (yuck!). But a once a day small McDonalds shake will certainly not do you any harm - and with my recent tummy troubles, I have those blessed shakes to thank for my "healing".
  24. paula

    head hunger or body hunger?

    Head hunger vs body hunger... head hunger = (my symptoms only) I just ate and yet Im looking for something else. OR I get distracted and forget about food for a few, then go digging around the kitchen again once I get bored. body hunger (real hunger) = stomach growling or gas bubbles coming up (like a burp thing), Im hungry and realize that I havent eaten in X amount of hours, getting a light headed feeling, or when I look at my outside cat and having a thought of tasting/eating her cat food... well, these are the things that kinda ring a bell and make me realize I need food - fast! If cat food seems yummy, then you are probably starving.
  25. Just thinking about you Sue. Already a week later... How are you feeling?

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