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Everything posted by paula

  1. i just love shopping for clothes. For so long we had to wear what was available and comfey. But NOW? we have a choice! So many styles and varietys. Several times Ive had to call my best friend to ask fashion questions - because Ive never been able to dress fashionable... until now! So Jessie, I cant seem to buy enough of all clothing! I think sleep pants are my favorites though!
  2. paula

    Odd Fill Question

    Yes, my restriction was much tighter about 4 - 5 weeks after the fill. The best way to avoid the inconvience of going back and forth for fills and removal - is to wait and see! Have you had your cycle yet? I would definately wait until I had a cycle with this NEW restriction before I seek another one. Alot of us gain MORE restricion during this time then any other. Good luck!
  3. paula

    What helps cure the frumpies?

    Kathy, you are so funny! I think weather, sleep, kids, stress - everything is to blame. Let me know what "medicine" works, so I can get some for myself.
  4. paula

    Recipe Ideas for 1 (or 2)

    Sarah, both named Mike? yikes, thats scarey! about the taco's... if you can eat chips, then you should be able to eat a hard taco shell. Thats basically all it is - a big tortillia chip. Mike and the boys eat the soft shellls, and me and my daughter eat the hard shells. Its all so cost efficient that I dont mind getting both shell types. And the pizza idea... well, I had to do some serious talking for Mike to try it. Definatly healthier. I cant eat the crust - no matter how thin it is. Weve tried all the pre-mad shells, but these seem to be the best - At Walmart I buy the Mama Mary pizza shells. They are near the deli, where all the special cheeses are. If you find the shells, look on the shelf below and you will see the Mama Mary pizza sauce. 1 jar makes 2 pizzas. Maybe if you get'em involved with the making of his own pizza he will go for this idea better? yum!!! good luck!
  5. paula

    Sangria Suarez (2006 Vegas Bash)

    Actually its "Ginny"... here is her profile. I had to do some digging to find her. She came to the Galveston Bash too - in Nov of 04. http://lapbandtalk.com/member.php?u=965
  6. paula

    Sangria Suarez (2006 Vegas Bash)

    What about Jenny? Remember her? Didnt she go to the first Vegas bash?
  7. paula

    I'm Feeling Foxy!

    I dare you! But what about starting a new thread for it? Sharing those painful pics with each other may cause a positive reaction... ???
  8. paula


    Hi Bj, Congrat's on the date. Thats a BIG accomplishment, some have never attained! And boy, its right around the corner too! Hope you are a total success!!!
  9. paula

    Turtles and Thyroids

    Donali, thanks for resurecting this post. Lisa, dont be afraid of the diet pills! It may be a temp. fix, but will help you with the stesses of a weight gain. Crystal, just letting you know Im thinking about you. :confused:
  10. paula

    Question for all you Moms & Dads out there....

    Randy, Im impressed. Those are GREAT ideas... coming from a man!
  11. paula

    Recipe Ideas for 1 (or 2)

    Sarah, I couldve written your post. I eat anything - nearly everything. For me, food is an art. Im cajun, so I come from strong blends and taste's. My hubby on the other hand is different. There is NOTHING more aggravating then cooking a delicious (at least thats what I would call it) meal... roast, rice and gravy, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, salad and green breans with sauted onions and bacon in it. Only to have my husband turn his lip up and say, "Im not very hungry." When I know he is starving! MAJOR CAT FIGHT happens! This is SO discouraging. I now hate cooking, and VERY seldom (like once or twice a year) try something new. With 3 kids having mixed eating habits, I struggle with fixing homecooked cultural meals compared with simple easy stuff (that all 5 of us eat)! Im writing this reply to give you some ideas of what I cook (and to let you know you are not alone in this crazy situation) - and I feel its better (healthier) then F/F! I make taco's alot. Hard and soft shell. You can make this as fancy or as simple as you like. Brown ground meat, shredded lettuce, grated cheese... nuke the shells - and everythings done in 15 mintues! For me, I like to add sour cream, chopped tomatoes & green onions. Everything in this meals stores well enough to make plenty for the next evening's supper. And this is something that Mike will eat left overs of. We also make homemade pizza's - healthier then Dominos or pizza hut. I make my side with my favorites (onions, mushrooms, ground meat) and their side with the same ole boring stuff they like. I top it all with mozerella cheese. Prep. time is about 30 mintues, from fridge to table. Fried boneless, skinless chicken tenders... with salad and mac and cheese for Mike and the kids. For me, I choped the chicken in my green salad. yum, yum! If you want me to pm you more ideas, I can. after 17 years of marriage to this, I have a ton of more ideas.
  12. paula

    Question for all you Moms & Dads out there....

    How funny! All moms reporting in... the title caught us! Pat, what did you use for the wreath part? When I was in the hospital for my 3rd, the girl across the hall had one of those wreaths on her door. I loved it! but never figured out how in the world to do it. :S
  13. paula

    January's Chat

    oops, I posted this on the other January thread... B U T - Im just popping in to ask where in the world is Betty???
  14. paula

    I'm sooooooooooo hungry!!

    Anca LOL... no wonder Spiegel wants to "get rid" of you. You know more then most MD's... and definately have more sense! (sorry for the hijack!)
  15. paula

    I'm sooooooooooo hungry!!

    Anca, I can NOT believe he filled you at 2 1/2 weeks post op! :rofl: The ONLY thing that helped MY hunger was a small mcdonalds shake. Not protien shakes - only the mcd's! Id have one a day. Before I started having this daily, I was doing some serious cussing... b/c ALL my tummy did was growl! Like Ive said before, mcd's shakes are made with yogurt, not just plain ice cream. It may be a mental thing, but they sure helped me!
  16. paula

    2006 January Chat

    Hey Everyone! Just wanted to pop in and ask.... where's Betty???
  17. paula

    My first "blow out"

    Randy, you. are. naughty!!!! :rofl:
  18. paula

    My life is like a box of Chocolates

    There is something about those September births!!! :biggrin1: :biggrin1: My Anne Marie was due on my mom's day - September 15th. But we planned the c-section the day before. So, for our family party I get a big cake and have "Happy Birthday MeMe and Anne Marie". Very special! So, how awesome would it be if the next bebe would be on (or near) YOUR birthday?!
  19. paula

    Do you think my pants are too big?

    I love it - the one of you and your mom. What a treasured pic for your journey! Old clothes fitting too big are a better NSV then anything else! :rofl:
  20. paula

    OT: Hair Cut

    Pat is right - especially if your not ready for a new thing. Every time I make a hair cut appointment, my hair seems to become managable and actually start looking good again. Makes me second guess myself about getting it cut. crazy, I know.
  21. paula

    Water! Water! Water!

    Thanks Diane. I REALLY needed to read this!!!! Ive been slacking!
  22. paula

    My life is like a box of Chocolates

    Heck, atleast your not sitting home eating your heart out! Thats the good thing about super busy. And congrat's on all those new g babies. Look out... g babies = BIG spending! :rofl:
  23. paula

    OT: Hair Cut

    Hey Trish, just checking in to see your new do. We're all waiting to see it!
  24. paula

    My first "blow out"

    and I thought MY house was a zoo.... My God Girl! You need to tell the neighborkids that your kids are punished - FOR EVER! This is just for jokes, but I called a friend this morning to gripe and complain about the crack house across the street. Drug activity ALL the time! Anyway, her husband chimed in saying that I needed to go make a "purchase" with the dealer - to handle my home life (3 wild kids, 2 dogs, 2 cats and 1 husband) MEN! They just dont get it.
  25. Calorie counting kicks in my OCD - but it does work. Until I find a new obsession... Penni and Lisa, you two should write a book together titled something like "Banded and Unbanded". You two have waaaaay too much experience and knowledge to share ONLY on LBT!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
