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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    My DH is T-Bone.

    :wow2: Its been 5 years since your last skiing trip??? Dog-gone-it, Girl!!! This is a B I G NSV! honestly now. You deserve a party for this one.
  2. paula

    NSV Photo Thread

    Crystal - YOU ARE AWESOME!!!! ((and quite a beauty too))
  3. paula

    Happy Birthday Renebean

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RENE - Hope you are having a fantastic day!!!!
  4. paula

    New Baby in the family

    My goodness... he is NOW 48 hours old. By the time we finally see a picture of baby Sam, he'll be graduating from High School. ((hugs)) you know we love you! BTW: mom and baby are ok???
  5. paula

    Cross your fingers, eyes, and toes

    *sigh* I just ate 4 boxes of valentines sweetheart. FOUR boxes. FOUR! All in a row. My back teeth are tingling. Maybe I shouldve auditioned for TBL. THEN Id have the anticipation to deal with too... food for thought - literally.
  6. paula

    Lap Band Heaven

    YEEAAHHH!! I totally love it when MY scale is wrong (in a good way)!!!! So, A little over 2 months and youve lost almost 30 pounds? You rock, girl! Keep up the awesome work!
  7. paula

    This Is me!

    Dee, becareful. There are alot of heart breakers out there.... ok, Sis? ((hugs))
  8. paula

    This Is me!

    Dee, you are one BEAUTIFUL gal! I wish everyone had your remarkable attitude!!! (((...you sure dont look like youve been eating chips and dip for dinner - LOL :cake: )))
  9. paula

    Telling Your Family?

    Go with your gut feeling. Once you tell, then its over. Everyone will know - and you are right, you will get compared and talked about waaaay more then you can imagine. I told my immediate family, not hubbys. It wasnt until I had lost 60ish pounds before I told the in-laws. Never regreted it a bit. I know of another lady that only her husband knew - not even her grown children. And to this day, its still their secret. :cake: good luck, and like I said, once you let the cat out of the bag, its OUT!
  10. paula

    Lost my Band

    Erin, Gosh, I am SOOO dissapointed for you. ((hugs)) You have literally been through HELL. Thanks for taking your time to post here. Your journey is very valuable to so many people. God bless.
  11. paula

    Tentative diagnosis

    Oh, another moment of gratitude for our band... just think Vines, if you wouldnt have the band, this may have not been discovered anytime soon. ((hugs)) atleast your getting some anwsers!
  12. paula

    New Baby in the family

    Ok Grandma! Where's the pics???? He's 24 hours now... surely youve gotten some pics.
  13. paula

    Happy Birthday Kimber-lilly!

    omg! This sounds SOOOOOOO delish! and you ONLY had 1 piece???? good good good for you! Sorry Im late - but I hope you had an awesome day and an even better birthday WEEK!!!
  14. paula

    In need of course adjustment

    Youve made it another day! Tomorrow is the fill date... now, just one more day. Dont be so hard on yourself. We ALL fall off the bandwagon and have to get back on. Just use this fill as a new beginning. And until then, lighten up! Like Kathy said, youre not gonna gain much - if anything - between now and then. AND - once you get that fill and do liquids for a day or 2, its gonna all come off. :cake:
  15. paula

    Cross your fingers, eyes, and toes

    Did they give you an idea of how long it would take before you heard from them? I hate anticipation.
  16. paula

    Is LBT Slow??

    According to my computer clock, it has taken me a total of 9 minutes to get to this exact spot (to start a new thread). When I click on the site, it takes forever to load. It could be my computer... but this is the only place Im loading up really slow. Anyone else having problems?
  17. paula

    New Baby in the family

    We have a baby??? awe Penni! And its a baby boy.... oohhh, how sweet. Did she know the sex, or was it a surprise? I know that NOT being there is killin' you. :girl_hug: but just think, you'll be getting there just in time for help with the colicky nights. :girl_hug: Thats probably when she's gonna need you most. Congrat's Grandma!
  18. paula

    Found an old picture

    Jess, WOWWW!!! What a difference a year has made... you are so darn pretty girl! ***I wish someone could do a side by side of the 2 pics***
  19. awee, Sorry to hear of the slight set-back... your attitude is great though. You are right, its just one more week. Thinking back to those days, I had to make lots of phone calls... to my insurance comp AND surgeons office. Just to make sure everyone was doing what they said they were doing. You know the saying, "The sqeaky wheel gets oiled first"? Well, I was squeakin' good luck!
  20. paula

    Anyone had this problem?

    Terri, PLEASE call your doctor and tell him your symptoms. This could be something of concern.....
  21. So you are diabetic? So is my mom. When she is eating crap, she feels like crap! And has about 4 *PASS-OUT* naps during the day. Just trying to analyze this, I would think that sleep induced depression would be to "get-away" from feeling sad, pain, etc. But what you are describing sounds more like my mom's symptoms... she'll go 3 days in her duster, not getting out of the house... b/c she's so tired and sleeps so much during the day. Weve been there visiting and looked over and she's passed out in her recliner. Anyway, my cousins hubby is diabetic as well. She said that when he isnt eating the right choices, he is extremely sluggish and sleepy all the time. This may not be YOUR case, but then again, it may. PLEASE keep us posted. ((hugs))
  22. Hi Peace - and WELCOME to LBT! My answers will be basically the same as the others... for the consultation, the doctor looked, felt around my abdomen. Then we went in to his office for the consulting part. About the bra, you can always ask the hospital staff for permission to wear it. After surgery, my bra was extremely uncomfortable to wear - due to the locations of the incisions. I think this lasted a week. During the first week post op, I had to go bra-less quite a bit - something I am NOT comfortable doing. But I survived it. And about the driving - I would think that after 24 hours it would be safe. But Im sure your doctor will give you all of this infomation. I didnt need anyone once I went home. Hubby and kids were bouncing around if I needed anything, but for the first 2 days post op, I was very groggy from the anesthesia/pain med... so I was happy being left alone. Good luck, and if you need anything else, just ask!
  23. HI Kimmy!!!! SO GLAD TO HAVE YOU! WELCOME! Tomorrow is a BIG day! But dont worry, the hard part is already over - it was making that first phone call! please keep us posted on your progess... again, LBT is glad to have you around! :thankyou:
  24. paula

    head hunger

    hmmm, depends on what situation Im in as to how I handle the head hunger. Sometimes I try to analyze exactly WHAT Im craving (or why Im hungry 20 minutes after I eat) because it could be my body needing some Vitamin. Or, I go shopping. Or, if Im stressing about something and all I want to do is eat (emotional hunger).... well usually, I just eat. Sorry, I had to be honest. Months ago someone gave a list of things to occupy our minds when we find ourselves with head hunger.... here are a couple that i remember. 1. Work puzzles or crosswords 2. call a friend 3. play on the computer (LBT :thankyou: ) 4. go for a walk 5. eat (no, just kidding) 6. go shopping (my favorite) I wish I could remember more. sorry if I wasnt a big help - Im struggling with this demon myself.

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