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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Laser hair removal

    OOPS, I think Molly was wanting info on help for the pain.... I just deal with it. It hurts while you are being zapped, but I didnt find that there was much (if any) pain once you leave the office.... actually, my lasered area was numb for about 3 days.
  2. paula

    Laser hair removal

    Just saw this thread. Ive had 3 treatments so far. My 4th will be in a week. I prefer waiting between treatments, until I see a shadow on my chin and *once again* I must start shaving b/c the plucking is overwhelming. (TMI?) Im having a hard time convincing myself that this is a PERMANENT hair removal... esp. since Im going for my 4th treatment and know Ill need a 5th, 6th, etc. What I DID like - is a week after the treatment there is NO chin hairs - not even a shadow. For me, this usually last about 2 months. Here's my thread I started about a year ago (with the same topic). Lots of good stuff on both. http://lapbandtalk.com/showthread.php?t=3488 Crystal, Ive never heard of the icing treatment pre-lasering. I like that idea.
  3. paula

    Tilapia Fish

    obviously ~ NOT eating tilapia! :couch2: You are right Pat, this fish is so light and flakey I had no problems with it either. Not even a "fishy" taste. ...but its the easiest thing to fix! Thats a BIG thing for me. Lent starts in a couple of weeks. We usually eat more fish during this time frame for a means of depriving ourselves of good food ~ Im not sure if Tilapia can be on the lenton menu.... :phanvan
  4. paula

    Tilapia Fish

    Kelly, I didnt know that Walmart sold it... thanks for that info. This is some good stuff. At Sams, you buy a big bag of about 12 individually bagged fillets. I took out several fillets and ran warm Water over them (took only minutes to thaw out). I like this idea - cause you only fix as much as you need.
  5. paula

    Dr. Koning?

    :wave: Hi Darcey! Weve missed seeing you around. :couch2: dont stay gone for so long, k?
  6. paula

    new bandit

    Hi there and WELCOME to our little home (LBT). Hope you have lots of time for reading, cause this place has one heck of achives waiting for YOU! ...and if you dont find the answer there, just ask. Good luck on the process. And again, WELCOME!
  7. paula

    The Drama That Is My Band

    Not again?! Man, I am SO sorry to hear this... Now Im interested in seeing what choice you made - FIX it (with the larger band) or SWITCH it (to rny).
  8. paula

    Needle-Free Remote Control Fills!

    Thanks for the "heads up" Kathy! That is about the cleaverst thing Ive seen in a long time.
  9. paula

    Hello from Germany

    This is about the coolest thing Ive seen so far! WELCOME to Lapbandtalk.com We are truly HAPPY to have you. Gosh, soooo many questions are floating around in my mind... First of all, how long will the study last? So right now you have to go to the hospital for adjustments, but in the future - are they wanting the banded person to adjust their OWN fills (with that machine) ??? WOW! what'll they think of next! This is so cool. Again, welcome!
  10. These things come from tomato... and tomato is VERY acidic. Which may be aggitating your esophogus (sp?). Drink milk. It equals out the acid in the tummy. And get to the nearest McD's and get a small - SMALL shake. McD's shakes are made from yogurt - which is something healing for your system. No, Im not kidding. Ive had to learn this the hard way. And as far as your school nurse, go easy on her. She's not educated with your situation (being banded). Not really her fault. So? I suggest that you educate her. She's in a perfect vocation to help OTHER overweight teens become aware of banding. Next time you see her, hand her a packet of AGB info - let her do some "catching up". Being a high school nurse, Im sure her speciality is aimed more at nausea/missed periods. :eek: Hope you get better soon. Have you called Melissa yet?
  11. paula

    It's Official!! I am a Bandster.

    Hey Beanie Baby, How ya feeling?? The morning after, I felt like a different person... in a good way. :eek: Welcome to bandland.... weve been waiting for you! :grouphug:
  12. paula

    Music - Whats your flavor?

    Im surprised Big Dog. You look like the Garth Brooks, Toby Keith, kinda guy.... For me - mostly Christian P & W.
  13. paula

    would you pay for a warranty ?

    Depends on how much ins. wouldve paid. If I was a cash payer - HECK no. But I do think the price should be increased a bit to include all the lifetime maintence and problems that would arise.
  14. paula

    February talk time.

    Oh Melissa - that picture is wonderful! Time for a new avator!
  15. paula

    A RE-introduction

    Hey Courtney - welcome back! Dont worry, we hold no hard feelings regarding people who come and go! Just glad to see you around again. :gluck:
  16. paula

    Good Luck Today Renebean

    :cheer2: WooHoo..... BeanieBaby's in Bandland!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. My God Diane - how dare you be NORMAL!!!!!!!!! *gasping* you know, Im gonna think out-side of the box here. Ive always taught my kids that people are like flowers in a garden. And what makes a beautiful garden? MANY colors and shapes and sizes of all varities of flowers... tulips, buttercups, lillies, dandilions, even the snakeweeds add variety. But the most esquisite one of all is the rose. Funny thing - as beautiful as the rose is, they have sharp things called thorns. hmmmmmm....
  18. yeaahhhh!!!! SO glad to have you out of lurkdom. WELCOME!!!!! Getting a little serious now, OMG Diane! (((BIG hugs))) My heart literally hurts for you. Fat jokes are absolutely NOT acceptable! First of all, you didnt ask to be this way. Being overweight is painful enough ~ THEN having a family not accept you for being this way is double the pain. Does your hubby or kids have any kind of weakness??? For example, smoking, drinking, drug use, gambling? Most people need an aid to quit these addictions, I needed the band to help my food addiction. Maybe putting it into a perspective like this will help them understand... ??? and this one last comment is NOT true! You have us. And I truly mean that. LBT has been a wonderful aid in healing in my mental, physical and emotional well being. So? Hello Diane! WELCOME to LBT. Looking forward to having you around. WE need you as much as YOU need US! :puke:
  19. paula

    The WHY ARE MEN SO WEIRD thread.

    Candy - HOW FUNNY!!! I really cant laugh tooo loud, cause it takes one OCD to understand another one. :puke: .....just wondering, what brand of lice teatment did he buy?
  20. paula

    Stomach Virus...

    Carrie, I agree with Kelly - IF you start vomiting, go get an injection to stop it. Frequent vomiting can cause the band to slip. Last spring I caught a stomach bug. I only had diarrhea - VERY nauseated, but never vomited. Probably lasted longer then it should since it was having a had time leaving my system through one end.:phanvan I liked the final results... I lost about 6 permanent pounds!
  21. paula

    Erosion: Our OWN Statistics.

    7/5/04 Dr Spiegel Pt Neches, Tx not eroded (that I know of) I think this is a great idea. But what about another survey that shows ALL problems - not just erosion.
  22. paula

    I' was published!

    Hey John - how exciting is that???? woohooo... -100 pounds with just diet AND exercise. you are our hero. :puke:
  23. paula

    Hoodia anyone??

    I definately agree that BRANDS have a lot to do with the way products work. Chris, from what Ive seen, Hoodia comes in different forms... liquid, veg. caps, and reg tablets. My friend bought some Hoodia on Friday at our local heath food store. SHE decided to get a SPRAY kind - spray on your tounge 15 minutes before you eat. I asked her about it yesterday - and she is impressed with it. NO side affects so far, and NO appetite. :clap2: Just letting you know that there are a couple of band friendly versions of Hoodia out there.
  24. paula

    Proactive Band Removal?

    It IS the safest option... thats why we ALL chose this WLS.
  25. paula

    Proactive Band Removal?

    1. high maintance 2. no insurance that covers band maintance = BIG expenses. 3. and yes, there ARE side affects; slippage, erosion, leaks, port problems, and MY favorite... REFLUX. :clock: there are many others ~ only ones that came to mind. I knew all of these things before banding, but I thought I would be the one with NO problems. HA!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
