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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula


    Jack, are you still prying??? We're waiting. Sarah, we have a "Krogers' - I think Im gonna make a special trip there this afternoon. Rojo's Resturant.... Ill let you know if I find it. Shelly, Mandy and Rene - THANK YOU! Those receipes seem pretty basic. Rene, you are right, with the basics I can just play around with it till I get it the way I like it. ((I LOVE onions, purple onions - chopped fine.)) Mandy, you use the canned tomato's? I love you girl. Kathy, you MUST try Chilie's chips and salsa (do they even have a Chilie's in Charlotte?)!!! You'll see that Pace brand is so... blah ! Kelly, after I read your post - it made me think about the local latino food store. I know the people that own it - I bet THEY could give me some yummy ideas on salsa. clevergrl, thanks for the response! I havent tried those places. Dont have em' in my small town. CHOW magazine? now thats something I CAN find. One problem regarding the restuarant salsa ~ too much salt/sodium! Another reason I want to try a home version.
  2. paula

    It's Time :-)

    Momma "L" is back! Bet you didnt realize how many people you blessed by being part of LBT! Thank you~ for re-considering. ((hugs))
  3. paula

    *Sweet Story*

    My 10 year old is in 4th grade. He goes to a prep school - although he is just an average kid, he is among those that are very gifted. So, its project time! He chose Social Studies - Economics, and his topic was, "Crude Oil". For those of you who have kids old enough, you know this is a parent/child project. :tired Well, Marcus came home three times during the week worried, because ~ "Mom, the other kids said that I have a stupid title." We kept reassuring him that its the judges that make that decision - not his peers! This was his main concern. Guess what? He won 3rd place in all the 4th and 5th grade classes combined. WOO HOO!
  4. paula

    *Sweet Story*

    Cindy, Marcus said that when the judges "interviewed" him, he was SO nervous that he stumbled on his words and forgot to say some important things. So - heads up - for your daughter. Tell her to stay calm and FOCUS while she's being interviewed!! :welldone2:
  5. paula

    *Sweet Story*

    My 5 yr old was taking the pictures - so the first picture we were laughing at her for being silly. Thanks Heather. I think he's a cutie pie too! His new hair cut is a flat top. Too cute.
  6. paula

    *Sweet Story*

    Thanks y'all ~ he's gonna be SO proud to see this. And I cant get ALL the credit, Mike did a lot of the work. I thought this was a special story ~ considering most of us have been the underdog so many times.
  7. paula

    *Sweet Story*

    Here he is again! You can see the ribbon better. (my camera batteries were going down, so its fuzzy!)
  8. paula

    My first posting

    Hi and WELCOME! Wow, youve done very well. Have any good secrets you wanna share??
  9. paula

    Greetings to all!!

    Hi Maria! WELCOME to LBT.com. Hope to see you around often!
  10. ~~~HIJACK~~~ Chris - I DO love you! I felt bad after posting that list of names, cause there was a zillion more names that flooded my mind *after* I wrote that. I hate doing that kind of stuff (selecting a few) cause it always seems to exclude... and thats something we've ALL been through in our lives (being over weight) is exclusion. Exclusion hurts. Im sorry.
  11. paula

    Welcome back Becky!!!!

    Ive got chills. Thats neat!
  12. paula

    Welcome back Becky!!!!

    hehe. Just wondering, what made you two come back, now. ((The timing - TODAY.)) Was there a LBT birdie flying in your neck of the woods?
  13. paula

    Welcome back Darcy!

    My heart is singing for joy.... nothing better then seeing old friends. Darcy, Becky ~ WELCOME HOME!!! I have truly missed you two. Darcy, these words are so special. You are right - this forum DOES have so much good. Thanks for reminding us. (((hugs))) woohoo... Becky and Darcy are baaack! :clap2: :huggie: :Banane20: :clap2:
  14. paula

    Welcome back Becky!!!!

    :faint: Oh my goodness.... I am SOOO happy to see you. So many times I thought of you and Darcy. Welcome home, guys. Welcome Home! :peace: Happy HAPPY Day!!!
  15. I can answer this. (I think) For me, the relationships that we have formed on LBT have become more then just band/weight related. I enjoy reading most of the other threads that contain personal expriences/struggles/pictures of families, etc. Actually, THATS how we became so close - through the sharing of these personal things. For instance, last summer ~ my family moved. I posted a thread about us moving into my parents old house - and selling the home we were living in. Didnt have a thing to do with my lapband, but the support I recieved from this place was awesome. I was unsure of the decision, but Penni & Jack was two of the biggest inspirations in making me feel peace over this decision (regarding my kids having to adjust to another move - just 2 years prior to this). This board has been MORE then a lapband support for ME. Its been a "life support" board. Also, Im not in favor of leaving this place for another one. I dont even like the idea. Couple of years ago, I remember going to the mountains with Mikes mom. She told me a story while we were on the 2 hour journey. It was church related (Im going to link this to LBT, I promise!) As we were passing the different communities she said, "You see that place? Thats a church (it was just a shack). People belong to a big church, get mad at some of the members, and go out and start a new church. THEN - some of the NEW church members get mad, leave, and start another NEW church. It keeps going and going! If they would just learn to over look each other's differences. Cause there's unity in numbers, you know Paula!" Wonderful analogy for us here at LBT! Last year around this time (must be something with this time of year?!) Rebecca and Darcy started a new board. Many members left, some came back (thankfully). Now, again - another member (Kelly) has started a new board. Why? Look what we're doing! Just like the church thing. There unity - UNITY in numbers guys! I love ALL of you.... And it hurts my heart to think that I may have to leave LBT's site to look you up. And while Im on the church thing.... I think we all need to send up a prayer, white light, good vibe or whatever you do - for LBT! We ask it for ourselves and family members, why not ask it for this board?! (My hands are shaking - Im literally scared to send this through)
  16. paula

    Here's one of my birthday gifts...

    Not just for fun or looks, but a real sentimental tatoo. I like that.
  17. Donali, I agree. I dont mind reading them... until things get raunchy. The "access" to view these threads could depends on our birthdate, fromwhen we registered?! just a thought. Sure, some will lie. But it'll make those that are worried about minors reading it, feel better.
  18. paula

    It's Time :-)

    ...just take a little break. Please dont stay gone. I agree with everything you said Betty - especially this.
  19. paula

    Lap band and Xenical

    Kat, Ive never taken Xenical - BUT I have taken another diet drug while banded. My side affects were increased restriction and loss of appetite...which I welcome.
  20. paula

    It's Time :-)

    Oh my goodness, not YOU too!!! Im speechless. Honestly. You have been such a wonderful influence to me... in so many ways. Seeing that Ive had the privledge of meeting you in person, I feel a bigger connection to you then some. You touched my heart - my life. I am -from my heart- gonna miss you.
  21. paula

    Baby Food

    Hi Deb, I had babyfood during this phase. Just like you said, its a great way of measuring the amount you eat. Also - lots of yummy choices to chose from. Only bad thing - lots of carbs. I had to limit myself to 2 a day. Actually - that the secret to weightloss success... LIMITS!
  22. paula

    85 % Burnt - Stupid Stupid Me

    Christina, Like Michelle, Im a professional tanner (great catagory for us ) but my tanning is usually done in the sun. Your burn LOOKS bad - but thats pretty much what my first outting is like. Actually - when I start with a red body, I end up being darker... in a matter of days! Crazy, I know. Aveeno oatmeal stuff works good (so Ive heard). Ive only used pure aloe vera when needed. And to keep from drying out - Ive always liked the way creamy baby oil (J&J brand) worked on me. Its a lotion and oil mixed together. Good stuff! We gotta get you fixed up for that new hottie you have. *wink wink*
  23. paula

    Need some support

    Kat, You like cats or something?? hehe so, you are in Portugal? Neat! I think you are the first LBT member from there (I think). Glad to have you! And regarding WHO to tell about your surgery and when.... at the time I was planning my surgery, my thoughts were this ~ once I tell they will always know. Every time they see me they are going to LOOK for a weightloss. I will be open for public opinion! I didnt like that idea!
  24. paula

    Hamburger Meat

    Betty - I never thought of using lettuce leaves for the bun. Thats a great idea!!!
  25. paula

    My Mini NSV

    This has put a smile on my face! Kathy is right - noone else may understand ~ but WE do! Look out - cause there are many more to come. :confused:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
