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Everything posted by paula

  1. paula

    Eat Before Fill?????

    I agree with Betty. If you normally eat early, then try a protien shake - no solids. Oh and just as a FYI: remember after the fill, liquids for the first 24 hours! Good luck!
  2. paula

    Stainless Steel Sink advice needed......

    How true! Jenna, if you are going to sell your house soon, start de-cluttering NOW. Trust me, Ive sold 2 homes in 2 years with the 5 of us living in these homes - and sold it within a week (both times). By de-cluttering, this means allowing alot of baseboards to show. If you need to buy a storage room to bring all the extra, then do so. We stored alot of stuff in the attic - and brought tons of toys to the grand's. I love the cleaning wipes. These worked awesome for a quick bathroom/kitchen wipe down when a potential buyer was on their way (also makes things smell fresh). Which brings up another point..... the odor of your home. This is a BIG thing for the seller to deal with. One idea is to use baby power on your carpets for a light aroma (make sure you do this BEFORE you dust). I use glade plug-in's (tropical mist) in a couple of the rooms that have a stronger odor then others (like the boys room, and our entrance room). Some people light a candle, or spray a room deodorizer prior to a visit. These are just some ideas that come to mind.
  3. paula

    I Did It!!! (50 Pounds Gone Guys)

    awe Heather, 50 pounds.... thats Awesome! :confused: with this kind of success - youre gonna be our LBT poster child! :confused:
  4. paula

    How's the Hoodia working La Madam?

    Kelly and Bermy, I got the pills from the same place as Penni - vitaminlife.com; and I got the spray from my local health food store. Its actually 1oz (not 1.5 like I said earlier) and its made by Regalabs. Here is the number on the bottle 800-582-6991. Im gonna do a search and see what I find. If I find anything, Ill update this post. ***update*** no luck! I found a site that sold the regalab hoodia tablets - but not the spray. Try the number I gave, and if you have any problems, let me know and I'll ask the local store for her ordering info.
  5. paula

    My Film Trailer is ONline

    Hey Paul- Great job man! Where's the recent pics so we can compare??? (just incase youre not sure about this, we LOVE pics. :eek: So come on - show yourself to us!)
  6. paula

    Do you have a treadmill at home?

    Susan & Paul, Hows the treadmill? What do you like/dislike about this particular model? Im now shopping for one, so... :help:
  7. paula

    I am new to this site

    :welcome: Hi Billie! Glad to have you part of LBT! Lots of great reading, hope you have loads of time. Let us know if you need anything!
  8. paula

    to offset the bad moments thread

    Sales Pitch = its all in the wording! About a month ago me and Mike went shopping for travel trailers. Our salesman made a comment while showing us one with a full size bed, he said, "Yeah, this one should be big enough for the two of you - since y'all arent big people." If the price wouldve been right - we would own that trailer. Our bestfriends are Candice and Ricky. One day me and Candice went on a lunch date. Ricky came to meet us. While we were eating, Ricky started asking about my weightloss (they knew all about my surgery - he just wanted specifics). He asked my starting weight and how much I had lost. 249 starting, and on that day, I had lost 70 pounds. Candice freaked out - and told Ricky that he was RUDE for asking me that. Ricky's response: "But she looks so darn good, and Im SO proud of her. And I figured that now that she was small, she didnt mind telling me what she weighed before all of this."
  9. paula

    Endoscopy Questions

    Penni and Michelle, Do you have to be completely unfilled for the scope?
  10. paula

    Committment Thread to lose weight

    I commit to drinking at least 60oz's of Water a day. Im doing baby steps here. I need to get back to my basics - and this is the first place to start... water intake.
  11. paula

    How's the Hoodia working La Madam?

    I have some too! (me- the pill head) I bought the spray version - kinda expensive, like $35 for a SMALL bottle (1.5oz). It says to spray 2 squirts 15 minutes prior to eating. Didnt work for me. So I sprayed 4 squirts. I became SO restricted that I had to sip sip sip my Water - just like the days when I just had a fill. So yes, that curbed my appetite. THEN I got my bottle in (same as Penni ordered). Ive only taken 1 at time (meal) they are cap's and pretty large - hard to go down with the band. It gave me a little pick-up. Didnt do much for my hunger. Although I only took 1 at a time....
  12. re: FUPA Ive heard "Fatty Upper PUBIC Area"... not Pussy Area. Also, Ive heard that the male species have this as well. Right, Dr. DeLarla?
  13. paula

    Catholic? What are you giving up during Lent???

    Ive NEVER done the 'no-coffee' thing for Lent. TRULY - God would have to help me with that one.
  14. Hi Candice! Some people say that the Vitamin Biotin helps. You can find it at Walmart. Also - try increasing your protien. I remember when my hair was falling out post surgery - my mom's wig from 1970 was looking pretty good! *sigh* if its not one things, its another with us women!
  15. paula

    Catholic? What are you giving up during Lent???

    Kathy, youve got me laughing! I can SO relate. But, beware - this "Lent" thing last for FORTY days. The end being Easter Sunday. You know, this would be a neat challenge for us.
  16. paula

    American Idol

    Kim - I got it. Heart and Soul. :omg: HE IS GOOD!!!
  17. paula

    American Idol

    Kim ~ Is the internet police gonna come after me for downloading Hicks music on my puter? I remember a while back that was a big no-no. Just wondering about now. Dody ~ you better LOCK that boy up now! And his name is Dallas? oh my!
  18. paula

    Getting it off my chest...

    awe Kell ~ Im in the same boat myself. Lots of awesome words from wise ones here. Just wanted to give you my love and support. ((hugs))
  19. paula

    American Idol

    And whats the deal with Bucky? anyone into him?
  20. paula

    American Idol

    http://www.idolonfox.com/contestants/ Here is the site that shows all of their pic's. All 24. I also like Will Makar. You know, the Bobby Brady look-a-like. Isnt The Woodlands near Houston? How NEAT! If you click on a picture, another page comes up that gives you great info about that contestant. My face is melting.... :kiss2: A C E :kiss2: . You MUST click on Ace and read his info. What a sweet guy!
  21. paula

    why is YOUR nose bent out of shape?

    why is YOUR nose bent out of shape? My husbands damn dog. I H. A. T. E. that dog. If it wouldnt cause LOOOOONG term hard feelings, Id call the pound. He's so big that he hurts the kids (trying to play) when they go outside. He's ruined NUMEROUS clothes from biting the kids and they pull their arm away - then a hole appears. BeBe got a new bike (toy motorcycle) for his b-day in December - Damn dog chewed the seat off in a week. Cant go in the back yard with out stepping/smelling land mines. He's chewed all the flowers/plants that were planted - now the yard looks like a bomb went off. When our weinie dog goes out - the damn dog follows her around, licking, humping, biting her. THEN she comes in all wet - smelling like the damn dog. He sits at the back door - just gleaming in... probably at me. I hate him - he hates me. I keep telling Mike that that damn dog needs a better home life. You asked? I tell. Damn dog.
  22. paula

    Catholic? What are you giving up during Lent???

    Maysa, Im Catholic! Although those are wonderful things you mentioned for "giving up" - we have to remember that we are doing this for GOD, not for weightloss... hehe! I teach second grade PREP (catechism) - and last week we talked about lent. I gave several ideas on different things they could do: no sweets, no cola's, praying nightly as a family, no tv/video games on Fridays; and some other stuff. Their responses were hilarous! When I mentioned not drinking cola's - they were shocked with this thought! They wanted to know what they were going to drink INSTEAD of cola's. And the NO tv/video thing just blew them away.... LOL. Anyway... what Im going to do differently during Lent: 1. Im going to limit my computer time and increase prayer time (big one for me) 2. Have nightly prayer time with the family 3. Have -NO- meat on Fridays 4. Be nicer to my husband (bite my tounge more - hardest thing on this list) Glad you asked this. Sorry I wasnt into the giving up food. I feel like I already do enough sacrificing in that area. :phanvan
  23. paula

    why is YOUR nose bent out of shape?

    Im going to address: Groupies When I first started to post on this board, I wondered what I was doing to be "avoided". Once I started thinking about it, I realized that those that are keeping the LBT ball rolling here are (generally speaking) those that post pictures, have avators and (here's the big one) do lots of personal sharing. Those 3 things give everyone something to connect to. Hope this helps. oh - and to those that have spelling/grammer problems... I thank GOD when I see an error ~ b/c it reminds me of how blessed I am to be in the presence of such imperfect people (like myself)! ((hugs)) to all my imperfect friends out there. :scared:
  24. paula


    My -most- favorite food (for now :welldone2: ) is chips and salsa. ((makes my mouth Water just seeing these words)) Problem is, Im having a hard time finding a good tasting salsa outside of Chilie's or O'Charley's (or any other restuarant). So? This means I need to try making it at home. :nervous Any good receipes out there??

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
